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MAG Update Adds “Happy Hour,” Better Lighting, More

If you're still playing MAG , or you haven't touched it in a while, you should be aware of the latest update (perhaps for incentive purposes).

Zipper Interactive has updated their 256-player online shooter to v1.07, which will be downloaded the next time you attempt to log in. First up is the addition of a "Happy Hour" Double XP bonus; you will receive double the experience for the first hour of a new 24-hour play period. Suppression will join Sabotage as a "Faction Neutral" mode, which allows any PMC to battle each other on any Suppression map, and updated versions of the Flores Basin (Raven) and Alyeska Terminus (Valor) Domination maps are now ready to go. Zipper has also gone the extra mile by tweaking the lighting effects for slightly more appealing and realistic environments, and they've addressed a few problems with bugs and glitches. Lastly, the update allows for faster download and patching code that will let the developers update the game with more content at a faster rate. As more and more people dive into MAG , the designers really need to keep up with the increased activity.

Much like PlayStation Home, MAG is very different from when it first launched. With a myriad of updates, expansions and new game versions, it has gotten much better over the course of the year.

Related Game(s): MAG

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14 years ago

MAG is telling us not to ignore her with her recently plastic surgery #smh
guess i got to answer the phone..

14 years ago

When my brother and I played the MAG demo, it was fun. Maybe they should think about putting out another MAG game, or releasing an expansion. This way it stirs attention to it once again. Go Playstation.

14 years ago

Haven't touched MAG in a few weeks, even then I played only one or two games. I got tired of trying to work for the objectives on the large games, simply because no one works as a team. Admittedly, not so much an issue on the smaller matches.
Maybe it's proof that FPS's can't really succeed in the Massive game realm the same way as RPG's thrive?

I applaud Zipper for attempting such a feat. I think it's good that they're still maintaining and improving on this game. I just believe that people who play in the FPS genre, are so used to free-for-all death matches in other games, that on large scale battles, they still have this 'How many people have I killed?' mentality instead of thinking about the larger picture in achieving the win for the team.

I find BF:BC2 has a more team spirited approach (most of the time, same to be said for the smaller MAG matches), unintentionally perhaps, but because of the smaller number of people needed to coordinate, it just works better.

MAG has gotten quite a following in it's first year. It's a good shooter, I'm just not sure it's the future of FPS's. Sometimes smaller is better.

14 years ago

I agree that a lot of shooter fans spent too much time playing deathmatch in COD and now come into more team oriented games trained solely to shoot at the opposing team instead of fulfilling the objective.

I've noticed it quite a bit in MAG and BFBC2. I'll be playing Rush mode for example and the enemy will plant the bomb at an MCOM station and literally no one on my team will even try and defuse it. They'll all just stay in whatever spot they've staked out and wait around there to get few more kills. So to all my fellow shooter fans, work as a team, or go back to playing Deathmatch.

Rant over.

14 years ago

Yea i see that and also sumtimes they'll be tank behind the station and no1 does anything

14 years ago

i dont give them time to defuse it. either i bring down the whole damn house to destroy it or i just blow it up with rockets or whatever.

14 years ago

Well when the gaming market gets flooded with an untold number of generic shooters teamwork goes out the window. Most young FPS players only know how to go "pew pew pew" because that's all the generic games (MW2 for an example) have them do.

I say games like MAG (huge numbers) and BC2 (environment destruction) are a part of FPS future. We need more team based game that let us do more than just kill any and everything around us.

14 years ago

Happy Hour is a great idea to get people to log in each day. More companies should catch on with that. Love it.

14 years ago

my game has crashed after installing the game, i just cant get into it
it keep saying "cant connect to server please install the last update"

14 years ago

The servers are down.Zipper knows this and has Sony techs working to manually fix them. Sometimes things jam, all it takes is time and a blunt object.

14 years ago

i hope you are right , its been around four hours ,ill wait for next morning and ill see if nothing happened ill delete the installation data and reload all updates again the problem about it i only have 10 GB for my internet as a download limit every month

14 years ago

The servers are back up and running according to the MAG forums. Now go and shoot something.

14 years ago

i just found there is another inside update for the game which is around 350 MB here I am downloading it

14 years ago

A patch for an online shooter?! All the online FPS haters are going to have a fit!….right?

Try as I might, I just can't get into MAG. It sits there in my collection, jealous of MW2 and BF:BC. I find the guns to be pitifully weak…maybe I'm on the wrong team or something.

The graphics look like PS2.5 quality. If that's a sacrifice due to the quantity of possible players, then that's a sacrifice I wish they did without. The large amount of players don't bring anything extra to the table besides some added confusion.

I love the idea of the "Happy Hour", so I'll probably give it another look.

14 years ago

I haven't gotten this game yet, but I'm still planning on it, but I'm waiting to find it for a good deal. I'm really glad to keep hearing how much they take care of their game.

So many devs just put the game out, slap a couple of add ons onto it and then ignore it because they have their money.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

One of these days, you guys are going to learn that all spam and REPLIES to spam will be deleted immediately.

14 years ago

thank god. i hate these spammers.

14 years ago

I lurnt my lesson 🙂

14 years ago

Dont you people think that this game need another review after all this time as Ben has mentioned"MAG is very different from when it first launched. With a myriad of updates, expansions and new game versions, it has gotten much better over the course of the year"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

We might revisit it on the one-year anniversary, or something.

14 years ago

I truly think the thing that killed off some of MAG's community was the timing of its release along with its price. Good game but BFBC2 keeps me away from it

14 years ago

The MAG community is far from dead – whenever I go on, there's 4000+ people, which is pretty healthy for a new style of shooter that's very much at odds with the usual gameplay approach of your average CoD or BC2 FPS player (lone wolf, KDR, all that stuff – just talking your average player here as well, I know there are team players, but I've played both online, and know they're few and far between).

What MAG needs is more than just the mic as a command tool for PLs and OICs – once they can set things similar to FRAGOs, it'll make communication on the battlefield far easier.

14 years ago

by the way on the command structure how can i contact with other or higher commanders?

14 years ago

Hold up on the D-pad and use L2 and R2 to cycle. L1 and R1 mute you or your squad, don't know what does what.
SL can talk to their PL and the other SLs in that platoon only.
PL can broadcast to their entire platoon, their SLs only, or the other PLs and OCI
OCI can broadcast to everyone or just to the PLs.

Take note that when you're a PL or OCI don't spend a lot of time in broadcast. Give an order then get out and trust the SLs to do their jobs. To much time in broadcast only makes people mad at you.

14 years ago

Sometimes it is just running commentary. I would like the ability vote out a OIC who won't shut up in a second.

14 years ago

i was in stalling the update and it kept getting stuck on six percent it drives me crazy can u help pls!!!