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Uncharted 4: The One PS4 Exclusive That Cannot Miss

I hear tell that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End might be playable at the PlayStation Experience.

That got me thinking: How badly does Sony need this game to hit and hit big?

It makes me wonder what the Uncharted franchise did for the PlayStation 3. These games put the PS3 head-and-shoulders above the competition in the eyes of many, and I'm willing to bet that the system's upswing after its rocky start was due – at least in part – to Naughty Dog's masterful productions. Now, although the PS4 is most definitely in a very different position after its first year on store shelves (far in the lead), we haven't seen much in the way of PlayStation first-party domination.

This is why I think Uncharted 4 needs to be absolutely huge. And when I say it "cannot miss" in the title, I don't mean to imply that it can't be a flop. All games run that risk. I mean it can't miss because I don't think Sony can afford to have it miss…not if they want the PS4 to remain atop its lofty perch. No, this one series won't dictate who wins the console war. Even so, it's the lone established exclusive game on the horizon; Bloodborne and The Order: 1886 are new IPs and unproven.

If there's one title that must showcase the PS4's supposed power, it's Uncharted 4: A Thief's End .

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9 years ago

It's a lot of pressure, it somehow needs to be better than Uncharted 3 in story, as good as Uncharted 2 in action, and show off all new technological capabilities plus get 9.5-10 scores.

Fans have to be happy to put Drake to rest with this entry too so it has to tie up everything.

Can all this be done after a major staff exodus? Right now I'm more interested in The Order.

slow and smart
slow and smart
9 years ago

Me too man, i want The Order more.

9 years ago

and that's why you get a thumbs up!

9 years ago

I want both.

9 years ago

but which makes you more hopeful for the best experience?

9 years ago

I'm sure it's gonna be as good as previous games. My hope is that they fix the camera and controls. After playing The Last of Us then trying to play Uncharted again, I can't stand the controls. I understand one is more of a platformer than the other but those janky animations and the wild camera are just blah by comparison.

9 years ago

Hopefully The Last of Us taught them new tricks.

9 years ago

Love the first two series, no 3 feel like a little meh, I hope uncharted 4 win my heart back. Although I want the last of us sequel more rather than uncharted…

9 years ago

Loved Uncharted 2. 3 was a bit iffy with the aiming I thought. 4 really needs to blow us away with the story, gameplay and graphics. No pressure!

9 years ago

Everyone knows I am no big Uncharted fan. But I agree that it will be interesting to see what they are able to make out of the machine.

Cause during the PS3 generation everyone talked about the *hardware*, how it was the hardware that made such a difference, and some (we all know who I refer to now) claimed if Sony went for a regular architecture they would lose it all.

While I always said it was the developers who were to applaud for the visually impressive presentations, the system comes second. But I was such a fool for not kneeling before the excellence of the Cell.

Now we got two platforms who are *almost* the same technically. Let's now see if not Uncharted again blows everyone away, and thus demonstrates in full effect what *really* went on the last generation too.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/2/2014 3:12:06 AM

9 years ago

If you can't enjoy Uncharted games then you should keep a close eye on the videos that are going to surface, I get the feeling it will be not just pretty but full of some nice new physics and lighting tricks to support some even more realistic visual luster.

9 years ago

Yeah I might even eventually buy the game, just to check out the visuals. 🙂

9 years ago

Dude, I can't tell you how much I just walked slowly around the Himalayan mountaintops near Shangri-la, looking down on the world and across the horizon in Uncharted 2.

Resistance 2 was actually good at Vistas too for an FPS.

9 years ago

of course it can't, ND has always been the biggest developer to go to for showcasing a system, not only its power but also offer the best game.
especially since all the other exclusives are new IPs, and look to be pretty meh.
not to mention the lacklustre lineup for this year, unsurprising to see reports poping up today saying that 53% of black friday console sales were xbox one, and only 31% were ps4 sales.
hardly surprising considering xbox one has had sunset overdrive, forza horizon, halo MCC release in the past few months where ps4 has had the disaster massively delayed launch title drive club and LBP3.
this years been a disaster year for the ps4, so its one big exclusive, FINALLY releasing 2 years after release, two long years of awaiting greatness, and it does not come, would be apocalyptic!

though that said, I'm not sure U4 is going to be enough either.
even if it ends up being the masterpiece we all expect it to be, thats not goi ng to be enough to fill all the expectations we've had for the past 2 years.
I'm really hoping $ony will be announcing some big IPs at the playstation experience this week, otherwise it looks like 15 is going to be exactly the same as this year.
please $ony, please don't make us wait 3 years to see the big franchises hit the new system!

9 years ago

For me Gran Turismo 7 is all or nothing. If GT7 and UC4 performs as it should, PS4 will have a solid base to stand on. Sony needs BOTH of them to perform well as only one wouldnt be enough. Then it's all dependent in the new IPs to put icing on the cake like 1886, Bloodbourne, Deep Down, and Guerrillas new IP. At this point, infamous and killzone already had their chance, so Sony will need to heavily rely on the new stuff more than they probably hoped for.

Last Guardian
Deep Down
Blood Bourne
Uncharted 4
God of War?
New IP from Guerilla?

I mean it may not seem much cause of how little we know, but it's still much more to look forward to than Xbox One. They just need to do well and much better than Drive club, infamous, killzone, or lbp have shown.

9 years ago

I'm hoping this Playstation Experience event will show of some nice new exclusives… Sony really needs it after losing so many third party exclusives last year. I mean the majority of the games I'm really looking forward to are multi-platform. But I chose the PS4 due to the better specs for them games and Naughty Dog.

I can't see Naughty Dog disappointing, I for one for Uncharted 3 was fantastic and it has my favourite moment in the series – Where you play as Drake in the museum. But there is a lot of pressure on ND for Uncharted 4. ND is the biggest company with Sony and probably in all honesty the reason I wouldn't switch to Xbox. Not many of the PS3 exclusives really won me over it was mostly the ND releases.

I want to see what the PS4 is capable of, I played Destiny yesterday and the graphics really didn't win me over – everything looks fine from afar but move in close and the textures are all soft. I'm really looking forward to seeing what U4 can pull off. I haven't been disappointed with an uncharted game yet and I doubt I will be with U4.

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