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Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Outed, Headed To Arabia

When you're as big as Uncharted , perhaps it only makes sense that you get outed by Entertainment Weekly .

Rumors of the third installment in the critically acclaimed series have been floating about for a while now; we knew Naughty Dog was working on it, but the developer has remained mute on the subject. However, as you can see by the big unveiling above, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception should be on store shelves "late next year. They say "details are light on the game's story," but apparently, the plot will revolve around Drake and that wisecracking mentor of his, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, who has been in both Uncharted offerings thus far. No word on Elena or Chloe, although we're gonna guess that the cute blond journalist will return.

As for the setting, previous speculation was correct: Drake goes to hunt for a lost city "on the Arabian Peninsula and its bleak Empty Quarter." Partially inspired by the real-life adventures of T.E. Lawrence, they'll be focusing not on the military stuff that earned him his "Lawrence of Arabia" nickname, but on his archaeological career pre-World War I.

As for gameplay details, we'll be looking at expanded co-op and multiplayer modes, improved reverse climbing, and a new skill that will let us target multiple enemies at once. And yes, as if you needed the confirmation, Drake's Deception will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3. Okay, so wait…bear with us a moment: is it really possible that Sony will have Uncharted 3 , Resistance 3 , Twisted Metal , and The Last Guardian out for the holiday rush in 2011…? Based on the recent news, it's a damn good possibility…

Related Game(s): Uncharted 3

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13 years ago

YEAH!!! I cant wait to see the trailer. Consider this game bought!!.

P.S. I'm so happy!!!

13 years ago

the teaser trailer is already out there, check it out

13 years ago …….. check out the teaser yippe

13 years ago

The teaser is freakin awesome WHHOOO!!!. I feel like running around my neighborhood a few times, I,ll be back in awhile. YEAH!!!!.

P.S. I'm so happy I think I'm going to cry!.

Last edited by MadKatBebop on 12/9/2010 1:19:40 PM

13 years ago

Don't know about anybody else but I'm saving my money for 2011 right now..Killzone 3, InFamous 2, Uncharted 2, Resistance 3, and Last Guardian..and that doesn't even include a few multiplats I might pick up..

Uncharted 3 in Arabia just sounds off the charts. I can't wait to see what they do graphically..U2 had some of the best graphics out there

13 years ago

Your a smart man, I wish I had prepared for the next year. But I'm making Uncharted 3, Deus Ex HR, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Infamous 2, Ghost Recon FS and Killzone 3 my top priorities.

P.S. I'm still so happy!

13 years ago

And count me in also on Ratchet & Clank All 4 One

13 years ago


As happy as I am about this, what the hell is "target multiple enimies at once"? I don't like the sound of that…unless it means dual-weilding, lol.

13 years ago

Its probably something along the lines of dead eye in red dead redemption, which is a fantastic targeting system. But i highly doubt it will be implemented the same way. Itll be different, but maybe it will be that sort of targeting system.

It sounds fine, especially when playing on crushing, it could be a very useful tool!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/9/2010 10:55:18 AM

13 years ago

I'm thinking it'll be dual wielding weapons or ability to string your melee's together

13 years ago

Dual weilding, might be. What about thrown weapons? Throwing stars, or perhaps some kind of boomerang that loops round and hits as many enemies as you can target? I don't know, there are many possibilities.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/9/2010 11:40:23 AM

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
13 years ago

I read somewhere else that it's for hand to hand combat – not shooting.

13 years ago

YES! This is with out doubt my favorite franchise, mainly because drake is a normal dude, it feels more relatable in a way. I feel like drake could exist somewhere along with all the other characters. I guess its more of a tribute to naughty dog tho, and the atmosphere, characters and story they create!

Really looking forward to this one!

13 years ago

Nate was over my place last week. Beers, Pizza hot wings and GT5 all night. It was a blast. I just love that guy. Hes a funny mother……er!

And he owes me 50 bucks!

13 years ago

OMG, i didnt expect to hear any news before VGAs, but this is awesome…can't wait to hear more on this.

Last edited by AshT on 12/9/2010 10:58:38 AM

13 years ago

the question then becomes, what will be that exclusive that Sony will unveil the day after the VGA?

13 years ago

I wonder if this was that game, and it was broken early by Entertainment Weekly?

13 years ago

If that's the case then it's somewhat of a bittersweet moment:
bitter since I expected a new IP or a reboot of a past PS series to be announced, that plus many kinda knew U3 was almost confirmed given that Nolan North had mentioned his activity with said title.
Sweet though since it's friggin Uncharted for late 2011!

13 years ago

U3, KZ3, LBP2, Infamous 2, Last Guardian, there are too many AAA exclusives next year, wow.

13 years ago

This isn't necessarily a bad thing 😉

13 years ago

It is unfortunately… A double edged sword. So many epic games. Start saving your pennies.

13 years ago

AMAZING! More Drake and Sully! I love their chemistry. Maybe they should treat U3 like the Harry Potter movies and have a new chick in each game like they did with Dulmbordor. U1 = Elena, U2 = Chloe (and Elena)….U3 = ??? hahahaha.

Hey Ben, can you clarify the "improved reverse climbing" comment?

13 years ago

Chloe got ya hooked eh

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, not sure what they mean. I actually have no idea how the climbing can be that much better.

13 years ago

@ Slugga

No…………..ok maybe just a little, lmao!

Last edited by Snorge on 12/9/2010 12:24:43 PM

13 years ago

I <3 Chloe 😛

Last edited by Clamedeus on 12/9/2010 1:18:26 PM

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
13 years ago

I really hated Chloe… Wow, nearly everyone here loves Chloe! Maybe they need to let her trophy body go… Maybe people will like her less then…
*Hits send on e-mail to ND about Chloe's new appearance*

13 years ago

@Gamer Girl Gemo

It's not the body for me, it's her personality and how she handles herself. She has a nice body no doubt but i need more than body. It's the personality for me and a sense of humor to match it. That's what hooked me.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 12/9/2010 2:21:40 PM

13 years ago

doesn't Chloe now fall into the category of "Last Year's Model"?

13 years ago

Yeah its not about the body for me either….although it is a plus…its moreso her personality, and her "swag". And her voice *shivers*

13 years ago

@Snorge I agree, that's what i mean. 😛

13 years ago

@Gamer Girl Gemo

I liked Chole because she was voiced by Claudia Black. And I think Claudia looks hot in real life anyway so there ya go. Also Claudia was in Farscape which was a kick ass show.

13 years ago

I'm very much looking forward to seeing what they do to revamp the co-op multiplayer. If you can play the whole campaign with co-op, I'd die a happy death. The fact that they're giving more screen time for Sully and adding interesting new features to the combat and platforming makes me giddy with anticipation. Naughty Dog, I love ya to death!!

13 years ago

If they can pull off two person co-op within a story mode, that would be awesome, but I'd really want the story mode to be single player. Having the option to do a co-op play through using a separate save would be great, but if they make any element of the game, or it's trophy system, reliant on multi-player of any kind, I will be a tad upset. But having the ability to play with friend in a co-op version of the story campaign would be great. More enemies I would imagine, but it would change up the dynamic since Drake often has someone with him, only now it would be a real player, not just the AI.

13 years ago

Nah co-op woth the main story should remain obsolete in this series! The game relies heavily on climbing, puzzles and story for drake. To add co-op to thr main stry would greatly depreciate what weve come to love about the franchise.

The addition of co-op in uncharted 2 was good because it was sort of an alternate adventure! It needs to remain that way!

Bringin two players into the main story would take away so many great elements of this franchise!

13 years ago

I don't know how to explain this but I actually got shivers reading this announcement for Uncharted 3. This is my favourite game of ALL TIME and I know ND will produce a stellar title once again!
Cant wait to get to some treasure hunting while riding a camel. Nathan Drake ftw!!!!

13 years ago

As long as Chloe is in it, I'm in, though even if she isn't, I'm still buying it.

If they got this many exclusives, then I suppose TLG will most likely get pushed in early 2012, it's just a hunch should they got 2 or 3 exclusives already for Q4 2011.

13 years ago

By the gods 0_0

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

As soon as I read that I heard Kratos' voice, and then he added 'I've been upstaged.'

13 years ago

Looks like I'll be watching this award show for the first time. I can't wait to see what gets shown. After we clean up the mess from soiling ourselves, you just know we'll all be on here talking about it!

Also, it's nice to see Naughty Dog isn't out of touch, seeing as how they're beefing up the online play.

2010 was kinda dry as far as exclusives go, but 2011 looks to be one of the best ever!

13 years ago

Great! Absolutely fantastic! Nice to know that Victor "Goddamn" Sullivan will be back! Cannot wait to see more of this! I hope they bring Chloe back too, but seems unlikely… damn, Chloe could read the entire phone book and I'd still be entertained…

13 years ago

They already have it posted on the playstation website. Craziness. Here's the link:
And the blog:

Last edited by mykjessnjr on 12/9/2010 11:34:26 AM

13 years ago

Well, let's just say…Chloe must return…

I like the sound of all of this. Especially the release window. But seriously Claudia Black must return.

Next holiday season looks to be quite the jam packed time…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/9/2010 11:35:15 AM

13 years ago

I think Chloe was my favourite character in Among Thieves, she had a nice a** =)

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
13 years ago

Ugh, I hated Chloe! I'm really hoping she doesn't come back… But, if Naughty Dog wills it, it shall be done! Haha 🙂

13 years ago


I totally agree.

13 years ago

chloe was cool and had a great personality, but some people here aren't total pervs.
elena is more interesting imo. besides, didn't drake and her hook up?
i want them both to return, but i want elena to keep the lead female role

13 years ago

Awesome. I also read it might be in 3D though my faith in 3D has died a little after playing GT5. I haven't experienced GT5 in 3D though i have read it's the cause of some of the graphical problems in the 2D experience. I hope this isn't the case as I would be greatly disappointed if Uncharted 3 didn't lift a bar(even if its small) because Sony wanted 3D to take priority over 2D.

13 years ago

I still don't care about 3D. I mean it's nice and all, and a lot of people may care, but I can't – yet. As soon as someone comes up with a decent solution for spectacle wearers I'll sign up. Polarizing the pixels on the screen similar to the way that the RealD in the cinema works, would be fine, as long as I can get some clip on polarizing filters. I hate the parallax lens 3D that let's you view without glasses because it has horrible viewing angle problems, and it's well suited to multi-viewer situations. So, I'm still waiting for the right technology for me.

13 years ago

I am closer to your point of view then I was a few months ago. I played with 3D again yesterday at my local Sony Style Store. I gotta say, for the price of admission, its not worth it right now. The TV i was looking at was $1800, which isnt bad for the TV itself as it was a 55" Sony Bravia, 3D LED backlit 1080p 240hz, it was the price of the 3D start kit that made me leave. $400 freakin bucks for the start kit. I would much rather Sony make the 2D experience top notch then focus on 3D at this point. Especially with their franchises like Uncharted. I'd rather they not use their big names as a test case for 3D.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/9/2010 12:06:08 PM

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