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Naughty Dog Says Uncharted Prequel With Drake Is Possible

Previously, developer Naughty Dog explained their reasoning behind dropping protagonist Nathan Drake in the esteemed Uncharted franchise.

As we know, the hotly anticipated PlayStation 4 exclusive Uncharted 4: Among Thieves will be Drake's last adventure. But is it really the last we'll see of this popular main character? Well, maybe not.

Co-director Neil Druckmann tells The Sun that it would be "really hard" for future iterations to feature this main character, unless…

"But with the end of [A Thief's End's] story, it will be really hard to do a sequel with Nathan Drake. Maybe there'll be a prequel, maybe it will be a different character, I don't know. But this is the end for Nathan Drake."

Earlier in the interview, Druckmann basically reiterated what lead game designer Robert Cogburn said last year, saying it's "not a good business decision" to walk away from the franchise, but Drake should "go out on top." Furthermore, Druckmann added that this IP belongs to Sony so he can't say for sure what the company plans to do with Uncharted down the road.

So, would you like to see a prequel starring Drake, or would you rather Naughty Dog invent a new protagonist for the series?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 4

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8 years ago

I'd rather them move on of this is it for Drake.

If anyone were to say they want a prequel I'd just remind them of GoW. Although good, the reception wasn't welcome among fans saying it was being milked and so on.

As for creating a new character, if they have to do that to continue a franchise for the sake of continuing a franchise. Don't even bother.

8 years ago

Agreed. Focus on next LoU in full force.

8 years ago

no way,that would be an awful idea.I have always applaud Sony for creating new ips each generation and not milking the same ones.Uncharted 4 needs to be the last one,Kratos also needs a permanent vacation.

8 years ago

We played as a young Drake in the 3rd game too. I'd prefer a new game altogether. Go out while on top.

8 years ago

They did that, it's called The Last of Us. Why not continue UC and make other games as well?

Last edited by matt99 on 1/11/2016 6:17:51 AM

8 years ago

I could live with a prequel ONLY when Drake would be older then this kiddo from U3.
In example some spin-off like Golden Abbys, which for me was way better then U3.

8 years ago

I think ND have shown they can create and develop multiple AAA franchises at the same time. Do what they did this time and do the next UC in 4 or 5 years and in between have TLoU 2 or some other work of genius.

8 years ago

I really wanna see another Jak & Daxter to be honest – though with their previous statements…it doesn't seem likely. Sigh.

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