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Watch Dogs Delay: Caused By Quality Issues Or…Fear?

When Ubisoft delayed the hugely anticipated Watch Dogs until next year, their explanation was as follows: The game simply isn't good enough yet.

Well, maybe so. But the stellar Grand Theft Auto V and the intimidating holiday schedule may have had more to do with that decision, so say a few analysts. The first was Benchmark Company analyst Mike Hickey, who called the delay "the right decision" by Ubisoft. He cited GTAV as a reason for that move and now, well-known and outspoken Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has echoed those sentiments :

"We believe that management was also concerned about the strong competition for wallet share Watch Dogs faced at the holidays from Grand Theft Auto V, Battlefield 4, and a new Call of Duty, among others."

Pachter added that "next-gen uncertainty" along with a "very strong slate of competitors" also contributed to Ubisoft's decision to push back Watch Dogs . So, was it more about the lacking quality of the title in question, or was Ubisoft just really scared about the existing and forthcoming competition?

What do you think?

Related Game(s): Watch Dogs

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10 years ago

The $64,000 question that no one is asking or volunteering an answer for: Why did they wait so long to announce the delay?

10 years ago

In which case it likely is danger of competition.
They were just reinvigorated by this when GTAV released. Though you'd still think they'd be well aware of this months ahead.

Perhaps they got cold feet.

10 years ago

Watch Dogs is an Amazing New IP which needs its own space to succeed.That's why it is necessary to Delay it this holiday which is packed with Huge sequels.
I think now Ubisoft understands that Watch Dogs is a genuine Next Gen Game and they'll take full advantage of the Playstation 4.

10 years ago

and next year isent with the likes of thief 4, infamous second son, dark souls 2, to name a few.
ironic thing is every time this happens the game ends up getting delayed to a busier part of the year.
granted they havent announced a new release date, but they did say they needed another 5 months, so that puts it around feb.
allot of people were going to pick it up just because its a next gen launch title, but now its going to be competing with allot more titles.
not to mention they just killed the current gen versions sales.

10 years ago

You can't say that unless they drop the PS3/360 version, since the versions will be fundamentally the same as the next gen ones.

10 years ago

The only open world game you mentioned that may compete with Watchdogs is infamous n that's a ps4 exclusive and its realeasing early 2014… Far enough from the new projected date for watch dogs. Idoubt they're worries about that. With fall 2013 people will be busy with cod, battlefield, gtav, and probably even their own Assassins Creed. But really just look at the preorder numbers for these games and watchdogs. Not exactly the best time for maximum success. Othe than that, Thief is relatively new and Dark Souls 2 doesn't exactly sell tens of millions for UniSoft to be worried.

10 years ago

So many typos. Hate typing on mobile devices. Sorry.

10 years ago

I don't mind that Ubisoft delayed the game. What I mind is how they went about it and how long they delayed it. It should've been delayed at least a month ago if the reason were due to completion problems. And why must we wait an additional 7 months?! That's absurd!

10 years ago


10 years ago

In as much as I do not work for the big gaming studios if they operate similar to the smaller guys (web/mobile) the work on a month to month basis. In other words, no surprise they announce it about month before launch.

Although am more inclined to think, its more the competition than technical. The delay is most likely they want the game to have its own window of prosperity… BUT if that really is the reason, they have no excuses NOT to work out the remaining bugs in the game…. for either system. Well…. one would hope so anyway.

I would say, as disappointed as many are, let them have their space… and see what the end product is. Then make the verdict whether Ubisoft is reliable and has integrity. They lost mine with AC3, but thats another story. 🙂

Keep playing, play safe!

10 years ago

Kryten1029a > your $64,000 question is answered here > > second paragraph.

10 years ago

Think Ubisoft might make it exclusive to next-gen?

10 years ago

That'd be so sweet. Boost it with additional juice and just forget the current gen altogether.

10 years ago

irony is there now going to be competing with allot more studios than they were as a launch title.
allot of people were going to buy it just because its a launch title and theres little else that is, but now its releasing around every other title.
it was funny i was at EB today to put my preorder down for a few things and i mentioned to the manager how disappointing the delay for watchdogs was.
he just goes oh dont get me started you have no idea how many people have come in since canceling their preorders.
ubisoft sure know how to shoot themselves in the foot!

10 years ago

Perhaps ubisoft didn't want their new IP to have to compete with one of their most established franchises. Doesn't explain why they were initially set to launch alongside each other but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a factor in deciding how long to delay it.

10 years ago

Fear, quality, wisdom. In that order.

10 years ago

Well put.

10 years ago

Fear, and for corporate reasons. There is no reason to put two ubisoft games against each other for the holiday season. AC Black Flag will probably sell really well like they always do.

The fear is from all the juggernauts they were going up against. They probably saw something with the preorders like the numbers being really low and they decided to push it to a less busy time of the year.

Whether it will hurt or help them well, we'll have to wait and see.

10 years ago

The preorders may have very well been a good indication for them as Xbox One did for ms. I just don't see why the delay announcement would be at this point and have it delayed for half a year. If its that bad in terms of quality issues its something they would've noticed a long time ago.

10 years ago

Well, judging by how disappointing it seemed in more recent showings I'd like to believe it's a quality issue, but lets face it, given some of the games Ubisoft has released over the years, quality isn't exactly its main concern. This is strictly a marketing move, GTA V is an awesome game, it's selling well and it will likely continue to sell through the holidays, this is a way to get further out of that window. It's also a way to keep W_D and AC IV from taking sales from each other, particularly on PS4, from a business perspective Ubi probably figures no point in competing against itself.

AC is a sure seller and frankly AC IV seems to be a far better game than Watch_Dogs at this point. The latter has the more interesting concept but it's still far from a sure thing.

10 years ago

yeah i think theres probably some quality issue but more of competion and wanting it to do well.

happy gaming =)

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