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Battlefield: Hardline Patch Will Nerf The Couch Easter Egg

Aw, no more cheating with the couch.

Well, it wasn't really "cheating;" it's the developer's fault for making it strangely effective. It was just supposed to be a silly Easter Egg in Battlefield: Hardline but as the community will tell you, it turned out to be much more.

Thankfully (or perhaps unfortunately, depending on your position), a new update for the game greatly limits the couch and also a offers a variety of fixes and gameplay changes. As seen in the official patch notes :

"Couch health reduced and repair rate decreased to a miniscule amount, making the Couch the one-off it was intended."

The couch is found in Hotwire Mode on the Dust Bowl map and although it can only be used once per round, it can be repaired. It's interesting that Visceral isn't simply taking the couch out; they're actually making it what it was initially intended to be: A joke.

The patch in question should roll out "in the near future." Battlefield: Hardline was somewhat refreshing and ambitious despite its flaws, and is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Related Game(s): Battlefield: Hardline

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9 years ago

They had to patch…a couch? Ha. Nice.

I should get around to buying this sometime. But Bloodborne.

9 years ago

So it really was a couch I saw! I honestly thought I was losing it the other day.

9 years ago

what does it do OP damage like running over people or something just curious but what are they doing to the couch with the patch

happy gaming

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