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Naughty Dog Team Split For Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us

Many assumed this to be the case, while others thought Naughty Dog wouldn't split their studio in half in order to tackle two elite projects.

But the talented developer has grown over the past couple of years, and after the unveiling of The Last Of Us , we knew some members of Naughty Dog had to be working on the new IP while others were cranking on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception . And of course, Uncharted must go on, so…

According to (citing the new OPM), the studio is definitely separated into two teams:

"The talented folks at Naughty Dog may have made your game of 2011, but even they aren't perfect. It turns out last time we spoke to one of their number (Lead Designer Richard Lemarchand) he lied to us. He told us that the success of the award-winning studio was down to the fact that it is a one-team operation, which concentrates at making a single game at a time. It was a glaring untruth.

In the studio's darkened offices in Santa Monica, two teams are now at work – one what what will almost certainly be Uncharted 4 and the other, led by Uncharted 2 veterans Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann, building The Last of Us."

It's true that for a while, Naughty Dog clung to the "one game at a time" mantra. However, with their unbelievable success and what we assume to be an artistic desire to branch out, it seems silly to keep focusing on only one IP. Of course, the question now is whether or not the split studio can create equally amazing games in The Last Of Us and Uncharted 4 . Let's not forget the latter could be coming for the PS4…

Oh well, whatever they do, it'll be fantastic, split or no split.

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12 years ago

I'm sure that's what they're doing. Did it with The Last of Us and U3, so I'm thinking it'll be that way for U4 and whatever they do next.

12 years ago

I'm fine with this. 'Uncharted 3' is amazing and 'The Last of Us' looks just as incredible. I'm glad Naughty Dog is branching out while not stretching themselves too thin. *cough* *Square-Enix* *cough*

If they have the manpower to create two separate games simultaneously then I support them.

Now, how about Jak 4 first, Naughty Dog?

12 years ago

Love to see a New Jak game myself too.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 1/24/2012 11:10:34 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Nah, a new J&D will be coming from Mass Media, the team behind the Collection. Think about it, the only other time Sony outsourced a remaster to anyone but Bluepoint was Sanzaru, and we're getting a new Sly from them…

12 years ago

well considering naughty dog moved to a much larger studio and the staff has pretty much gown in size substantially.

and considering that video game companies use a pipeline structure to create games, this shouldn't hinder quality.
it would mean every1 will be eventually working on both games.
Team A worked on last of us then @ a point they pass it on to Team B for polish. then Team A Starts Uncharted 4

an uncharted 4 though?

i really am hoping it will be for the PS4
uncharted trilogy for PS3 is such a nice wrap up for drake's story.
if they doing a part 4 for a new system and a new story arc, then we'll be in for a real treat

12 years ago

whould be cool for uncharted 4 to be a launch game on ps4 that would be a great idea on sonys part……last of us looks cool
and make jak 4 LOL

12 years ago

It is time every single other developer bow down to Mr. Balestra and Wells and ask for forgiveness for making a product not worthy of a $60 price tag.

12 years ago

I can dig it. Naughty Dog has yet to disappoint me split or no split. I have a strong feeling that Uncharted 4 will definitely be a launch title for the PS4. I can't help but to think the PS4 is a year or so away.

I can't wait to see more about Last of Us.

12 years ago

C'mon already SONY let us know when a PS4 might come out ? I promise PS3 sales wont dip ! lol

12 years ago

To my understanding the studio has been split for the past 2 years (one developing UC3 and one developing The Last of Us), so continuing this trend is fine with me since Uncharted 3 came out so good. I just hope they wait to release UC4 for the PS4…

12 years ago

To my understanding the studio has been split for the past 2 years (one developing UC3 and one developing The Last of Us), so continuing this trend is fine with me since Uncharted 3 came out so good. I just hope they wait to release UC4 for the PS4…

12 years ago

They are assuming one team is working on Uncharted 4.

12 years ago

Which actually is Uncharted Team Racing

12 years ago

Split team is fine as long as they alternate and still work together (and quality still comes first)

But I hope they don't get like Insomniac. They split their development teem up to get a lot more games out (they've released 6 games this generations) and although the games are still great I do feel like they have lost some quality.

12 years ago

Anything ND touches is GOLD 🙂

12 years ago

I hope that always stays true…

12 years ago

This pretty much means they've continued on with the development structure they had with the beginning of The Last of Us and UC3

12 years ago

Very exciting. I am very much looking forward to Uncharted 4. Bring it on Naughty Dog!



12 years ago

am i the only one sick of the series!?
i wish ND would go back to their roots and create another classic platformer series like crash and jack n daxter.

12 years ago

No, they said in a recent interview (which was after this rumor started) that the other team is just working on DLC for Uncharted 3 at the moment.

12 years ago

i think naughty dog needs to get crash bandicoot back and make a new title
i can wait on another uncharted and even the last of us
we already have the one for vita coming out too (for sum reason its gunna be 50 bucks i saw not 40 or 30 like the rest… it BETTER be good and long

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