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Pachter: PS4 “Impressive,” Will Sell 85-95 Million Units

Everybody likes more RAM.

For developers, one of the most appealing aspects of the PlayStation 4 is its drastically increased RAM. And in addition to the 8-core CPU, analyst Michael Pachter believes Sony's new console is "impressive" and capable of great innovation.

Furthermore, in speaking at the SXSW panel (as cited by GameChup ), Pachter said he believes the PS4 will go on to sell 85-95 million units lifetime; in direct comparison, the PS3 has sold about 77 million units since its launch in 2006. The analyst added that he expects the new console to sell below the $599 price point, which should give it an early boost.

In regards to the competition, Pachter sees the new Xbox selling the same amount as the PS4 when all is said and done. So essentially, it seems he sees the trends set this generation to continue going forward, which probably seems likely. But I have to reiterate- As I said in my Week in Review , the availability of PS4s come launch will be critical . And that's lookin' good, so… Cross your fingers!

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11 years ago

So, Pach-man made the safest prediction possible? Allrrrighty.

11 years ago

The PS4 will win the next generation of consoles based on the fact that Michael Pachter is always wrong with his predictions.

Why do I say that?

Because Pachter said at SXSW that the next Xbox would WIN the next generation of consoles.

Here's what he said:

"Microsoft wins the next generation. The TV Tuner and Skype are killer apps."

So Pachter basically gave MS the kiss of death with that prediction. PS4 will rule the next gen! :p

11 years ago

Yup. The vast number of PS4'S at launch = a successful launch.

11 years ago

Some sites are reporting that Patcher stated that the NextBox will "WIN" the next version console race. Which in turn is creating quite a stir in the fanboy ranks.

11 years ago

Fanboys will be fanboys. Bring on the new consoles, bring on the games.

11 years ago

Well he has to appease his base so…

11 years ago

He'll be wrong as usual. I cant see M$ having another RROD ficasco so the illusion of them selling the most consoles wont happen next gen.

11 years ago

So Pachter-man, got any other controversial predictions? Could you hedge your bets any more than that?

11 years ago

Ben didn't mention it in his article, but Pachter said at SXSW that Microsoft would win the next generation of consoles.

And he said that based on two apps he believes the nextbox will have. A TV tuner and Skype.

Maybe not controversial, but its still ridiculous.

11 years ago

It would be fun if someone could collect Pachters predictions on a page somewhere and mark them as hit or miss as time goes on.

Actually that was such a good idea that I am inclined to create such a site!
All that's missing is a good domain name. Any ideas? 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/11/2013 4:29:42 AM

11 years ago

I'm thinking good names would either be "The Pachter Factor" or "Accountability for random guesses that are under thought and over publicized"

11 years ago

Or The Pachter Non-Factor! 🙂

11 years ago

i cant see next gen consoles selling anywhere near as well as current ones.
let alone better!
simply because theres SO much more competition than there was when this generation started.
i 06 you had a choice of the 360, ps3 or PC, and PC was really not a choice because it was getting really sh*tty ports and allot of games did not even release on it!
so you pretty much had ps3 or 360.
now theres a much brauder spectrum for the "AAA" games, you have current systems then you have next gen systems in the wiiu, ps4 and next xbox.
plus the PC, plus the steambox, plus the pistin Xi3 thingy.
then you have the massive and ever growing mobile market, no it does not offer the scale of games that the systems above do but its pretty close!
and for most there close enough.
not to mention things like the razer edge and the nvidia shield.
not to mention cloud gaming services like onlive.
and not to mention the never ending rumors that apple is going to jump into the console space.
NEVER going to happen, but what the heck!

11 years ago

Has Pachter ate his hat for saying something like The Walking Dead or Journey would never get GotY?

Anyway, Pachter is the one to know right? He spends long hours in his cubicle coding out games to get the most from console hardw…. wait no he doesn't.

11 years ago

He also said that next-gen games would sell for $70 each.

11 years ago

To my recollection I do not think he has been right in his "predictions" thus far, be it that some he might have said at the beginning and only came true at the end. Correct me if I am wrong.

Does anyone ACTUALLY know what his "Predicted Correctly" percentage is?

Hope he buys a PS4 when it launches. 🙂

Keep Playing!

11 years ago

Hey, Kr. Pachter. Will it eventually have a price cut sometime within 2 years after it releases? You're a genius if you can answer that and be right. 🙂

11 years ago

so sad this guy gets famous as people still comment on what he says
(damn, I just participated on his famousness)

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