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PSXE Poll Update: Sorry Square Enix, The Fans Are Running

Last week, just prior to Square Enix officially announcing Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII , we wanted to know if you guys would be interested in purchasing a sequel to FFXIII-2.

Well, it isn't called Final Fantasy XIII-3 but it's the sequel we all expected to arrive. And yeah, it's true that the majority of votes probably came in before the late Friday announcement. …but based on what we're seeing from the fan comments since then, we don't think the results would change very much: Bottom line, Square Enix appears to have lost the majority of fans who have supported them throughout the years. Most readers simply said, "No, I don't recognize Final Fantasy anymore." Depressing but accurate.

Okay, let's compare that to the other huge game announced, which was Kojima's Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes . It could be downright amazing and everyone is just drooling over that debut video. So what do you think about that one?

Related Game(s): Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

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11 years ago

I've watched Ground Zeroes videos several times now I can't believe how incredible it looks for a multiplat and Im very intrigued so its a day one for me.

11 years ago

I'm hoping with Kojima's previoius experience with the PS3 and MGS4, that he can optimize the PS3 version, so little compromises are to be worried knowing that multi-plats are generally standardized. This means that I expect the PS3 versin to be better than the 360.

Lightning Returns? I have no idea what's driving them so mad. I want to give up on SE, but I really want to see FFvsXIII. Arrrgghh! I'm so pissed right now. There's no way we should be seeing Lightning Returns before FFvsXIII!

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
11 years ago

Couldn't care any less about Lightning Returns announcement. No body cares about Lightning and they still keep making installments for her. I was more hyped about Ground Zeroes more than S-E's announcement.

11 years ago

I think SE has this delusion that people think Lightning is somehow on par with Cloud. It's like it's okay she's not.

The new Metal Gear looks awesome, I think Kojima is someone you can actually trust when taking a beloved series in a new direction. Hence his lack of involvement in Rising. I hope for long time fans and Sony backers that he gives PS3 the best version.

11 years ago

If he isn't truly holding back on Ground Zeroes, I expect the 360 version to have multiple discs, not the ridiculous dumbing down SE did to FFXIII-2 I to fit it in one DVD.

11 years ago

It's more odd to see MGS on another console. I know one showed up on the GC but that was, from my understanding, a remake of MGS. It's odd because I know Hideo was, and maybe still is, skeptical. Plus there's always those little comments. I mean there was even a little joking around in MGS4 about not haven to switch discs because it was on blu-ray.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

Don't forget the little robot being controlled in-game with a SIXAXIS/DualShock 3 controller or the inclusion of a lot of sneakily Sony branded products. The whole game was a bit of an in-joke.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

The series has never really been exclusive to any Playstation. MGS1 was ported to the PC shortly after it's launch on PS1.
MGS2 Substance was released for Xbox first, and then later ported to the PS2 & PC.
And MGS3 got ported to the 3DS before the HD collection was released. Not to mention the start of the series was on the MSX & NES.

If anything, MGS has been timed exclusive to the Playstation consoles, and not actually exclusive. Right now the only PS exclusive MGS games are MGS4 and MPO.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 9/3/2012 6:34:04 AM

11 years ago

Yeah I do remember MGS2 on Xbox so it's not a huge shock, but I think Kojima has been clear about what his favorite hardware has been. Especially when they make fun of 360 in MGS4.

11 years ago

Yea, as I said it's odd because of how Hideo always presents the series, not it's exclusivity.

I'm not surprised by it, it's just odd. But it was inevitable.

11 years ago

The new Metal Gear Solid looks pretty good to me. I believe Kojima will deliver another great game in the series.

I wish I could say the same about SE and Final Fantasy. I plan to ignore them for as long as they ignore their fans.

Metal Head
Metal Head
11 years ago

Is about time kojima san delivers a new Metal gear and don't care if is multiplatform. The original Metal Gear for PS1 is my favorite. Now team Ico has the pressure to release The Last Guardian as soon as possible.

11 years ago

I'll start worrying about MGS after Kojima puts out a game that isnt fantastic. For now though, Ground Zero looks amazing and I'm very excited about the possibilities of an open world setting.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
11 years ago

Kojima San?? YAY!! buying that new game!!!!

Square Fail …..bah!! just say NO! folks!
Just say NO! to games from Square Fail.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I'll be getting Lightning Returns, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I pay anything approaching full price for it. The idea of it appeals to me in some oblique way; the fact that it will be somewhat action based mixed with turn based… I dunno. If it is the way that I envision it, then it'll be utterly brilliant. If not, well… whatever.

Ground Zeroes; I definitely want to hear more about it, but I'm about 90% certain of a purchase at some point. I won't be able to get it day one, only because I plan to be nowhere near my PS3 when it launches, but right now it is a very cool proposition.

11 years ago

There is no game creator working in the industry today that I respect more than Hideo Kojima. He is the director and game designer on Zeroes, and that's all I need to know. Day 1!

So that makes 3 upcoming games I'm excited for, now. Ni no Kuni (Wizard's Edition pre-ordered), Ground Zeroes and, presumably, The Last Guardian. Throw a Mirror's Edge 2 announcement into that mix and I can retire from current systems as a happy gamer. (and, dare I hope, Heavenly Sword 2, Beyond Good & Evil 2)

11 years ago

I wanted Final Fantasy XIII-3… but this is not it. This is a spin off.

As for Metal Gear, that did not let me down the trailer looked epic, even the new character seems interesting (Which is hard for a series to do when it's been running for so long!) The gameplay and graphics looks stunning – 1st day purchase no doubt.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 9/3/2012 3:12:20 AM

11 years ago

not exactly surprising.
ultimate irony of this though, how many of those that said they dont recognize it anymore will still be there buying it?
as one wise man once said the haters will hate right to the cash register!
as the saying goes a object in motion will stay in motion till it meets a equal or greater opposing force.
IE people keep bitching about FF, but then go and buy it anyway.
thus $E gets their money still, thus they could not give a flying f*ck!
only if i could get that through the thick sheeps skulls!!!!!!!!!

as for the new MGS its the usual current gen game.
2 steps forward, 2 steps back.
the new open world theme to it looks really interesting, yet the exhausted overdrawn cut scenes are sadly returning by the looks of the reveal trailer.
one thing i will NEVER understand about this industry!
one person complains about something and it gets changed!
MILLIONS complain about something and it goes centuries without being changed.
how many people have been complaining about MGS since the dawn of creation that it has FAR too overdrawn cut scenes?
so when are they going to fix it?
its coming to the state where we need to cut down every tree on earth, turn it into paper and write letters!

exactly what ive been saying all generation though, why cant a sequel just run with what its predecessor did and make it better?
as i have always said a sequel should improve what needs to improve, remove what they cant, remove things people did not like, carry over what people did!
games this gen for whatever reason cant do that though.
they either have to be completely new IPs, or be true sequels in too much of the sense, IE not fixing any of the bad things.
thats what ground zeroes is.
all of MGS4 be it for better or worse.

have to say the graphics were pretty disappointing too.
i mean yea its early footage so its unfair to be judging it so early, but come on this is one of THE best developers in the industry who have always pioneered themselves as being cutting edge!
and on a new engine been in development for 5 freaking years by the time this hits!
i just expected more from the guys who delivered MGS4, a game that is still blowing the competition away 4 years after release!

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

Fans of MGS don't complain about long cut scenes, the critics in the main stream media do. Most if not all fans love the long cut scenes, if we didn't, we would play a different stealth game that doesn't have long cut scenes.

There is no reason for MGS to conform to the tastes of a few people who won't care anyway. If ya don't like the cut scenes, skip them, Kojima won't force you to watch them 😉

Last edited by Fox hounder on 9/3/2012 6:17:09 AM

11 years ago

you cant skip them though, the story is the whole point of the MGS series!
people are not complaining about the long cut scenes, there complaining how long it takes to say something.
spending 10 minutes telling a story that could of been told in 2.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
11 years ago

Ok, but who are the "people" complaining? I monitor just about every MGS website and forum, and the fans hardly ever complain about "overdrawn cut scenes", it's always critics or non-fans that complain about that sort of thing. And there is no point in altering the game for these people because they still probably wouldn't like it anyway, and it would piss off the real fans in the process.

If you've been with the series from the beginning, long or "overdrawn" cut scenes won't be on your list of complaints.

"you cant skip them though, the story is the whole point of the MGS series!"

Alright, so find a stealth game that isn't story driven, then you won't have anything to complain about. Try Splinter Cell. Realistic stealth and short, sweet and to the point cut scenes.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 9/3/2012 8:39:18 AM

11 years ago

I kinda like the long cut scenes. It's usually used to give a good dramatic view. AND I use that time to eat LOL.

11 years ago

right, so im going to find a stealth series that does not have a good story in replace for MGS, for which the only reason its so popular is the story.
and IM the one thats bonkers!?

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
11 years ago

Did NOT! purchase FFXIII-2!
And have NO! reason to purchase -3 or anything else from Square Fail.

11 years ago

Nope I'm done they don't know how to make Final Fanasty anymore they don't listen to us…

11 years ago

Well I voted after I saw the new entry. (Don't recognize FF anymore) If FF continued the way XIII-2 was going for the lightning series, I would have bought the 3rd entry.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/3/2012 10:23:15 AM

11 years ago

Well, on the bright side S-E managed to ditch a Trajan type face for a premiering FF game. Woo Hoo!


11 years ago
Hilarious scene

yea, Design majors actually do take stuff like font seriously =p

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