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Twisted Metal Info: No 3D/Move, Single-Player Details, More

Update: Jaffe has clarified his comments on the single-player portion of the game, and they're well worth reading. Check them out.

Original Story:

If you're all about the new Twisted Metal , you'll want to read Eat Sleep Play co-founder David Jaffe's latest comments.

He dished on a number of topics at this year's Comic-Con event and the first piece of news is that his new car combat game won't support either PlayStation Move or 3D. Based on the short answer of "no," Jaffe clearly isn't interested. But we're interested in the single-player details, as we've been hearing all about the multiplayer aspect since the unveiling at E3. For the campaign, you will be able to play as Dollface, Mr. Grimm or Sweet Tooth, and that character's story will show you how that particular character became the monstrous suicidal driver he (or she) now is. Helped along by "live action cut-scenes," we'll get three difficulty levels and as an added twist, each of those difficulty levels will get its own ending. Hence, there should be a total of nine different endings for the three characters. Oh, and they also showed off a new level called "Rooftops," which is played exclusively on – wait for it – roofs, and it's a nighttime level, too. Those of you who remember the New York rooftops level from Twisted Metal 2 probably know exactly what to expect.

Lastly, the new game will support local two-player and four-player split-screen entertainment as well as the local split-screen online. We just can't wait for the insane awesomeness!

Related Game(s): Twisted Metal

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13 years ago

Any release date for this? I'm seething for the moment to send some homing missles at sweettooth..

13 years ago

Wow, only three characters? Seems rather…low. I do like Mr. Grimm though.

13 years ago

3 storylines and 9 endings for a car combat game seems low? Most car combat games are lucky to have a story at all.

13 years ago

kraygen: Yes, they seem low. Compared to the older Twisted Metals, this is kind of a downgrade.

13 years ago

I'd say "kind of a downgrade" is an understatement. The first Twisted Metal had 12 characters and Black had 15, each with their own ending.

I'm still really looking forward to this game but I have to say I'm disappointed with what I'm hearing about the single player mode. I mean, they were going to make the entire game online only! It makes no sense to me that they would want to scrap the only mode they've ever had. I'm thankful they reconsidered and added in a SP mode but I'm not sure they're giving it 100%.

13 years ago

Hmm, it looks like there are actually four playable characters in SP, you forgot Priest.

13 years ago

Only 3 characters for story mode? 🙁

Well the good thing is that since it's only three it might be REALLY detailed and gruesome instead of super short clips.

Rooftops level sounds sick (and dangerous as always). It always took more strategy to be good in these kinds of levels than in ground levels. So should be fun.

What I really want is more media (images/movies) of the game!!!

13 years ago

Alright! Good old fashion split screen 2-player Twisted Metal. That ramps up some good nostalgic memories.

13 years ago

Agreed with everyone else, why such a low amount of characters? Ugh…could put bloody mary or calypso or axel…ggrrr…oh well, I'm sure I'll get it but it makes me a little sad.

13 years ago

4 player split screen as well?

Seems like graphic isn't high on the priority list but who cares when we can have fun together and the gameplay is all that matters.

13 years ago

The lack of Move and 3D support doesn't bother me one bit. The 3 characters part does, but I like the idea of more detailed stories, and multiple endings. I always like motivation to play through again. As for rooftops and split screen… 😀

13 years ago

I wasn't really expecting anything for Roadkill, but I'm still sad he doesn't have a SP campaign.

Three is awfully low. Although there is always DLC, I'll bet Jaffe adds at least one or two more campaigns.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

So, no mention of the story being played out through live-action cutscenes? That was the thing that really surprised me when I first read this.

Now given that there are only three characters and everyone is confused, I'm guessing that there are usually a lot more, but perhaps they'll each last ten hours?

As for no Move and 3D support, so be it. Neither is high on my priority list, and neither would bump this game up on my care factor. Call me when you've got a release date, please and thankyou.


13 years ago

3 characters is weak. I am still however super stoked. I want minion back as a playable character.

13 years ago

Yea, the 3 character thing kinda hurt. but it's still in development right?

13 years ago


No 3D?
No Move?
And an extreme focus on offline multiplayer???


13 years ago

I don't really see how 3d or move could enhance this game anyway, so it makes perfect sense for Jaffe to just say no.

13 years ago

Glad they didn't waste any time to put Move on it.

Who the hell wants to drive with Move?

13 years ago

Some might. Regardless if one likes it or not, it's nice to have options.

13 years ago

For everyone worried about the only-three-characters thing, remember that Jaffe wanted to make this TM a multiplayer-only game. I mean hey, at least it's there.

13 years ago

Didn't even know this game was solely made for multiplayer. Nothing wrong with that as this game caters to that type of gameplay, but why no single player in the first place. David Jaffe is really sticking it to single player oriented gamers, but then again, it's his product so he can do whatever fits his preference…right?

mad pony
mad pony
13 years ago

I'm confident they'll nail the gameplay, which is all I really care about in this game. 3d would be nice for those inclined though.

13 years ago

This game is going to amazingly awesome ! Why are you people sad about only three story line characters? Most games only have one. I can't wait . The last time I played TM on the PS1.

13 years ago

holy sh*t i think i need to get me some glasses, did he just say a ps3 games getting split screen?
its so annoying when games support online co-op but dont support split screen, cough resistance 2!

13 years ago

I never play Resistance 2 but I heard it had split-screen?

Well anyway, dude, Modnation Racer had split-screen too you know…….

Then again, it's very rare for AAA PS3 exclusive titles to have split-screen.

I do think they should make more games with split-screen, otherwise what's the point of the PS3 capable of suppporting 7 controllers.

13 years ago

tis i question ive been asking for eons!
R2 did not have split screen.
MNR does have split screen but allot of my mates dont really enjoy those types of games, they give me slack for playing kids games like that and R&C.

13 years ago

Um, yes, R2 did have split-screen, it just wasn't for the campaign.

13 years ago

If you think modnation is just for kids you haven't played it, that sp campaign is hardcore to get all the challenges beat.

Modnation may have a kiddy look to it, but it can be downright challenging.

13 years ago

again the comprehension skills of people on this site baffles me!
i did not say i think MNR is a kids game, i said my mates dont like playing games like that because they think their kids games.
god i have to explain myself less to my freaking 7 year old nephew less than you lot!

13 years ago

speaking of comprehension, I was referring to your friends, who you yourself said they called it a kids game.

13 years ago

damn so my favorite cars are not gonna be there :(, I want either thumper or outlaw plz jaffe

13 years ago

The way it sounds is that they will still be in the game, only not with a single player campaign. I don't think the multiplayer will only have three cars. That would be ridiculous.

13 years ago

Twisted metal was the first game I ever got on the original PS in '95. My favorite thing about the twisted metals was the replayability and being able to complete all the different story lines. I really hope they add more people to the single player, I'd hate to not be able to play as thumper or roadkill two of my favorite characters.

13 years ago

The reason why there are only three characters in the single player campaign is that they are the leaders of the three factions around which the story and gameplay are built.

You all have every right to be disappointed that this game is different than previous TM games, but it's (probably) not going to be like TM Black with only 1/5 the number of playable characters. Each of the three "stories" will (hopefully) be a deeper experience.

13 years ago

"around which the story and gameplay are built"

You mean around which the multiplayer is built. It very much seems that the single player experience is being backwards engineered from the multiplayer game they set out to make.

13 years ago

I actually wrote "multiplayer" first, then changed it because I wanted to emphasize the potential for a deeper storyline.

13 years ago

I'm not all that upset that they aren't doing this game w. out 3D or move, good to stick to their roots and just do a good ol' twisted mettle xD

13 years ago

This is a big change for this old franchise, its been around since the beginning of the PlayStation 1.

13 years ago

I'm not that deeply dissapointed that the SP campaign only has three characters, assuming this means the story will be playing a much bigger role than previously.

I mean in TM black for example having the SP campaign for each character didn't add much story wise, aside from two short cutscenes. But I guess some would say, better that than nothing at all.

Ofcourse i'd much rather they do this for all 15 characters, a good story about how they became who they are. But I guess that would be too much to ask. And i'm assuming you can actually play with about 15 characters in multiplayer, at least that's how I interpret the article.

Don't really care about Move or 3D.

13 years ago

Maybe they will make extra characters as DLC.

13 years ago

Interesting update. So all 16 vehicles will be driven but the story will be about the three characters previously mentioned.

I hope they incorporate this into the story though, how come they can all drive the different vehicles.I'd still feel a bit weird driving Axel's car with Sweettooth, hehe.

Definitely excited for TM

13 years ago

I know…Sweethtooth driving Axel's car…lmao. It's a game so it's not that serious, but then again…it kind of kills the atmosphere.

13 years ago

So instead of getting a story from different perspectives like we did with Black, we are given 3 different ending for 'only' 3 different characters based on difficulty…that's pretty ridiculous. It is rewarding for people like myself who like to beat a game on multiple difficulties, but then again theres only 3 characters. TM never did that before, why now…oh because this game was made for multiplayer. Makes sense, but then again…I would still like a pure Black experience. The game still is going to be fun, but I'm still on the fence towards a purchase…need to see reviews.

13 years ago

im really excited as i've always wanted a background story on how sweet tooth became the killer clown he is.

13 years ago

live action cut scenes suck

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