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First Borderlands 2 Details Arrive

Borderlands 2 has been confirmed, and new details from Game Informer have already hit the Internet.

As summarized at GamingEverything , the initial info should satisfy fans of the original. It's not exactly specific or overly detailed, but it gives us a good idea of the sequel's environment, atmosphere and gameplay. Here's a snippet from the available list:

We weren't the biggest fans of the first game, but it had a lot of potential for a follow-up effort, and co-op is a definite highlight. Personally, I'm sort of hoping to see more in the way of environmental detail and diversity ( Borderlands felt bland to me), and you know, did we really need a gajillion entirely useless weapons? Having so many available is great, but quantity isn't quality. Just a few ideas, that's all.

Related Game(s): Borderlands

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12 years ago

Totally agree. Borderlands was… Decent. Not my favorite shooter but it had its good moments. It definatly needs a story. The first one was pointless and if ur used to the best shooters money can buy, it does seem very bland. I definatly was dissappointed in the guns. Sure they promise a gazillion guns and only a mere 10% were worth using. Some really stupid AI too. You know… The only really great part was co op and some of the rpg esque elements. The sequel needs a lot of work b4 ill buy that much is certain.

12 years ago

I loved the first Borderlands!! It felt to me like the perfect FPS and RPG hybrid with some comedy and satire thrown in for fun. It is also an example, Ben, of one Western game that doesn't take itself seriously, like those Japanese games you mentioned.

Am looking forward to Borderlands 2. I wonder if it'll have a save import feature for the first game? Awesome feature in Mass Effect and Infamous!!!

12 years ago

If I read this right. I do not think it will.
As it says
Vault Hunters from the first game will be NPCs.

12 years ago

"Vault Hunters from the first game will be NPCs" -> I think that's an *excellent* idea! This is one of my favorite entries in this list actually.

Clever use of the fact that they never had much personality in the first game, now they can pretty much give them any personality. And it will be awesome to get a new set of characters to choose from!

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 7:21:59 AM

12 years ago

Im glad we cant use the same characters, allows for a totally fresh new set of characters. Then again, i wouldn't mind them as well as new ones either

12 years ago

I can't wait, if I wasn't gunna be in University when this comes out it'd be day one..

12 years ago

Still haven't tried the first one, but I usually tend to stick to the same 3 guns in any given game cuz that's all you need, I like environments, and nobody has been able to explain to me how it is like an RPG yet.

12 years ago

You level up your characters skills and class. Each kills gives you XP to level up your character and increases health and I suppose your character customization counts a little too (even though you only change colors). It's really called a Role Playing Shooter though.

12 years ago

My only issue is that sounds a lot like the way things are with online multiplayer, and those types of upgrades and things never manage suck me in. I think the first one is cheap though, so I'm not saying I'll never try it. Maybe i should just get the demo to see.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/5/2011 11:15:25 PM

12 years ago

If only you pc gamed, thanks to Steam it's really hard to play any mutliplatform games on my ps3 again. Just wait for the insane steam sales, I've seen borderlands drop to 5.99$ before.

12 years ago

You are missing out man. Awesome game because of the character building elements… also Co-op makes it so much more fun.

The guns also have level requirements and cant e upgraded in the first one so you are constantly changing guns when you find a better one of which you character is adept at using

12 years ago

Thing is, I could buy actual games for the cost of a graphics card, and then play them on a big ass TV.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/6/2011 1:40:49 AM

12 years ago

last i check, you can game on the pc, using your tv

12 years ago

Yep, and it's a common feature in a lot of video cards now compared to how they used to be.

12 years ago

Last I checked, I need my PC over on my desk for work.

12 years ago

In reply to your original topic in this thread, I would not call this an RPG at all. Even "rpg hybrid" is a bit misleading in my humble opinion.

Some call Mass Effect 2 a "shooter with rpg elements", something I do not agree with at all – it's the other way around.
Borderlands however, is *definitely* a shooter with elements "stolen" from RPG games. In addition to classes and skills you also got mods in the shape of equippable "cards" that alter how your grenades work and gives bonuses ("buffs") to certain skills and damage types.
All that is very rpg'ish but not enough to call it a rpg by a long shot. This is *not* an rpg. It's a wacky, silly, crazy shooter, that's what it is. 🙂

Regarding all the guns: You don't use all the guns you find. Most of them are easy to see if they are better than your currents. So it's not really that much an issue. It just makes looting more interesting.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 8:28:00 AM

12 years ago

You are all missing the main "RPG" element to the game!
Story Progression!

What I'm referring to is:
It's all open world and you progress through the story following the Get Quest from NPC, Complete Quest, Turn in Quest, wash repeat.
It's Dragon Age with GUNS!
I am a huge fan of Borderlands, one of my few Plats, and have over 200 hours into one character! That's across 2 1/2 playthroughs. The online co-op, lan support, and local co-op are all solid and count towards your overall character XP and perks.
I highly recommend trying Borderlands, but really, it's best played co-op. If ya do get it, hit me up on PSN and I'll join ya!

Talked with the devs. at PAX '09 when they were demoing this. Funny awesome guys! One kept talking crap about Brink! (Couple booths away)
Interested to see what they do with 2!

12 years ago

Glad to hear there are quests.

12 years ago

my pc isn't near my tv, but i can still use it on my tv. the magic of cords that can reach. Your pc can stay where its at, all im saying that the argument of 'i like playing from my couch, not my desk' isn't really all that viable when its been possible for some years now to game on ur pc from ur couch

If you've ever played Diablo 2, it has an extremely similar feel as far as the loot system goes as well as quests goes. The skills system is somewhat similar also, but each class only gets 1 skill they can use, the other skills you can put points into after each level are passive, but damn good ones

Last edited by aaronisbla on 8/6/2011 6:19:02 PM

12 years ago

Borderlands is one of my favorite games. Perfect example that graphics don't make the game. So I'm pretty psyched for a second entry.

As far as the guns go. They wernt useless unless you wernt using them. Just like any rpg you can only carry so much equipment anyways, so the same could be said for any game with over 10 or so weapons. So why not mix it up for the player to literally be able to choose exactly what he/she wants in a weapon cus it'll definitely be out there.

My favorite thing in an rpg or rpg esque game is looting. My one wish everytime I loot… "please don't gimme something I already have!" in borderlands that doesn't happen. Its exciting to see what you can pick up.

But your right quantity isn't quality, especially in borderlands. The extensive weaponry didn't make this game! What made this game was the gameplay, and the co op. The co op was done well and any developer implementing co op in any sort of rpg game should take a look at borderlands.

Can't wait for the second game!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/6/2011 12:08:21 AM

12 years ago

currently still farming Crawermax for pearlecents

12 years ago

I totally agree with your views on Borderlands, Big. Loot is cool. Always have been, always will be. And the pure luxury of *always* being excited of what might turn up as loot in Borderlands – even if most of it still was trash – well that's something I'd not want to be without.

The good guns are hard to find though. But once you get them, omg what a change it makes. I really *love* my smg with flame charged bullets combined with a class card that gives bonus to fire ignition (I usually play as Lilith). That's a bulletstorm of fire alright!

And like you said, other developers really should take a long hard look at what gearbox did regarding coop play. In my opinion it's a showcase of how it should be done in these kind of games. I found no flaws whatsoever.
Some critics have mentioned that a loot share system should be in place, but I am strongly against that. One should leave this sharing to the players.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 7:38:09 AM

12 years ago

yeah lilith is one of my favs. I normally use her with a double anarchy smg with mercenary or one of the rare class mods. It may not burn, but it shoots four bullets per shot, extremely fast depending on the gun. Combine that with her passive skill mind games, and you will have a great chance of slowing enemies down if they dont die outright

12 years ago

I like the sniper, Malakai I think. Played a few different ways with him and what's great is my second play through I got completely different sniper rifles for him. Some really BA rifles for sure!

12 years ago

he's another one i use a lot, he rocks. i often switch between pistol/revolvers and sniper rifles. The defiler is such a badass revolver, tons of corrosive damage from that. Got one that does over 1200 damage, doesnt even include how much it does over time.

As far as sniper rifles goes, Volcano is standard, but pretty common as far as legendary guns go. I really like that Orion too, as well as the Skullsmasher.

12 years ago

Great game, looking forward to it. Dragon Age should have incorporated a similar loot system, like Diablo 1 and 2. Nothing says meh like finding an bronze dagger late in the game on Dragon Age Origins

12 years ago

I thought Borderlands was an amazing game. Really liked the drop in and out play for co op. Plus there still was a offline co-op and a single player mode. Finding different weapons all over the place was great too.

Like Dancemachine55 said the comedy and satire made this fun to play.

Last edited by KingRed on 8/6/2011 3:01:04 AM

12 years ago

please tell me they got rid of the infinite spawning enemies!
gets so frustrating being forced to do a task, but then being forced to defend myself against a bizillion enemies!
so which one am i suppose to do?
im only one man i can only do one thing at a time!
they need weapon mods too, it would be so cool if you could mix and match weapons like what insomniac do.
maybe have a flamethrower on the end of a machiene gun.
or a grenade launcher at the end of a sniper rifle!

12 years ago

What Insomniac game are you referring to?

12 years ago

Have to say, looking at the screenshot… it does look good!



12 years ago

Yo they'd better make those skill trees actually mean something then. Seriously. Needs much more variety on how you can progress.

12 years ago

I found most, if not all of the skills to make a significant difference once you put enough points into them.
But whatever they do, I hope they at least keep our option to pick skills from all trees, and don't force us to choose one of three main directions.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 9:00:29 AM

12 years ago

Top, top game. Best co-op i had this gen too. You can bet Randy will put that in the next Duke game, he's hinted as such.

Then it'll come full circle from Duke influencing Borderlands to vice versa.

Anyway, Gearbox are becoming masters of the FPS genre…not solely based on quality, but other things such as their trademark, unique styles, risking big money on saving one of the most iconic, loved, bad arse franchises ever and saying "Eff you" to the industry in the meantime…and offering antidotes to military shooters.

Randy's a cool guy.
Speaking of Duke, we probably won't see another Duke from him for awhile due to multiple big projects already in development from him, but nonetheless, it already sits in my top 5 most wanted games…simply because Randy is gonna deliver a monster the industry most fears! I can feel it…

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 8/6/2011 10:53:19 AM

12 years ago

@Lotus: I am going very off topic now, but I promised you a feedback on the Prince concert last Tuesday so here goes:
Omg it was *much* better than I expected! As it stands I actually think it was the best Prince concert I've ever attended. Man, it was good. 100% pure funk almost through the entire concert, and twice he filled the scene with members of the audience, who even lined up around the piano while he played. Omg what I could not have given to stand there, then…!
Also, I've never seen him *so* in touch with the audience, communicating, enjoying, and interacting with the crowd. It was a pure pleasure to see.

A shame that he's become too religious now to play some of his older work, but at least he toned down the religious tone in this concert, and that I am very grateful for.
All in all, an almost magical experience. Before the concert I said to my buddies that this is possibly my last ever Prince concert. Now I am not so sure anymore.

But I got a question: Is it common that he *opens* with Purple rain? Cause he did so this time at least, and that in itself was such a surprise. It's like he said, "ok now let's just get done with this song and start having some *real* fun".

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 11:47:11 AM

12 years ago

That's amazing!

I'm a huge follower of the purple genius, i keep up with everything and yes, he opens up with Purple Rain at times and plays it like it's the last time, every time!

He's become such a brilliant performer since his mainstream re-acceptance back in 2004. He's just become exactly what is said about him after every show, the ultimate showman, the ultimate musician, the ultimate superstar. EVERYONE can have fun at his concerts today and to be quite honest, i'm glad he's family friendly now. We lost MJ, we need a huge influential man to always be there for younger folk, Prince fits that bill now.
Sure, i'd love to hear Erotic City or Days O Wild, but he's just so good today that i don't entirely care anymore!

Glad he was on form with you guys too.

12 years ago

I don't understand how co-op in Borderlands 2 is a definite highlight.

That, and the first one is junk. Terrible hit detection and hit feedback. Possibly the worst scope graphics ever. Missions ripped right out of free online mmorpgs and a loot system that felt absolutely worthless. Add to that a good amount of annoying glitches and Borderlands 2 has a lot to prove.

12 years ago

… It's a highlight because many of us enjoyed the coop featured in the first game?

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/6/2011 4:24:24 PM

12 years ago

just wondering what makes you say the loot system was worthless. Thats how a loot system should be, they learned well from Blizzard's Diablo 2

12 years ago

I'm ready and excited. YES!!!!

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

A small robin just told me:

This game will also have extras like secret areas and Gearbox tag on weapon or weapons.

12 years ago

Yea definately not junk… Not goty but not junk. Yea alienage it sounds like uve only played by yourself. The game is doubly entertaining with a buddy. In fact I only play that game with a friend. I do hope they do away with cell shading. For me its a little disorienting imo.

12 years ago

Loved the first game! Looking forward to a sequel I just hope it runs a bit smoother this time around on PS3.

12 years ago

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