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How Would Nathan Drake Have Fared Against Master Chief?

At one point earlier this year, it looked like Sony's biggest exclusive would square off against Microsoft's for a huge holiday showdown: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End vs. Halo 5 Guardians .

But we aren't getting the pleasure, now are we?

No, with Naughty Dog's highly anticipated title delayed until 2016, Master Chief can run mostly unopposed this year. Sure, he has to contend with the likes of Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Star Wars: Battlefront but both of those are on Xbox One; there's no fun face-off across platforms. Of course, had this happened, you know the fanboy wars would've kicked up a lot of dust, as the Uncharted 4 vs. Halo 5 debates would be plastered all over the Internet.

Hypothetically speaking, how do you think Nathan Drake would've fared when up against the Master Chief? If we're going strictly by review scores, Uncharted might've had the advantage, as Halo 5 currently holds a Metascore of 85 . Even the first Drake adventure scored better than that, and Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 were up in the 90s . Even so, would there be any chance that Uncharted 4 could actually outsell Halo 5 ? Probably not.

What do you think?

Related Game(s): Uncharted 4

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8 years ago

as much as a sony fan as i am, Uncharted has always portrayed drake as human and has shown him numerous times pretty close to death, while Halo on the other hand… Master chief appears near invincible.

8 years ago

Uncharted 4 is likely going to be the better game, and by a wide margin, which is all that really matters.

That said, once it's out, Sony should have the balls and honor to do what MS can't seem to – let a franchise go out on a high note. We don't need an Uncharted 5, 6 and 7 with a different lead that retreads the same ground. Just let Naughty Dog do something different.

Last edited by Bio on 10/26/2015 9:43:33 PM

8 years ago

So far Halo 5 is the lowest scoring mainline Halo in the series.

Halo 1-3 were fantastic, but they have lost their way these days.

Uncharted 4 is thankfully the last in the series so hopefully it ends with a bang. No need to drag the series further and further when you can end it on a high and work on something fresh.

Regarding how the two would fare, you would have to give Halo the edge in sales due to it's superior online multiplayer and less focus on the single player campaign which is what Uncharted excels at.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 10/26/2015 10:49:45 PM

8 years ago

Well every console God of War before Ascension had a 90+ rating. UC4 isn't guaranteed a high rating, but I believe ND can pull it off.

8 years ago

Ratings shouldn't matter if we're talking about sales of course. For the better rated game, I'd easily bet on UC. But yeah, in terms of sales, I don't think any sony exclusive has any chance of outselling halo 5 except maybe GT7.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
8 years ago

Since there seem to be a lot more PS4s out there than X1s, I would think UC4 would've had a great chance of outselling Halo 5 were they to have gone head-to-head.

8 years ago

Uncharted can easily get high ratings, but Halo can easily get high sales.
Halo 3 sold more than 10 million copies if I'm not mistaken, a number Uncharted has yet to reach and probably never will.

Halo can easily crush Uncharted in sales but at the end of the year, Naughty Dog will have more awards in their office than 343's.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/27/2015 10:06:33 AM

8 years ago

Halo 5 sales >>>> UC4 sales

That is all.

8 years ago

I personally believe Halo 5 could be the worse selling of the franchise while Uncharted 4 could be the best selling of that franchise.

8 years ago

Halo 5 will almost certainly be the worst selling Halo game, but when you're talking about a franchise that continually broke sales records, that's not really a negative.

8 years ago

Halo already hit his peak years ago, I doubt they would even be able to beat Uncharted 4 on sales with more PS4 being out there.

8 years ago

I personally believe Halo lost its magic when it lost Bungie.

8 years ago

The circumstances are odd, because in terms of sales, I think UC4 has the potential to do just as well and possibly even outsell Halo 5 this time around, but I'm basing that purely on the basis that PS4 is in 3 times as many hands as Xbox One.

If the two consoles were more equal in terms of sales, Halo 5 would take the cake without even blinking.

Halo is a hot property, the only game that even remotely comes near to it in PS' arsenal is Gran Turismo.

But who knows, we'll have to see.

8 years ago

I never considered they may be competing against one another… since… you know… they aren't even on the same consoles.

8 years ago

It was delayed simply because there are way too many good games coming out for PS4 this holiday season. They did not want to compete and lose sells.

Im betting this game comes out during the dry part of the gaming season next year.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

FYI, updates again tomorrow; just beat today after being in NYC all day.

8 years ago

Which part of NYC are you in?

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/28/2015 8:52:56 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

I'm not; just had to be in Manhattan for the day.

8 years ago

Halo sells mostly because of multiplayer. And Halo 5 does not disappoint in that department. Don't think this one would be as close as people think.

8 years ago

Halo has never been a one trick pony. It sells just as much, if not more, for the co-op campaign. There's never been an FPS franchise with co-op as consistently good as Halo*.

*Speaking solely about the Bungie-era Halo games. No idea if Halo 4's co-op sucks or not, because I'm not playing that shit.

5 years ago

Halo already hit his peak years ago, I doubt they would even be able to beat Uncharted 4 on sales with more PS4 being out there.

5 years ago

I personally believe Halo lost its magic when it lost Bungie.

5 years ago

Halo 5 sales >>>> UC4 sales

That is all.

5 years ago

as much as a sony fan as i am, Uncharted has always portrayed drake as human and has shown him numerous times pretty close to death, while Halo on the other hand… Master chief appears near invincible.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

FYI, updates again tomorrow; just beat today after being in NYC all day.

5 years ago

Uncharted can easily get high ratings, but Halo can easily get high sales.
Halo 3 sold more than 10 million copies if I&#39m not mistaken, a number Uncharted has yet to reach and probably never will.

Halo can easily crush Uncharted in sales but at the end of the year, Naughty Dog will have more awards in their office than 343&#39s.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/27/2015 10:06:33 AM

5 years ago

Which part of NYC are you in?

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/28/2015 8:52:56 AM

5 years ago

I personally believe Halo 5 could be the worse selling of the franchise while Uncharted 4 could be the best selling of that franchise.

5 years ago

The circumstances are odd, because in terms of sales, I think UC4 has the potential to do just as well and possibly even outsell Halo 5 this time around, but I&#39m basing that purely on the basis that PS4 is in 3 times as many hands as Xbox One.

If the two consoles were more equal in terms of sales, Halo 5 would take the cake without even blinking.

Halo is a hot property, the only game that even remotely comes near to it in PS&#39 arsenal is Gran Turismo.

But who knows, we&#39ll have to see.

5 years ago

Halo 5 will almost certainly be the worst selling Halo game, but when you&#39re talking about a franchise that continually broke sales records, that&#39s not really a negative.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

I&#39m not; just had to be in Manhattan for the day.

5 years ago

It was delayed simply because there are way too many good games coming out for PS4 this holiday season. They did not want to compete and lose sells.

Im betting this game comes out during the dry part of the gaming season next year.

5 years ago

Halo sells mostly because of multiplayer. And Halo 5 does not disappoint in that department. Don&#39t think this one would be as close as people think.

5 years ago

Halo has never been a one trick pony. It sells just as much, if not more, for the co-op campaign. There&#39s never been an FPS franchise with co-op as consistently good as Halo*.

*Speaking solely about the Bungie-era Halo games. No idea if Halo 4&#39s co-op sucks or not, because I&#39m not playing that shit.

5 years ago

I never considered they may be competing against one another… since… you know… they aren&#39t even on the same consoles.

5 years ago

So far Halo 5 is the lowest scoring mainline Halo in the series.

Halo 1-3 were fantastic, but they have lost their way these days.

Uncharted 4 is thankfully the last in the series so hopefully it ends with a bang. No need to drag the series further and further when you can end it on a high and work on something fresh.

Regarding how the two would fare, you would have to give Halo the edge in sales due to it&#39s superior online multiplayer and less focus on the single player campaign which is what Uncharted excels at.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 10/26/2015 10:49:45 PM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
5 years ago

Since there seem to be a lot more PS4s out there than X1s, I would think UC4 would&#39ve had a great chance of outselling Halo 5 were they to have gone head-to-head.

5 years ago

Ratings shouldn&#39t matter if we&#39re talking about sales of course. For the better rated game, I&#39d easily bet on UC. But yeah, in terms of sales, I don&#39t think any sony exclusive has any chance of outselling halo 5 except maybe GT7.

5 years ago

Uncharted 4 is likely going to be the better game, and by a wide margin, which is all that really matters.

That said, once it&#39s out, Sony should have the balls and honor to do what MS can&#39t seem to – let a franchise go out on a high note. We don&#39t need an Uncharted 5, 6 and 7 with a different lead that retreads the same ground. Just let Naughty Dog do something different.

Last edited by Bio on 10/26/2015 9:43:33 PM

5 years ago

Well every console God of War before Ascension had a 90+ rating. UC4 isn&#39t guaranteed a high rating, but I believe ND can pull it off.

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