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Time To Be A Man: Defend Your Guilty Pleasure Game

The term "guilty pleasure" implies that you're hesitant to admit it.

Well, no more. Cast off the shackles! Defend your favorite guilty pleasure game to the death!

You love it and you're convinced that if others just understand your fascination, they wouldn't be so quick to judge. For me, it has always been Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball . I don't own the games anymore (ditched the consoles I needed for 'em) but I had a ton of fun with them, and I don't care who knows it. I'm not one for forming bizarre crushes on fake animated girls, nor do I have any special affinity for volleyball. But you know, it was dubbed a "leisure" game and to be perfectly honest, that's precisely what it was.

It always relaxed me. There weren't a lot of locations to play in the game but each one was just downright serene. I also really liked the gameplay because it rewarded strategy and timing. The points went on way too long, especially toward the end of your stay on the island, but that's okay. It always put a smile on my face and that's that. You can make all the jokes you like; doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Okay, your turn. 😉

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9 years ago

I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this one but I liked duke nukem forever. Yeah you read right. Was it the game I was hoping for? No. But it was fun. The humor and references, albeit dated, were still there. Relatively few glitches in my two playthroughs and I had a blast in deathmatches spewing one liners with friends. Tiny dukes in a big *ss kitchen with rpgs……goodtimes. liked the story dlc too.

9 years ago

Alien Colonial Marines.

Don't care what the reviewers say. What the people and masses say. That game was so much fun with friends, you wouldn't even understand. It had lots of problems, but, it had lots of moments that made it all worthwhile as well.

The bugs were often hilarious. Like seeing aliens running around in circles then suddenly leaping at you out of nowhere. Gameplay was solid enough to enjoy, as both marine and alien, and at the end of the day the game had more fun moments than negative ones.

Plus it was less buggy and glitchy than AC Unity. Anyway, my guilty pleasure game is Colonial Marines.

9 years ago

I wish they'd do a new DOA beach volleyball game for modern consoles.

Hard to pick just one. I like to dress up (or down) the gals in JRPGs and fighters. There's these great idolm@ster imports where you just have cute girls pose for you to take pictures. Oneechanbara: Large chested zombie slayers. Hard to beat that.

A life without perversion is a life unlived.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Damn I ain't about that life. I ain't living.

9 years ago


9 years ago

No you aint, go get yourself some visual stimulation son. I sentence you to a game of Lollipop Chainsaw or Catherine, and a Superhero movie or Cinemax flick.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/29/2015 10:42:42 AM

9 years ago

The project diva games. I like j-pop and vocaloids but I'd find it hard to play them in public.

9 years ago

Same here. I thought I'd gotten over it after playing a ton of Space Channel 5 on the DC and Unity on the PS2 but I still feel weird firing up the Diva games while the family is roaming around the house.

9 years ago

My fault. Went to pop it in the PS3. It's named Unison not Unity.

9 years ago

I dont think there are any games that I am ashamed of admitting I played or enjoyed.

I think Dota 2 is something I don't like letting people know I play because I have like 2000 hours or something of that game played. I was off from work from a back injury and had 4 years to kill….

So its not the gameplay of Dota 2 but the hours I put into it that I don't like to talk about 😛

I also liked the sequel to Brave Fencer Mushashi, and it pretty well sucked and was buggy, I don't tell many people that I liked it but I really did.

9 years ago

I was thoroughly aroused by Fl0wer.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Game was arousing.

9 years ago

That's not a guilty pleasure. That's just plain pleasure.

9 years ago

thats xanax

9 years ago

Hmm I'm not really ashamed of anything I play, since I play just about anything. So I'll just pick the music games genre, the Guitar Heroes, Rock Bands, the DDRs, Bust A Grooves, DJ Maxes, and even the Just Dance games. I haven't tried any Project Divas yet, but I'd like to try it.

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

The only game I've ever been hesitant to tell people I play, was back in the ps2 days when I had a brief Guitar Hero stint.

9 years ago

i don't know if there are any really i haven't ever own or played a game that was a gulity pleasure but i've though about games like DOA or DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball and catherine but more just wandering if they were any good

happy gaming

9 years ago

For me a guilty pleasure was Alice Madness Returns.
Objectively speaking the game was not that good. But it had this trippy, trance-like atmosphere I loved and by god: That girl was… Well… Yeah. Guilty pleasure indeed.

9 years ago

oh yeah I had a lot of fun with that, even bought her different dresses.

9 years ago

yeah it as a pritty good game for what it was

9 years ago

Mine Is Rumble Roses.I Really Enjoyed The Game

9 years ago

Maybe not that guilty, but don't get closer.

The Harvest Moon games, it is just some nice little games, the first and only JRPG with no fighting i played but you instead take over your grandfathers farm.

9 years ago

I enjoy Harvest Moon as well. Still happy that I managed to woo Nami in A Wonderful Life on my first playthrough while still having both Muffy and Celia at max affection.

9 years ago

Offtopic: Why there is no news about Project Code Z which is ps4 exclusives and will be revealed on 31 january??? Game director might be Motomu Toriyama.

9 years ago

There is 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/29/2015 8:45:33 AM

9 years ago

Me dummy 🙂

9 years ago

For me, it's the cartoon-ish games… it's a little embarrassing when the kids walk in and I'm playing Rayman or Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter, etc. I love those games, but they don't exude that 'grown-up' vibe.

9 years ago

Kingdom Hearts. I mean, they're amazing and all, but my wife's family (none of which play games) have a hard enough time with the fact I play video games let alone me playing games with disney princesses in them.

9 years ago

I grew up in a harsh environment where street cred was everything (stick with me, i'm getting to the point in a bit). I had received the reputation of a popular pretty boy with extreme anger problems, leading me to always being challenged at school from jealous guys who thought I could be picked on just because I was very quiet.

After a few stints in alternative school during my middle school, and around the time I entered high school, a game came out that if anyone saw me play back then, i wouldn't be here to type this story. (They would have beat me to death)

That game was Animal Crossing for the gamecube.

It was my little sisters game, but when she got it on christmas and I watched her start it, I swear it was like the grinch…I could feel my heart growing inside me. I was instantly hooked. But of course I had to sneak my play times in any chance I could. I couldn't WAIT to get home to check out Tom Nook's store to see what new trinkets I could buy for my little house.

Back then, the game's popularity was beginning to soar, and I heard the little kids in the front of the bus talk about it daily. And all the "cool" kids in the back with me would shread them to pieces for playing such a "gay" and "kiddie" game. (I'm not homophobic, just using actual examples for emphasis).

All day everyday, Animal Crossing was on my mind. I Poured in atleast 1000 hours into it over a year and a half. I made sure I was on every holiday to get that new holiday themed gift and send mail to all of the little critters on the game.

Until i learned how to change the gamecube date and clock to jump around time…which actually ended up killing my enjoyment of the game.

Man…if any of you tells anyone this, i'll murder your soul.

9 years ago


9 years ago

It's still early in 2015, and already top post candidate shows itself…

9 years ago

Touche, World.

And just trying to be honest Underdog.

"When in Rome…"

9 years ago

The LEGO games. Especially the LEGO Batman games. I spend more time on them than other games. They are a blast and take me back to the old days.

9 years ago

Leisure suite Larry. I just can't help but try to get that poor bastard laid. It's been a while since I've played any of the series. It was pretty difficult to discuss that game with any depth as I was always afraid people would think I'm beating off to it… Which I wasn't. I never find robots or CGI to be arousing. Kinda creepy, if anything.

There, I said it! Haha

9 years ago

Catherine for me. I enjoyed the box puzzle climbing a lot.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Tetris. Was fun and the music was addicting.

9 years ago

i suppose now that i think about it a bit more the sex stuff in GoW was the closest thing i think that would be it.

happy gaming

9 years ago

… I used to play free online multiplayer dancing games Audition and HighStreet 5 to the point that I actually spent "a lot" buying clothes for my avatars. That's not even the weird part. I actually played as female avatars …

9 years ago

Singstar for me. Love a sing a long now and then.

9 years ago

Soul Calibur IV. Custom costumes and ladies galore. SC5 wasn't near as good. Any DOA game from 2 on, especially with the swimsuits and Theater Battle.

Then there's Bullet Witch, which wasn't great, but she was gorgeous. And Bayonetta, though she liked hearing herself talk far too much.

Something sexy about Zero Suit Samus, too. Watch out for that cosplay.

9 years ago

Guilty pleasures? Well, I got a copy of Modern Warfare 1 (yes, 1) a few weeks ago, just to have something to shoot at. I'm not a big FPS gamer so I guess some of my friends might be a bit surprised to see that on my shelf. Other than that, I wouldn't really play Project Diva in public (if I had the Vita version) both because it would be a bit embarrassing, and also because you can't really play that game without sound (well you could, but what's the point?)

9 years ago

Hm… only one that I qualify as a "guilty pleasure" is probably The Sims. I've been hooked on those flippin' games since I played the first one years ago. However, I can honestly say that I am a sucker for a good romantic story in any game (i.e. FFVIII).

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