Last summer, Square Enix gave us a release date for a release date . Well, it was more of a release window: March 2016.
Then we found out at the end of January that the window had been narrowed to March 30 .
That date is fast approaching but we already have a few hints as to the launch date for Final Fantasy XV . The first came in the form of a Square Enix survey, which suggested that FFXV and Persona 5 might release at about the same time (which would be around mid-to-late summer). Now, according to Gematsu , the anticipated date has been set for September 30. This has supposedly been confirmed by "three different independent sources who would have knowledge of the matter."
"Our sources in this case are reliable. However, given the sensitivity of the matter, and that within a company setting anything can change before it is made public, we're reporting this as a rumor until the release date is officially announced."
That might not be a bad time. It's just before the fall rush, and early enough so it doesn't have to compete with some of the heavy hitters scheduled for fall. Recently, Square Enix said they intend to make people cry with FFXV's ending; perhaps we'll all see if that happens in October.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XV