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Naughty Dog On Their New PS4 Title: “You’ll Be In Awe”

Hate to tell you this, Naughty Dog peeps, but you've set the bar so freakin' high this generation, that everyone expects to be in awe of your mystery PlayStation 4 game.

During a recent Reddit AMA with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception lead multiplayer designer Robert Cogburn, a fan asked about the team's next-gen project. Cogburn didn't provide us with any specific details, but he did say-

"If I said anything about what we’re doing right now it wouldn’t be exciting. The PS4 is awesome. It gives us the chance to do a lot of things that we’ve been talking about for some time. You’ll be in awe when you play it."

And by the way, that next game won't be set in space. After various Naughty Dog members talked about touring SpaceX , gamers began to theorize that the developer's new project would adopt a sci-fi theme. But Naughty Dog co-president Christophe Balestra Tweeted :

"Visiting SpaceX… and no we're not making a game that takes place in space! We just got invited because we're cool!"

Okay, good. No sci-fi, Naughty Dog. Not for me, anyway. Let's just see what you're making for the PS4, which is bound to be one of the most impressive interactive spectacles evah .

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10 years ago

I imagine another new ip. That would be great, but I expect an Uncharted 4 within the first year or two as well.

10 years ago

Never really got in to the Uncharted series (Don't shoot me). Hoping for another new IP. TLoU was amazing.

10 years ago


10 years ago

you have a falcon punch coming your way though

10 years ago

I've played Drake's Fortune and it hasn't really grabbed me, so we are in the same boat here.

Will eventually get the entire trilogy and TLoU sometime soon.

10 years ago

am i wrong for wanting another TLoU? i want to visit that universe again through the eyes of someone new, with different perspectives and motives

10 years ago

I have ZERO doubts that it will blow my mind! I am highly anticipating the Uncharted 4 reveal!

10 years ago

Is anyone else getting REALLY excited for PlayStation 4? Because I know I am. The launch lineup is fine, and it'll be so fun to mess around with the new system and it's ecosystem because that's always a blast. But man, we just learned the MGS5 prologue is out in Spring of next year, Destiny is as well, Infamous: Second Son is out in February, and there are literally DOZENS of unannounced games from the heavy hitters like Sony Santa Monica still to come. Let's DO this.

10 years ago

Sounds like a plan! 🙂

10 years ago

Hopefully it's not a TLOU sequel. I loved the game, and it actually became one of my favorite games ever, but they should let it be as it is. I hope it's a new IP.

10 years ago

If this ELITE developer says we will be in awe than I am almost afraid of what they have in store for us. They have escalated the gaming industry to unheard of heights. Where will they take us next? I hope they reveal or at least tease something on 11/14/2013!

10 years ago

It's going to be *real* interesting to see their work on the PS4. During the PS3 years I always said that it was the developers – not the hardware – that made the machine shine. That they were the real stars, not the Cell architecture. I was back then met by much resistance and doubt.

The upcoming generation will demonstrate if I was right or not!

10 years ago

I agree completely.
I always thought the graphics they put out were above the industry standard, but not to the degree that everyone screams.
But on the flip side, they are way ahead of the pack when it comes to artistry, story telling, animation, and the amount of detail they put in their game, it just boggles the mind…
I know you are not a big fan of their games(How can anyone not love UC2 is beyond me :p ), and would probably love to see them try a open world game, and stopping to think of the quality standards they hold for themselves, I find myself wondering if that would not be just the perfect challenge to ND.
For now my PS4 purchase is attached to the release date of whatever ND has in store for us.

10 years ago

@ Karosso
I find myself in the same boat. My PS4 purchase is likely to co-incide with ND's next release. It's an automatic pre-order for me.
You know, to gain hype points for PS4's upcoming release, ND are likely to announce their new game within the next few weeks!

10 years ago

I don't really want ND to go open-world. There was a time I might have wished they would, but as things stand today there's so many top-tier developers focusing on making their games open and vivid so we need someone to go against the stream, even if it means that I personally will give their games a pass.

But ND has always pushed the visuals to the max. They have been the perfect "showroom shine candidates".
Many a time it's been the Cell architecture who in the past collected the fans praise. It is time to see who's the real star here.

My money is on ND.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/5/2013 9:21:18 AM

10 years ago

This may sound like hyperbole but I'm actually scared about what ND could achieve on the PS4 down the line.

Chills were sent down my spine when I read the quote

10 years ago

Uncharted 4 for the PS4 I bet. I really want a new JnD game as well 🙁

With the PS4 I imagine it would look identical to a Pixar movie or something 🙂

10 years ago

No space!? What about the OTHER Naughty Dog team?

10 years ago

Not being a fan of Uncharted or The Last Of Us (tho I appreciate and respect the work put into them) I hope they venture into something new. I don't play "movie games" and would rather see a J&D than either of the two blockbusters.

10 years ago

*starts drooling* Sorry about that. With the pure masterpieces that the Uncharted games are and TLoU I can't even imagine what they have in store for us. The reasons I'll be getting a PS4 is for InFamous: Second Son, Sony Santa Monica's game and this one. *continues to drool* Excuse me I need to get a bucket.

10 years ago

whats that?
ND whipping it out and whirling it around?
surely not!
you mean like when you said uncharted 3 has set pieces that make the train level from uncharted 2 a walk in the park?
and how did that turn out?
yea, forgive me if i put this in the typical PR over hyping their game BS cabinet.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Yup… I believe 'em.

10 years ago

well i'll be ready for my mind to be blow and to be in aye in X number of years when ND brings their 1st PS4 offering to the table.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

It's good to hear that they are impress with the ps4 cause if they are not, ps4 sucks. They did a magnificent job in using the cell. Artists need their tools to be not crappy. Haha.

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