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Sony Encourages Internal Studios To Support Move, 3D

If you haven't tried Killzone 3 in 3D, you're seriously missing out. Guerrilla's latest also offers PlayStation Move support.

And this support is something Sony wants to see more of from development teams. IndustryGamers asked PlayStation software senior brand manager Scott McCarthy if there's a "mandate" in place for internal studios to look at 3D and Move. McCarthy replied that while Sony isn't forcing any of their teams to utilize both 3D and Move, it's still encouraged:

"Whenever we come out with new technology, whether it's Move or 3D, there is always the request that goes out to the [development] teams that says, 'Hey it would be great if you could implement it.' We know that adds to the layer of not only the marketing message we have access to but it also adds to the availability of different Sony channels that we can broadcast our message out to."

It's Sony's technology so for the most part, it's up to them to deliver it into the homes of consumers. By having their own teams produce titles that support both 3D and Move, it puts the new technologies on display more often and in turn, should result in more support from third-party developers. 3D games like KZ3 and Gran Turismo 5 are intense, and Move-compatible titles offer a whole different way to experience the action.

We're definitely looking forward to the future.

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13 years ago

When 3d is not a premium and a more finetuned home tech, I will be interested. Right now, no. Especially with the possibility of causing even more migraines after just 30 minutes which is a possibility personally with me.

13 years ago

Nintendo says after every 30 minutes of 3D play you need a 15 minute break away from their 3DS.
3D is not where it should be, it will get better, Headaches and eye pain form 3D should be fixed and their will be no need for glasses soon either. 3D tvs will get better and cheaper. 🙂

13 years ago

Well the thing is, Nintendo is simply trying to cover their butts when they make such disclaimers.

Last year Nintendo made the claim that 3DS could harm kids eyes. Remember that one? That was bullcrap. Eye doctors were of the opinion that Nintendo was exaggerating.

The real problem with 3D at home, is that even in 1st world countries, the technology is too expensive for most consumers. Add to that, the fact that a lot of people hate the idea of having to wear those 3D glasses.

Besides, giving the 3D treatment to their games, probably costs the devs some extra cash and man hours. I think they would rather spend every dime and cent on the game itself… and not go over budget trying to fit in a feature that very few within the gaming population will actually enjoy.

13 years ago

I don't think 3D should be forced on devs, not saying Sony is forcing, because at its price right now isn't accessible to everyone and would just be a waste of time.

Move, I'm not too keen on either. It would be a nice addon for games but shouldn't be the main focus of core titles. I'm just not a big fan of motion tech,I would rather sit down and play with the standard controller.

13 years ago

Well Killzone 3 is your game…Obviously its not the main focus, but it is a very nice alternative to the DS3 if you want to play the same game but as a different experience

13 years ago

If only 3D TV's were cheaper… in the meantime games should support Move more than 3D.

13 years ago

It's a chicken and egg situation. If there is no content no one will buy the 3D TV. If there's no market for 3D TV there's no reason to develop content for it. Just like HD before it, the content providers have to lead the way and push the new content in 3D to create the market.

13 years ago

Agreed, its kind of a double edge sword in itself….it could be a VERY deadly weapon to wield…or….a big sharp knife you can cut yourself on

Im glad Sony is doing it the way they are…Got faith in em and their business plan

Last edited by Snorge on 2/28/2011 1:56:02 PM

13 years ago

They should have move for god of war with chains of olympus attachment so you can swing the controller around to kill those gods

13 years ago

And how many people would be calling their tv repairs shops in that coming week….that would prob be an EPIC Fail….no disrespect man

13 years ago

more meant as a joke than anything.

13 years ago

The 3D I myself don't really care about right now as I don't have a TV to support it but Move would be cool in more games. It's pretty cool on KZ3 but I need to practice with it a whole lot more.

13 years ago

I agree with Highlanders comment above. Sony has to push the issue because they sell 3D TV's and they sell the PS3. It's in their best interest for this thing to take off.

I will admit 3D is kinda gimmicky (to say that it is not necessary, but it is a nice addition). But it is also amazing as hell. CoD:BO, GT5, and KZ3 are all amazing games, but playing them in 3D really adds a little flare. I still feel like I would not have liked Black Ops as much if I hadn't played the whole thing in 3D (maybe it was just still new to me). KZ3 is awesome in 3D as well, but I do find myself playing more in 2D.

I don't mind Sony pushing studios to utilize 3D and Move, so long as it doesn't take away any of their time from making the best games possible.

13 years ago

I think this is going to put the move in a whole other category. The Move is already awesome tho, but this would really spike up the sales..for sure!

13 years ago

With the PS Move, all that's required is ease of use and hassle free gaming. The rest will take care of itself.

13 years ago

I'd still love to see what can be done by integrating Move controls into Home and then putting that all into 3D. That combination would make Home an awfully inexpensive virtual reality system. It would, ironically, make virtual reality a reality for more people.

13 years ago

@TheHighlander That would be something to marvel at…hmmmmmmmmm

13 years ago

my concern about 3d is that we already see games that struggle with frame rate issues and screan tearing. gt5 for example. i'm still waiting for games at 1080p and at 60 fps. can this gen of consoles really push 3d without taking a performence hit?

3d seems more like a novelty right now. maybe it will take off, but the price has to come way down. a lot of people don'r like the glasses so i think that's a barrier as well.

as for the move, it just needs more content. that dancing game on the 360 seems to be real popular. move needs something like that if it's even possible. i have about zero interest in a title like that, but i'm for anything that drives ps3 sales.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 2/28/2011 1:40:37 PM

13 years ago

The only reason that game is so popular is becuase when the Kinect came out, every 3 seconds you saw that commercial….has anyone seen ANY Kinect commercials recently…?…..oh only before christmas….wow..what a coinkinky-dink…..Move will come into its own soon enough

Kinect was popular due to the media blitz…and will be a let down (if not already)…Move will be popular mostly by word of mouth

13 years ago

SingStar (as just one example) already supports dance using just the eye, but also the whole Move controller set.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but there is in fact very little that Kinect can do that move can't, and a whole lot that Move can do that Kinect can't.

The optical camera in Kinect is actually inferior to the camera in the PSEye. The major difference is the active infrared scanning that Kinect does. However, Kinect only makes use of a single emitter/sensor pair, so it can't actually see in 3D either optically or in the infrared region. Kinect can use the Infrared sensors to detect movement, much like a security system does. That's pretty much it.

Move marries actual physical input via the controller, and the motion, orientation and position of the controller within the field of view of the camera. As a result more complex input is possible and far greater accuracy of tracking is possible compared to Kinect.

The difference between the two comes down to infrared motion detection vs controller input and 1:1 motion tracking. Both can detect option optically without the other elements. But that would be less accurate and sensitive on it's own; Kinect uses infra-red make the detection more sensitive and accurate than optical alone. Move has the controller to achieve high accuracy and sensitivity.

As for a dancing game, PS Eye has full body motion tracking games dating back to the Eyetoy on the PS2, Microsoft's Kinect dancing game is marginally more advanced than those old mini-games for the EyeToy.

13 years ago

@TheHighlander When it comes to these dance games that become popular, its not the technology where you should place your focus on. But on the FUN factor. Casuals are more interested in that, than in what console has the biggest wang in terms of technology.

Core gamers, we always get into these tech arguments and whatnot. But if we're going to talk about casual games, we must try and think as they do.

Now, there are a lot of these type of games out there. But only a few manage to capture the attention of casual gamers. Ubisoft's 'Just Dance' franchise is the current leader in these type of games. Just last December, Just Dance 2 sold 5 million units on the Wii alone.

Now that is something the Move could use to become popular. Ubisoft could produce an exclusive title for the Move. One that uses all its unique features. Once you put the Move on everyone's radar, then you will see more support for the peripheral.

13 years ago


The point was that Kinect is not inherently better for a given class of game. A game will be successful if it is fun – as you point out. However the original post pointed at the Kinect Dance game and wondered whether that was even possible with Move. The answer of course, is that yes it's possible. That's a technology question and I gave an appropriate answer.

13 years ago

I'm glad they're suggesting and not demanding. Sony needs to push it, but not at the expense of the games. Some games might not benefit from one or the other and it's better that sony let the devs decide what is best.

It's nice though that they have this option now, perhaps devs can get some fresh ideas from the start involving move and 3d. This way it won't seem like it was thrown in at the last minute.

13 years ago

IMO, the more new tech we can get our hands on, only adds to the gaming experience

I'm all for it, so bring it on(I just need for the 3D's to drop some more in price, and also include the free starter kits too)

13 years ago

Amen! I have a 3D tv….and Killzone 3…but no starter kit…thats the ripoff! I refuse to pay for all that at such an outrageous price!

13 years ago

I don't have anything against Move or 3D, but I'm just hoping that all these future PS3 exclusives coming this year or the next aren't allocating an enormous amount of manpower on developing for things that only a minority of people will ever see or use.

I'm a little concerned about this lately, looking at newly released blockbuster exclusive titles like GT5 and KZ3, both very highly anticipated games, and both receiving a little less than stellar review scores and looking a little rough around the edges. Hopefully that's not because the developers decided (forced or not) to spend more time and money on Move and 3D support than making the best game possible…

13 years ago

i don't see anything wrong with kz3. it looks spectacular. it took some hits on story in the reviews. so what?

i was a little dissapointed with gt5. screen tearing, uneven presentationl, 8 bit shdows, clunky menu…i don't know what happened there, becuase in the past gt games have always been some the best looking games around. it's still a good game, but it is rough around the edges.

i know pd is updating gt5. you can now adjust the gear ratios. this is great, but what about people who aren't online? i just wish kaz would pick up the phone and get some coders i n there to clean up the 8 bit shadows. that would be great. surely it's possible.

i hope adding 3d to gt5 did not cuase problems.

13 years ago

Look, I'm not saying they're bad games. I'm just concerned that the two latest big highly anticipated blockbuster exclusives have not been 100% polished and a little rough around the edges, which could imply that a little too much effort was spent on other things…

It's not like Move and 3D support will just magically appear in new games without significant effort by the developers. Looking at KZ3 for example, even if you don't look at review scores it's not a very good sign when a lot of people say that the previous game was actually better in many ways, and looking at some reviews it seems a lot of the problems they're complaining about could easily have been fixed with some more polishing.

13 years ago

If I win that 3D tv through Roll Up The Rim To Win, I'm in.

13 years ago

Honestly, 3dtv's aren't that expensive anymore. I mean they are but you can get a good one for $1200. Starter kit and all. Ordered mine yesterday and can't wait for it to get here. 50" Panasonic Plasma. I'm thinking KZ3 will reach a new level of awesomeness once i throw on them glasses!!! I already know that the Move support is spot on and definitely worth trying. It's actually how i prefer to play. So much fun even without the sharpshooter attachement.

13 years ago

It's cool that Sony encourages their internal studios to use both 3D and Move support as long as they don't start to demand it. After all, both are only gimmicks to add on to the overall gaming experience. They don't make or break a game. If a blockbuster like Uncharted 3 came out using neither one, I'm pretty sure that its sales wouldn't be hurt by it.

13 years ago

I've had 3 or 4 sessions with the Move – playing Killzone, and as I tinker with the settings, I'm enjoying it more and more. Definitely picking off quicker headshots from time to time, but still get a little flustered at other times and lose track of the cross-hairs, I'm just so used to them being in the middle 🙂

My niece and my cousin's kid were round playing that building blocks game (tumble?), and when I dropped them off, they were asking their mothers to get them a PS3.

13 years ago

that's great news. i'm for anything that drives ps3 sales.

there are some awesome videos on youtube of people using the move. i think it was it was an in depth walkthrough of using the move on killzone 3. i stumbled accross the site in the coments section of cvg. it was under an article titled kz3 tops uk charts.

anyways, the guy in the video has a thick european accent, but he really kicks butt with the move. he walks you through calibratation…the whole 9 yards. pretty awesome video.

13 years ago

Move, I have not tried it yet, some sweet games are coming out for it right now. I am planing on picking up the Socom 4, move bundle for only 150 bucks with the game, move contort, navigation controller, the camera and the Sharp shooter. Then I will try it out with Kill Zone 3. 😀

3D, It is just to expensive right now. It also causes head aches and eye pain. I think I will wait until those problems can be fixed(if they can) and also until you don't need to use glasses to experience 3D. Then, the price will be cheaper. The 3D will get better and the prices will drop.

13 years ago

I think that this whole Move thing is starting to look more and more like the introduction of six-axis, when Sony apparently had some sort of reward for those who added six-axis support to their games. You remember that period when almost every other game had some pretty meaningless, or downright idiotic six-axis "features" where we had to shake it to jump or use it to keep the balance. You all remember?
Oh man, I'm glad those days are over. I felt like a total schmock sitting there jerking the controller like crazy to get a high enough jump in Katamari – until I discovered that they also had mapped jumping to R2. 😀

It had to be some pretty good bonuses from Sony too. I mean, how else can you possibly explain why even huge titles like GTA and Uncharted had some rather slapped-on six-axis support.

Not that I'm saying there is no future for Move but it's range of use definitely has it's limits.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/28/2011 6:42:43 PM

13 years ago

i thought heavy rain made good use of the six-axis. it has it uses, but it has kind of faded away. surely the move will see more content, and uses.

13 years ago

Heavy rain and Flow. That's two titles… 😀

Oh and I agree with you, I'm pretty sure there will be some memorable Move-moments. Look forward to it too! I doubt it will happen this year, though.

13 years ago

I thought Six-axis worked great in Uncharted for example when you had to balance on logs to cross a river or similar. I think it's too bad it's not used more than it is. If anything it's one of the most underutilized features of the PS3.

13 years ago

Oh heavens yes!!! please implement the move controls. ESPECIALLY IN 1ST PERSON SHOOTERS. PLEASE.

13 years ago

I'm sorry but six axis and the move controller are two totally different things when it comes to playing games. I'm no tech wiz but you really don't have to be to understand six axis limits and move limits. Move has far more capabilities than the six axis will ever have. It just doesn't feel like a gimmick in Killzone in my humble opinion. It honestly just feels like a whole new way to play. Which is awesome. It truly gets me excited for what may come in the future.

13 years ago

i love both of them when there done properly.
but thats the problem, they very rarely are!
KZ3s move controls are near perfect it really shows that the game was built for them not them being sticky taped on just before launch.
sadly i cant say the same about 3D though, nothing on the ps3 has really impressed me, far better things on the PC, but the best on ps3 would be pacific 3D rift.
move controls too, so rarely done well.
hell look at TRON, they tacked move controls on just for the light cycle sequences which take up, what a hour of the 7+ hour game!?
or deblob 2, a fantastic game but WTF is the point of having move support if theres going to be no motions?
all you use are the buttons on the move controller, theres no motions at all so whats the point?
why not just use the DS3?
just a lazy tack on by the developers to try sell a few more copies for the people who are looking for a move compatible game.
do me a favor guys and gals, if your not going to bother doing something properly……. DONT DO IT!
as the saying goes anything worth doing is worth doing properly!

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