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Ambitious YouTube User Presents The Last Of Us In Cinematic Form

The Last Of Us boasts one of the better stories in video games, but not everyone likes games.

That's why YouTube user Grant Goegtle decided to prepare a cinematic presentation that focuses on the game's plot.

He's worked on the project for the past month, and the result is a movie that requires no interaction on the part of the viewer. Yep, it's just a movie that highlights all the important story-related scenes in Naughty Dog's critically acclaimed title. Said Voegtle in a recent interview with The Verge :

"I was hearing that people wanted to share the story of The Last of Us with their family, but they just didn't have the time to have them sit down and play the entire game. Hearing that and knowing that I could do that for people—that's been the most motivating thing so far to keep me working on it."

Now everyone can appreciate the solid story in The Last Of Us . And when you watch it from start to finish this way, it's actually quite gripping and compelling. Check it out if you're a fan.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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9 years ago

Nice work

9 years ago

I hope Sony shits the project down for using their material. It seems that anyone these days can just ignore copyright and just steal a franchises popularity for their own investment. I'm sick of it.

9 years ago

Doubt Sony would bother shutting down what seems to be in essence just another type of Let's Play.

9 years ago

If only the story were good enough to stack up against the better stories that exist outside of the low standards of the video game medium. As it is, it's merely decent.

9 years ago

I agree, but I think it's unreasonable to expect there to be stories of the same quality of the best of the best from other mediums. Movies as a medium from it's first inception are about 120 years old now. Video games as a storytelling medium are only around 30 years old.

Personally, I'm happy with what it's achieved within it's own medium. In that sense, it's pushed the envelope, and when you stick your neck out a bit like that, you're taking a risk. That in and of itself should be acknowledged and praised.

Besides, it's not like their character development was poor. While not "best of the best" in relation to the best movies or books, the character development was still pretty good. And that is the most important part to a good story.

You use those character development skills to center within a great story, and you've got something special. Especially if you can also interact with it. (It's also not a great medium for strict drama, so keep that in mind, too)

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/4/2015 5:55:00 PM

9 years ago

nice work for sure, but way too much time on your hands, unless you put it together over a few days.

happy gaming

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