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Okay Rockstar, Give Us That Red Dead Sequel Info

Grand Theft Auto V is out. Everyone seems to love it, don't they? Grand Theft Auto Online has come around after a rocky start, too.

So, doesn't that mean it's just about time to spill the beans on the new Red Dead installment? Isn't that next on the list? C'mon, just give us a little taste.

The interesting part is that you'll find a lot of gamers who are actually more interested in the Red Dead Redemption sequel, as opposed to GTAV. Of course, the latter game turned out to be yet another open-world masterpiece, so it's difficult to complain. At the same time, RDR's popularity was absolutely through the roof, and fans have been pining for a follow-up effort ever since. Prior to the game's release, the industry had been in dire need of a defining Western-themed game. Well, we got it with Redemption .

The only question is whether or not the new entry will be very much the same in terms of style, tone and structure, or whether it will be a distinct departure. Remember, RDR was nothing like Red Dead Revolver , which was essentially just a straightforward shooter. I'm guessing that because open-world formats are all the rage these days, and they'll only become more intricate and detailed in the future, that the new Red Dead will stick to that. But you never know… I also want to know if we're looking at a sequel or a prequel. Me, I kinda want a prequel, just because John Marsten is a confirmed bad-ass and I'd love to experience that period of life when he was an outlaw. That's how his story began, if you recall.

I mean, that's just sandbox gold right there. Being the bad guy is something so many of us end up doing, anyway, right?

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10 years ago

I'm more interested in a red dead sequel than GTA, loved san andreas, haven't played 5, but while I hate westerns, cowboy gameplay is just loads of fun and red dead did it right.

Totally off topic, but I just platinumed Ni No Kuni and it was some of the best 100 hours I've played. Love this game, have a huge backlog of games and part of me wants to just start Ni No over again.

10 years ago

RDR for me had to be the best western vid game thus far in the last gen console. Admittedly, I had not played any other for years. The last one being Outlaws. Others I watched friends play and they did nothing to make me buy them.

RDR was fun. When they action did happen it was intense for the theme and varied with what weapons one had at the time or were available via the storyline. Characters were there and added a bit of western tv/movie flavor, be they stereotypical.

But the game had it flaws. It was repetitive at most times. Its a game though and all games are repetitive, but usually the story helps break it up. RDR's story did not really do that, but heck, it was a western! RDR was like (GTA), I just wanted to get the missions or objective sover with. Not terribly exciting, still fun, but like every other mission before it with a different skin. The world was expansive, but found it to be rather empty with just pretty landscape which was static. The only break from the static was the soundtrack.

As was with many games using motion capture, the movements of the actors was also exaggerated. Granted it came out a long while back, games like LoU and even the Uncharted series, the acting and motion capture was top notch. Only the occasional over exaggeration.

I know this is not popular but it was very much like a GTA game for me, BUT its saving grace was it was a western and I am sure most of us when we were kids (?) played with friends the old cowboys thing. Maybe that was a 70's thing maybe. :/

IF they do make a second game with new characters or a continuation with those characters that remained at the end, I hope the make the world a bit more alive and dynamic.

It was a fun game, but far from perfect and really no game in the same theme really to compare it with. Still… fun.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Their site would indicate that Agent will be the next reveal.

10 years ago

That was revealed 25 years ago.

10 years ago

I mean ACTUALLY revealed of course 🙂

10 years ago

I thought I seen a trailer for it once. I can't remember though.

10 years ago

I want a prequel also. Even though vehicles were not a huge part of the game they were introduced in that time period and I want the time period to be a little more rustic.

However this certainly didn't affect the game at all. I also would like to move past Marston and see what they can do now. Marston is one of my favorite video game characters mainly because he did what he did for his family and paid the ultimate sacrifice for them. But we are past that now.

I also would like to see more settlements this time around. For the time period there just wasn't enough. There were some populated communities but not enough.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Not likely any time soon methinks. More likely that we'll see that Bully sequel and a new Midnight Club before a return to Red Dead, to say nothing of Agent.

I think that a sequel will stick to the formula of GTA, introducing a new character in a new, or redesigned playspace. It might allude to the character, or have you cross paths with him, but it won't be him. Just had a thought… What if you got to play as Landon Ricketts in his heyday? That could be interesting 🙂

10 years ago

Midnight Club! Please Rockstar… and make it next gen exclusive.

I feel so selfish cause practically nobody in this site talks about MC lol.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

It was Midnight Club: Dub Edition that got me interested in racers, so the series holds a special place in my heart 🙂 Would love to see the series make a return in the next generation.
Thou art not alone, daus!

10 years ago

Man idk which they go wit sequel or prequels either way that game going b bad ass but preferably prequel

10 years ago

not for a while they still need to announce the next gen port of GTAV first.
whenever they do a red dead sequel, i hope they go back to the old style of revolver that was so much better!
the missions layout and structure was allot more fun, the boss battles were so awesome, and it had a far heavier emphasis of the old west shooting.
the good old standoffs, really missed them!
it felt like a old western game, and not just GTA set in the old west!

10 years ago

They'll do so when they're ready.

10 years ago

I liked RDR, the environments, atmosphere, theme music, horse riding and characters were all great. I didn't think it was a great game overall though because there just wasn't much to do in the beautiful open world outside of the main story missions. Playing poker or dice, or going on repetitive bounty hunting missions isn't my idea of a fantastic time. And the main gameplay mechanic with that auto-aim thing kind of pales in comparison to the combat mechanics in a lot of other games.

I don't really care when they start putting out info on their next game. It'll be done when it's done, I don't need the hype train to start literally years before release and see literally hundreds of articles about it.

10 years ago

net gen port of gta v would be fine, just don't port gta o.

10 years ago

RDR was a masterpiece, Rockstar's best game by a landslide. Would love a sequel, but would like to explore a different time period. Instead of the days of the dying west, would love to see the west in its prime with another protagonist other than Marston.

Marston's story has been told, and there's no reason to go back in time to see his past because we got pretty good information on that in RDR.

Stil, I'd play it if they went that route. A new one on next gen would get me interested in PS4.

10 years ago

yeah well it'll definately be interesting to see what they do with it in the now new/current gen

happy gaming =)

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

You could play as the older guy he went to visit in Mexico.. What was his name again? He was bad ass too. He could avenge John's death. Red Dead is a part of my big 3 fav games ever. RDR, Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim. Nothin beats those three. IMHO, of course.

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