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Why Uncharted 4 Might Not Generate A Sales Surge For PS4

It's undeniably one of PlayStation's most important franchises. One wonders how PS3 might've fared without it, honestly.

But in looking at next year's impending launch of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , I'm not sure we should be surprised if it doesn't generate a big ol' sales spike in PS4 hardware.

Let's be logical about this: First off, a lot of people have already jumped into this generation; don't forget that it's well over two years old now and there have been many reasons to pick up a PS4. I very much doubt a ton of gamers have been holding out for Uncharted 4 . Secondly, it's likely that even the die-hard fans already own the console, and not only because of anticipation. This game was supposed to come out this fall and has since been delayed twice; my guess is a lot of people are just tired of waiting.

Thirdly, there are indeed a ton of great exclusives coming our way next year, and that includes potential masterpieces like Horizon: Zero Dawn , The Last Guardian and Gran Turismo Sport . I'm sure Uncharted 4 remains atop many a PlayStation fan's priority list but like I said, they've either already got the PS4 or they're planning to get it for lots of other games. Either way, there's no guarantee that PS4 sales will rise on the strength of Naughty Dog's latest alone.

Of course, that doesn't mean Sony won't dominate the sales charts in 2016. Because they will. 😉

Related Game(s): Uncharted 4

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8 years ago

Uncharted 4 doesn't really need to sell the PS4 anymore. The PS4 has been on the market for over two years now and while having a decent library of exclusives, PS4 doesn't necessarily have that killer app yet that the PS3 needed.

But it doesn't really make a difference. PS4 will continue selling because! It's a freak of nature.

I think at this point, all Sony wants 'Uncharted 4' to do is get great reviews (which it will) and sell very well (which it also will).

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 12/30/2015 10:21:18 PM

8 years ago

Why is anyone concerned with Uncharted 4 and creating a sales jump for PS4? The article kind of answers itself in regards to the PS4 – its selling itself.

8 years ago

Ben as been failing on those predictions ( predicting The Order over Bloodborne as the first AAA exclusive that would help PS4, Rise of the Tomb Raider being a seller ) and now Uncharted not generating PS4 sales?… he gonna be wrong again.

8 years ago

The Order over Bloodborne….OUCH! Lol

8 years ago

Already making excuses for lack or sales eh? The game will not sell that well anyways. Mark it down!

8 years ago

He's referring to it generating more PS4 sales – or rather why it wont. Nothing in regards to the game itself. But the game will sell just fine.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/31/2015 1:39:52 AM

8 years ago

Hhhhmmmm This generation has clearly proven that the most sought after games are multi platform. Although I will be buying UC4 day one most likely, I am not going crazy waiting for it at all.

8 years ago

Who cares? Considering the PS4 has been selling stupid good without a lineup, it won't falter next year when it has a much stronger lineup than xbox one.

8 years ago

I think most people who were holding off for Uncharted probably picked up a PS4 during the pre-Christmas sales with it coming out in the spring, I know that's what a buddy of mine did.

8 years ago

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually doubles or triples PS4 sales (not that the PS4 actually needs the boost these days :D)

8 years ago

Well who says it hasn't already? Not everyone will buy the system the week the game releases, I know I picked up a PS4 on a deal recently, and Uncharted 4 was a big factor in that decision.

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