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Pachter Makes His Biggest “Oops” Yet?

Before I begin, let me make something perfectly clear:

Michael Pachter isn't "always wrong." It's an absurd notion and hardly realistic. I've been reading his industry notes and predictions for years and I hate to tell you, the majority of the time, he's at least in the ballpark. Some can say there's a lot of common sense involved, but whatever.

The bottom line is that when he's right, you won't find a single headline saying he's right. When he's wrong, on the other hand, the world explodes with laughter. Standard hostile Internet fare, if you ask me. We simply ignore one and embrace the other; doesn't make him "always wrong." That all being said, Pachter may have just made one of his biggest blunders…

During the latest Bonus Round episode , Geoff Keighley cited Pachter's bashing of PlayStation Now , and said that Sony has a lot of first-party content to support it. Pachter's reply:

"A lot is a stretch. Thirty. They have thirty games."

Uh…oops? What's that, thirty franchises ? He doesn't really mean they have "thirty first-party games;" I mean, that's just a bizarre – not to mention completely false – statement. I'm assuming he's going to clarify because at this point, he's starting to sound like an ignorant albeit paid Microsoft employee.

Don't worry, though, I'm sure he'll recant and revise. He has to, in point of fact.

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10 years ago

Well, I would say recently he has been wrong plenty of times. What makes it even worse is how he says things; that "PS Now is a joke" thing to me looks childish and ignorant.

10 years ago

Anytime I hear the name Pachter……

…….Brittney Spears tune "OOPS I DID IT AGAIN…….pops right into my head

10 years ago

He may have gotten Microsoft and Sony confused seeing how both company's names begin with a letter of the alphbet.

10 years ago

He may know how to spell alphabet though, so he may not be all bad.

10 years ago

I'll be happy when this guy stops getting press for his comments.

10 years ago

Even if it were in fact only 30 games at launch, how is this not substantial?

No other system or service has ever launched with this many games, which many are already proven franchises. It's not like we are getting 30 different versions of tower defense games and Angry Birds. These are full fledged multi-million dollar budget games that have taken home Game of the Year awards, such as The Last of Us.

Pacther needs to re-think the facts.

10 years ago

I just want to make clear that as much crap as I give Pacther, I love hearing his opinion and respect the guy more than people realize.

10 years ago

Thirty franchises is a hell of a start, then there's the third party exclusives from Japan, the indie games, and I'm sure multiplats will get on board too.

10 years ago

Where can someone look to find the amount of games that have appeared on each Playstation system since the brand was born?

I tried Wikipedia but it is a tedious task. Just on PS1 alone I've approximated 3000 games. Totally calculated using a non scientific method. Supposedly the PS2 had more. Considering all platforms, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSV and PSN I am sure the list is quite substantial. Ive always wanted to know but always get lazy. Unfortunately not all the lists on Wiki are numbered.

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/10/2014 6:25:47 PM

10 years ago

I did find this:

Not sure how old it is or who created it but it may help.

10 years ago

I dunno either, but it seems we still don't know if and when old games will arrive. I'm sure they will tho.

10 years ago

Who is this guy?????

10 years ago

an industry analyst that people love to hate.

Michael Pachter
Michael Pachter
10 years ago

I just counted PS3 games, there are 105 SKUs listed on NPD, and 30 of them are "GOTY" or "collector's edition", so there are 75 separate SKUs, not 30. I eliminated all Move games, since those won't work without the peripherals.

I'm not sure how you think that being able to play MLB The Show from 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 is a selling point, nor how some of the games like Buzz are a big selling point, but I stand corrected. Should have said "75" instead of "30".

I stand by my view that PlayStation Now will bomb. Nobody will pay a monthly subscription to play 75 mostly old games.

10 years ago

I dunno Mike, many of us have rebought all of our old collections numerous times over.

10 years ago

Please go to N4G and spam that site with BS.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Well, "Michael," not every human alive is a hardcore gamer that plays every single title the instant it's on store shelves.

And regardless of what you believe to be the appeal of those old games, 75 is a whole lot different than 30.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/10/2014 4:24:35 PM

10 years ago

I wonder how you might justify Netflix's success with mostly older titles….

While I don't have enough info on Now to know exactly how many games it will feature (and neither does the real Michael P.), I am anticipating that it will be a great service for me to dive into. For all my non- D1P's.

Heck… look at how much success the US's gamefly or Canada's GameAccess had… it's nearly impossible to get brand new games through those services, they're more expensive than Now, and you have to wait half a week for it to get MAILED to you…

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/10/2014 4:14:27 PM

10 years ago

That 75 also ignores digital only content, of which there's been a fair bit ;).

10 years ago

Netflix does pretty well with 99% crap movies so ya never know.

10 years ago

lmfao does this guy still have a job or hasn't been killed yet damn i forgot he was alive

10 years ago

Why the hell would he be killed?!

You're an idiot.

10 years ago

I hate to say this… ugh… but Pachter makes business sense. BUT he is basing it on little info that he has, which does make sense for him to come to that conclusion. He is looking at the current numbers.

And if I remember correctly NOW is only in Beta. Which means Sony will not have a vast library on there… yet. They are testing it out on various games to see what the issue are and hopefully fix.

Will PS2 and PS1 games get on there? Probably, but I am not sure all are worth put on the service. That would be up to Sony or even if they ask fans to vote what games they would like to see.

Point is that this type of service will happen someday if not now and Sony is trying it out now. Content and reliability is key for sale. The servers need to be able to handle the load, people will need good bandwidth, AND the cost reasonably based on the quality of service and content.

It needs to start somewhere. I am sure there are plenty of hurdles and it will get better for those interested.

Ultimately the gamers will decide in the end. Hey, you have a choice. Or hopefully will.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

An analyst with any credibility doesn't forecast a product based on beta numbers and a small amount of data.

He makes ZERO business sense. This type of media delivery has already been proven to work.

10 years ago

I think anyone with a modicum of knowledge of the industry could make an "in the ballpark" prediction 51% of the time. That hardly makes him someone that deserves anyone's attention.

10 years ago

I predict there will be 3 more posts about Patcher in the next year and a half.

10 years ago

I think there was a post somewhere (here?) that listed 63 (or 60-something) 1st party exclusives for the PS3. It was being compared to the 30-something Xbox360 1st party exclusives for this generation.

Yeah, he's completely wrong in that one. Maybe he got the two mixed up?? I stopped putting faith in Pachter's predictions a long time ago. The guy's a bit off, to put it politely.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 2/10/2014 5:38:19 PM

10 years ago

Ok, I just came across a wiki list of games published by Sony Computer Entertainment from the PS1 through the PS4 thus far, including the PSN and PSVita – there are a TON! It's broken out by year.

throw this in the browser:

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 2/10/2014 6:04:40 PM

10 years ago

I would love to have this guys job. Makes ignorant statements and gets paid well to do it. When he supposedly gets things right he is just stating the obvious. Every time I see an article or see his picture I just think to myself "Oh boy what is Captain Obvious go to say this time"

10 years ago

How I read it is that Patcher says Sony got thirty first party games that support Playstation Now.

Quite frankly, I don't think that sounds unreasonable or totally off the mark at all. I don't see Sony making their entire catalogue of 1st party games throughout the entire history of Playstation up on Now, for multiple reasons.

10 years ago

30 what?
next gen games in development?
thats pretty impressive for a system thats only been out for 3 freaking months!
whatever, theres 2 sides to this moron.
the no sh*t sherlock a f*cking 2 year old could tell you that, or the ludicrous side.
will have to wait and see which this falls on.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

30 PS3 games that will be available for use on PSNow.

10 years ago

in total?
cant be!
otherwise, for once hes right it really is going to flop!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Nope. I'd say cut the guy a bit of slack, as this was most likely an off-hand comment meant to drive a point home, rather than being intended as a completely factual 100% true statement.

So although 30 games is a wildly inaccurate figure, I'd say that he does still have a point. I mean, even if it's one hundred, is that going to be enough to popularise the idea, and thus convince other publishers to throw in?
Because I get the feeling if PSNow does take off, then other publishers won't buy in, but will instead seek to set up their own streaming services, with their own subscription fees and then we'll have ten different services to choose from with a limited selection on each and the idea will end up cannibalising itself. Having a first-party, or even third-party doing this doesn't seem wise.
I mean, how many other publishers have signed up to use Origin? (that's a legitimate question, by the way as I really have no idea.) Most use Steam, which is run by a small-time games publisher in Valve. Actually, I wonder why that is…
I was going to say that there is little fear that Valve is going to overwhelm the other publishers, while that is a very real possibility with EA, but in thinking about it… that just seems weird. I mean, would EA try to buy out their rival publishers with money earned from Origin sales? Am I just losing it?

EDIT: Also, how far off-topic did I just go?

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 2/11/2014 6:09:38 AM

10 years ago

I like reading his predictions. They never fail to make me crack a weird smile.

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