It was once known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII but it has since been renamed Final Fantasy Type-0 .
No matter what you call it, it's the new portable project from The 3rd Birthday director Hajime Tabata, and it holds a ton of promise. Thanks to Japanese publication Jump and a summary at Siliconera , we now have new details:
Specifically, we learn a bit more about two of the game's characters, Ace and Queen. Ace attacks with cards (weird, but okay) and Queen (the girl in the picture here) nails enemies with cool combos and "unspecified special techniques." The four nations in the game – Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, Suzaku – are at war and it seems everyone is waiting for the savior, Agito, to appear. Unfortunately, nobody really knows what will happen if and when Agito shows up so until that time, it's up to a few intrepid explorers to keep the world from descending into chaos.
To refresh your memory, here's a trailer:
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Type-0
Byakko, Genbu, Seiryu, Suzaku
I'm reminded of… That game… who's name I can't remember.. It's on PSP aswell..Kingdom of Heaven I think it was called.
Reminds me of Anime factions/characters:
Yu Yu Hakusho and a series I watched back in college, Fushigi Yugi.
It was Kingdom of Paradise I think you were referring to.
Yeah well FFXIII "held promise" as well and look what we got. Anything these days with SE or FF on the cover is going to need more than promises to get me to buy it.
No… anything by S-E for consoles is questionable. Their portable games have been Aces across the board. DQIX, Crisis Core, Dissidia, 3rd Birthday, Tactics Ogre… etc. But you're entitled to your dubiety.
Aside from FFvXIII, I agree.
Was hoping for this to be a lot of fun, but the fact that it's on psp and it's still not turn based has me doubting that it will be one of my favorite FF's.
Hoping it's good and that I'll enjoy it a lot anyway.
By the time this is out it will be dated though since we'll have the PSP2. Ace and Queen are both cards, maybe they are taking a Suikoden III route with the names.
And Gambit uses cards and he's cool.
True but you don't plan on buying a PSP2 until like…2027 so you will still have plenty of time to play it. 🙂
Of course, but you know how some people just pass up last gen games because they can't handle anything slightly dated.
I bet this will be better than Final Fantasy XIII.
Since SE can only do good on portables I would tend to agree.
sorry $E, but XIII left a scar nothing can heal!
your going to have to move heaven and hell while bringing back the dead to convince me to buy another FF game ever again!
I like this. It needs TWO UMDs! I trust S-E when it comes to the portable, and I can't wait to see if this really will be the PSP swan song. The new details are interesting though the seem a bit… not really… intriguing. It just feels like something I've seen before. Until I find something to convince me otherwise, I remain hopeful.
P.S. John… or Ben, or whoever wants to answer: Are you guys going to review Duodecim?
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 3/17/2011 3:33:48 AM
i have serious doubt about anything SE produce. not much interested, yet to be tested. SE products, from now on, every single one of it, needs to be tested before a positive conclusion can be reached.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/18/2011 1:13:39 AM