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The Darkness II Offends Swiss Police

Certain games are just bound to generate controversy. But we hadn't expected The Darkness II to top the list.

A reader has pointed us in the direction of a Switzerland source (not sure if the reader is Swiss), and it seems clear that the Swiss Police have a bone to pick with developer Digital Extremes. In the highly anticipated sequel, there are moments where police officers are killed, and the CPV (Swiss Christian Police Association) has taken offense. Here are a few excerpts:

"Politicians, game producers and sellers have been advised that such games be immediately removed from circulation."

"When police in England are the target of mobs running amok, it is important that police are not portrayed as the enemy."

But if you read the article, there are two sides to every issue, and an organization called Gamerights has said an outright ban would be too harsh. Here's part of their encouraging statement; this is from Gamerights co-founder Thomas Riediker:

"Unfortunately it is not new that certain scenes in video games are taken out of context and deliberately portrayed as the total goal of the game. Those against deliberately try to misinform, robbing games of their complexity and depth, portraying the most shocking and offensive view. Unfortunately that seems to be only partially effective."

Yeah, this is bound to make some headlines over there for a while. The question is whether or not the game will be pulled from store shelves…

Related Game(s): The Darkness II

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12 years ago

Video games are just video games, end of story. This is ridiculous. Video games are just a form of entertainment, and last time I checked most movies are far worse. I have no idea why video games always have problems like these when people should worry about things that ACTUALLY matter, not something that people just want to play.

12 years ago

The interactive nature of games freaks out people who don't understand them.

12 years ago

So in GTA when I sit in the hospital and shoot up the place and hold out for as long as I can against cops that's okay? But a Sci-fi or whatever you wanna call it shooter that kills cops is bad? Am I missing something here?

12 years ago

Actually in the article I read, the CVP also stated that they want to shut down some of the movies too.

12 years ago

But it's okay to hang onto Nazi gold?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


12 years ago

Details, World, Details

12 years ago

"When police in England are the target of mobs running amok, it is important that police are not portrayed as the enemy."

I don't know this guy is getting the idea that police aren't the enemy.

Anyhow people are blindly taught that the job of the police is to "serve an protect", yet what they don't seem to get is that police exist for the reason of serving and protecting the interest of the state/government as oppose the individual citizen. The same goes for standing armies.

Overall if there is one thing I learned from the massive riots that have been erupting globally, especially in the middle east the neither the police or military clearly aren't serving the interest of the citizenry, but rather of that of the state.

Does this mean I condone hooliganism? The obvious answer is no hooliganism is the greatest threat to private property rights.

Overall in a perfect world law enforcement would be privatized as oppose to the state doing it. Of course the only people I know who would be oppose privatizing law enforcement are those who prefer the socialist law enforement who constantly plant false evidence and beat up on people.

12 years ago

You want to privatize the *Police*??? Are you for real? LOL!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/13/2011 2:41:45 AM

12 years ago

He's either a Republican or an officer of OCP.

Let's see, privatized law enforcement… Blackwater…citizens as target practice… yup seems like a great idea.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/13/2011 2:53:03 AM

12 years ago

privatise the police :O

12 years ago

you're crazy man, privatizing would only cause even more regulatory issues.

12 years ago

You speak the truth, except that just privatizing law enforcement won't fix the underlying issues. Most prisons at this point are privatized but that doesn't make them more humane or stop them from cutting deals with government does it? Not to mention the private drug industry, the list goes on which just goes to show that the world faces much bigger problems than whatever easily offended groups can rashly claim are the horrifying dangers of playing the vidya games.

12 years ago

and this is different from so many other games how?
sigh, why is it always Christians that stir up this bull sh*t?
i said it once, twice, and ill say it again.
religion is the work of the devil!
if anything should be banned its that, especially considering all the brainwashing its done!
hell look at a family friend of ours, got 2 kids a 23.. son and a 12 daughter.
both are not allowed to watch anything rated over G for crying out loud!
and surprise surprise there extreme Christians.

12 years ago

Dude, drop the generalizations. Any sane individual, religious or not , would agree that your friends are taking the whole parental censorship thing way too far. And their kids will suffer for it in the long run.Extremism , no matter what the type, is always bad.

12 years ago

"You want to privatize the *Police*??? Are you for real? LOL!"

An entity that constantly intimidate, plant evidence, threaten and use extreme acts violence aka government run police..Are you for you real?

"Let's see, privatized law enforcement… Blackwater…citizens as target practice… yup seems like a great idea."

Its interesting on how you bring up Blackwater, but the truth to told just like lockheed and the many other defense contractors out there they are just another arm of the government. And for the record, I ain't no Republican.

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