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New Revengeance DLC: Explore Blade Wolf’s Mysterious Origins

If you wanted your Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance experience to last longer, we've got good news for you.

Yet another expansion pack is headed your way. It's the third piece of downloadable content for the well-received action game from Konami, and it'll release on May 14 for the Xbox 360 and May 15 for the PlayStation 3. It's called Blade Wolf and it'll retail for $6.99.

This is an extra side story that focuses on LQ-84i, also known as Blade Wolf in the main storyline. Supposedly, it'll take "multiple hours" to complete this new segment, as it'll address the character's origins, detailing events prior to his epic encounter with Raiden. This DLC will also provide players with new weapons and abilities, along with an all-new boss battle. For only $7, that sounds like a fair amount of content, doesn't it? And we like anything that expands upon the single-player experience.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was a ton of fun, and we've already seen 30 VR missions and the Jetstream DLC. Geez, what's next?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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11 years ago

You guys think Platinum has a franchise in Rising now?

11 years ago


Kojima already said he wants them to handle any potential sequels.

The game is awesome!

11 years ago

I will get MGS Rising eventually. While the demo turned me off to a degree, I still want to give the full version a go because I sense I may change my mind about the full game.

I did just finish DMC3 tonight and it was great stuff. It's going to be real hard for DMC4 to top it (haven't finished it yet).

But here's hoping Platinum takes the reigns of DMC's proper return to form and style going forward. They seem to be an excellent match.

11 years ago

demo turned me off too, I just got the DMC HD collection so that should be fun when I actually have time after Tomb Raider

11 years ago

I liked being able to go back and finally play DMC3 with that collection. Be warned though, the graphics are so NOT impressive. And actually the whole remastery presentation is lacking. Couldn't they have even done something to clean up the FMV? Even the gamma levels seem way too dark during FMV cutscenes.

If there was a kickstarter to fund a full-on remake of DMC3 I'd support it. That is, to recreate all of the game assets and make them up-to-date for this gen.

hehe it's sort of fun going back to read Bill Long's review from this website 😉

11 years ago

As a game Rising is quite fun and I would say the sword mechanic is revolutionary. I hope this DLC patch is more creative than the Sam one – which was a series of recycled content after the next. At least playing as A mech-dog offers something unique. If it goes for a reasonable price, I'll consider it…

11 years ago

The Sam DLC was awful, first of all they said it was gonna be 6.99 and the day is in the store they put it to 9.99!, no new enemies, scenarios or bosses, you can't buy moves, and one of the best features of Rising the awesome codec conversations isn't there!, wish the story was when Sam was on Desperado not how entered on it so we can had convos with all Desperado unit, hope Bladewolf can be customized buying abilities and has a codec feature.

Last edited by Oxvial on 5/1/2013 6:08:51 PM

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