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Basement Crawl Hitting Europe Next Week, US “Soon” After

What they're calling the first "must-have downloadable title for the PlayStation 4," Basement Crawl is on the way.

The indie Polish developer, Bloober Team, has announced that the anticipated Bomberman -like title will launch on January 29 in Europe, and a North American release will follow "soon" after.

Dubbed a "strategic action game that focuses entirely on creating the first great multiplayer game on next-generation systems," this is where you and three friends can square off via local multiplayer. That's old-school right there; I still remember doing exactly that with the old Bomberman games. Of course, Basement Crawl is more modern, so it'll also support up to eight players when online.

The game will feature "wildly creepy characters and blood-curdling environments" and boy, it just might be crazy addictive. Said Bloober Team CEO Piotr Babieno:

"Basement Crawl finally gives PlayStation 4 owners a reason to invite their friends over to show off their systems – our amazing local multiplayer that is as addictive as it is competitive. Basement Crawl rewards skill and practice, which means a good player will never get cheated out of a win by someone who grinds with better gear. For any PS4 owner out there who is still looking for a really fun, truly unique multiplayer game for their new system, Basement Crawl is it."

The game will be priced at $9.99 and it'll be available exclusively on the PlayStation Network for PS4. For more information, check out the developer's official website .

Related Game(s): Basement Crawl

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10 years ago

This game looks like total garbage. It's my opinion obviously. I hate these type of games and what the heck is up with all the d*mn multiplayer games. How about a good single player experience? I cannot wait for Outlast, Daylight and the new Alien. Single player immersion is what I crave please!!!

10 years ago

Just because it's not your thing, doesn't make it garbage – a more appropriate thing to say would be "I don't play these type of games so it's not for me, and I've got no idea how good it would be" (you don't play these types of games, remember, so you're hardly qualified to comment on whether it would be garbage or not ;)). Bomberman was a blast (and this does look inspired by it), and more four-player local coop games is hardly a bad thing either ;).

10 years ago

The whole PR pitch about this shameless Bomberman clone being a good reason to "finally" show off the PS4 to friends…. when this game barely looks any better than a mobile game…. c'mon, son.

10 years ago

watched the game trailer.
Looks like a cross between Bomberman and Loaded

10 years ago

how about a game similar to Smash TV?
I'd buy a PS4 to play something like that./

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