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P.T. Demo Disappears Forever, And That’s It For Silent Hills

And so disappears the last scrap of Silent Hills .

We knew Konami had officially canceled the project, and we also knew they'd be removing the "P.T." demo from the PlayStation Store.

But for a while there, even if you'd deleted the demo, you could re-download it. And really, it was well worth experiencing more than once, in my estimation. Unfortunately, the demo has been removed from the PlayStation servers and now, even if you added the demo to your library before it got axed, you can't get it back. Go check; if you try to download the "P.T." demo, you just get an error message.

In other words, if you've already deleted this file from your PS4, it's over. No more soup for you. If, on the other hand, you've still got it, hang onto that sucker. I know I will.

Related Game(s): Silent Hills