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Lord Of The Rings Actor Says He’s Excited For A “New Uncharted”

Well, we all know another Uncharted installment is coming our way, and it will likely be for the PlayStation 4.

That's very likely the project Naughty Dog is focused on, now that The Last Of Us is out the door. And while there's nothing official just yet, it seems someone might be aware of its existence… Uh, maybe.

According to GameSpot , it's "Lord of the Rings" and "Lost" actor Dominic Monaghan; he played the hobbit Merry in the LotR movies, and he was Charlie on "Lost."

During a conference call concerning his work on the live-action series for 2K's The Bureau: XCOM Declassified , Monaghan mentioned that he's psyched for a "new Uncharted " entry:

"I'll always stay focused on the gaming world and see what's coming up. The new Uncharted I'm really excited to see how that's going to be and obviously both new gaming systems."

He also said that while he doesn't have a role in The Bureau , he wouldn't mind playing a part in a video game someday. As for his comment, it could just be what any of us would say, right? It doesn't mean he knows anything about the project. Heck, if someone asks me what I'm pumped for in the future, I'd probably say "the two new game systems and Uncharted ," too. So, I'm not sure it means anything at all…then again, maybe it does.

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Remo Williams
Remo Williams
10 years ago

Not Penny's Boat

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

LOVED that show. Right up until the last episode……..

10 years ago

Fair warning notice, spoilers lie below.

I started to lose interest in Lost once season 5 began, after the island was teleported and some of the survivors made it home at the end of season 4.

Oh, and the whole "The Smoke Monster is now running around as Locke" thing was kind of stupid imo.

They waited WAY too long to explain the things that they did explain, and didn't explain some of the key things everyone wanted to know.

The final two seasons were such a disappointing end to what started off as an excellent show for the first four seasons.

10 years ago

I coulda made that show so good after the first 2 seasons, then it went nuts.

10 years ago

Yeah he's just cited for it, can't blame him so am I.

10 years ago

Uncharted 4 is going to be great. If it ends up with Drakes son or something, i just hope its not horrible like the mummy 3 was. I also hope it has something to do with Atlantis. That would just be epic.

10 years ago

Excited for another uncharted! Love the series and it's going to look amazing on the Ps4 and the action can be bumped even more intensely! Naughty Dog is the best and Masters of gaming, do it right and the gameplay speaks for itself.

10 years ago

im interested to see if ND is joining back into one team for their first ps4 project, than will split back up again, or if there staying seperate from now on.
i wouldent be surprised to see them conjoin just for the first title to help them get it out quicker.
really hope its one of the titles that will be announced at gamescom, and is a launch title.
$ony would be insane to release the ps4 without ND, i mean no one is going to push the system from the get go as much as ND!
and no ones going to sell more systems.

its funny these systems have been in R&D for by FAR the longest, yet they seem the furthermost from release.
they started R&D 6 freaking years ago, and there due out in 3 months time, yet we still have no OS footage, and there very restrictive and careful what they show it just feels like everything is REALLY behind schedule!
hell both systems dont have their flagship titles for launch, hell not even launch year!
halo is not releasing till next year, and, well, hopefully uncharted will be a launch title but i aint holding my breath.
one reason of many why im really skeptical and cautious going into next gen systems, they just feel like there really behind schedule.
which is a concern considering they took 7 years to release, when systems normally release every 5!
more time, yet there less ready.
hows that work?
not to mention the architecture is far simpler, bog standard X86.
thus amplifying the worries.

10 years ago

well idk it cud be something but i cudn't be we won't know till we get an annoncement.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

You know I hate the people who thinks that Uncharted sucks now that The Last of Us came out.
Uncharted 2 is still my number #1 game this gen.

Last edited by Sunni_Boi on 8/10/2013 5:29:41 AM

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Kids think it sucks because their fickle
Adults see that these are two different type of games.
And you are correct UC2 is an amazing game n always will be.
who cares what kids think!

10 years ago

Uncharted 4 The Lost Tower of Alexandria

Nathan and Scully must unlock the secrets to descover the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Following the clues given to him by a grateful orphan in London.Its a race against time to stop a international Arms Ring from using the Lighthouse secrets for themselves.Yet Drake is the only one that knows its true horrifying purpose!!

"Somethings are best left buried in the past!"-Alexander the Great

Coming to the PS4 this Holiday season!!

Hopefully something like that lol

Last edited by GuardianMode on 8/11/2013 2:37:28 PM

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