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Stardew Valley is Going to be Self-Published

Some may remember our coverage of Stardew Valley coming to the PS Vita. Now, it’s back in the news as ConcernedApe announced that he plans to self-publish most of his game versions. Announced via Stardew Valley’s website, the PC, Xbox One, PS4, and PS Vita ports will be self-published. However, the former publisher, Chucklefish, will continue publishing and distributing the Switch and mobile ports.

But I’m at a point now where I’m ready to move forward on my own. I think self-publishing is the end-goal of most indie developers, and I’m happy to be in a place where that’s possible!

The decision of self-publishing wasn’t for any reason other than just wishing to move forward on his own. He thanked Chucklefish for overseeing the distribution, translations, and even adding some networking code to add multiplayer. They also created the official wiki and worked with ConcernedApe to redesign the Stardew Valley website.

ConcernedApe also told people to keep an eye out for new Stardew Valley news in the future.

What do you think of this news? Is Stardew Valley going to suffer from its lack of a standalone publisher? Is it going to flourish without one?

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5 years ago

Interesting news.
I’ve owned this game for a long time on PS4 but I’ve only really started getting into it on PC. It’s a fantastic game and I guess having to share profits with less people will be more rewarding for the developer? Except that, this game has been out forever and I’d say it’s sales have peaked? So the developer saying look out for more news is interesting to me. Will it be a sequel? Some game changing expansion that will bring in new consumers? What’s the big picture? Why not in it’s twilight years accept this game has earned it’s retirement and move onto the next game?

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