Buncha games coming…looks like a break from the drought after April.
Assassin's Creed III gameplay…good golly, me want
Admittedly, Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite franchises of the generation, so I might be a little biased. But after seeing the debut gameplay , I'm convinced ACIII is a legitimate Game of the Year contender. I saw a great many things in that trailer that encouraged me; it went beyond the epic atmosphere and the combat. It seems the core of the series is definitely intact and both the freedom and story-based feel will remain a staple as well. I'm always worried about developers changing my favorite franchises (being a die-hard Final Fantasy fan, can you blame me?), but thus far, I've been happy with each AC entry.
Granted, last year's Revelations wasn't the standard elite installment we had come to expect, but that was mostly because they tried to implement new ideas that simply didn't work very well. I see ACIII as being a complete and total return to form; a true sequel to ACII, and one that is almost guaranteed to deliver on all fronts.
With no Bioshock Infinite, I look to Dishonored
I'm usually not too annoyed at delays; they're a part of the industry and besides, I usually have more then enough to play. In truth, I'm often happy to hear about a delay because it gives me more time to catch up. But the news of the Bioshock Infinite delay hit me surprisingly hard, probably because there's no guarantee we'll see the other titles I want so desperately to launch in 2012: Grand Theft Auto V and The Last Of Us . But the fact that Dishonored landed a launch date helped a great deal; that game looks potentially amazing and if done correctly, it could be a freakin' masterpiece.
I'm not saying it will be masterful, mind you; all the pieces have to come together perfectly for that to happen. But I think all the pieces exist, and that's awfully encouraging. Here's hoping Arkane and Bethesda hand us a definitive, absorbing experience.
Personal gaming update
I had some fun with the highly intriguing and original Datura , despite its mechanical shortcomings. As for Starhawk , I stand by my score, and I reiterate: If you're going to advertise a campaign, then give us a campaign. And if that "campaign" isn't up to snuff, don't expect me to ignore that failing just because the multiplayer is great. Yes, if the campaign wasn't there, the game would've scored higher. It's simple, really; there was a major part of the production that was mediocre. In no way should that ever be ignored.
Now, I've got Sorcery and Gravity Rush sitting here but don't get too antsy. They've got embargoes until May 21 and 24 respectively, but at least you know you'll see prompt reviews for both. 😉 I also expect to see Max Payne 3 on Monday. In other news, I hope people enjoyed the Amanda MacKay interview ; yes, there was advertising involved but I can't really do anything about that. I just think it was great to have a video for it. Also stay tuned for more interviews.
Lastly, remember that you have until Sunday night to get your reviews in for the ongoing So You Think You Can Review Video Games contest . If you'd rather write about why you hate Call of Duty , feel free. Next week, we'll give the CoD fans a chance to defend their stance. 🙂
Did you get any blowback from the Starhawk review?
I'm looking to Dishonored as well (Steampunk fans must unite), but in the mean time I'm enjoying Minerva's Den for Bio2 as a tide over treat.
Not sure if I'll make either of those contests unfortunately, there's stuff on my plate but ya never know when creativity will strike.
My temporary avatar is my rendition of myself in Two Worlds II, still playing that and Tales of Graces F. I bought Singularity again, this time for the collection because the first one I bought froze up in the intro and endings. Oh yeah and Plus had Trine 2 for free and I just tested that out and it's really neat. Soboteur will have to wait until I pare down these other games.
Soul Calibur V and Silent Hill Downpour are games I'm on the lookout for but still cost too much.
I think people were just upset the game didn't score higher.
I think people didn't agree with how Ben approached the review. A multiplayer centric game shouldn't get bashed for a tacked on single player. Would Uncharted 2 have been criticized if the multiplayer was lackluster? Will God of War: Ascension receive lower scores if the multiplayer doesn't turn out that well? Probably not. Almost all great single player franchises are including some sort of multiplayer to add value to the consumer's purchase, but most of these modes aren't really great. This is what people were trying to convey, that if reviewers are willing to ignore mediocre MP modes in traditionally solo franchises like Bioshock or Assassin's Creed or Dead Space, then the same treatment should be extended to traditionally multiplayer games that add SP just to add more content.
Also, from what I've heard, a single player mode that's essentially a glorified tutorial was actually a good idea for something like Starhawk, to prepare people for the multiplayer, which can get overwhelming due to its scale and tactical aspect.
Last edited by Sir Shak on 5/13/2012 12:48:49 AM
singularity is like homefront to me. overlooked by many and i feel it was really fun. one game i still want to add to my collection. in fact i want to add both.
Uncharted 2's multiplayer wasn't lackluster at all. If Ascension has crappy mutliplayer, yes, that will be reflected in the review.
Been too busy focussing on MP to play beyond the first level of SP, but the criticism in the review seemed to be more story-based than gameplay-focussed. Have heard from elsewhere the dynamic nature of the gameplay can make the SP a bit fun. But either/or – it's Ben's review/opinion, and he should stick to it, and peeps that think otherwise should review it themselves and enter it in the comp :).
(Speaking of which, I'd have _so_ had a crack at that if I wasn't getting over a nasty flu – great idea :)).
I heard somewhere that Monday is the embargo date for Max Payne 3.
Last edited by iwillbetheone on 5/12/2012 10:06:54 PM
It's probably true.
I liked the ACIII trailer, showed a lot of cool moves, but I was hoping for something a bit more cohesive and less schizophrenic. A game with an open-world format like AC could really amaze by debuting with a one-take video that just shows what you can do in the world. Imagine if it had shown Connor freerunning from within one of the cities out into the countryside, clambering up trees and taking out soldiers. I mean, the scenario could easily be tweaked to put in more soldiers than you would normally come across to better show off different combat abilities. Just seemed a bit too cut-happy for me.
I dunno about Dishonored. I kind of need to keep my spending down this year and I'm already signed up for Hitman: Absolution, Sly 4, R&C Collection, Max Payne, Sleeping Dogs and X-COM, while tossing up a couple of others for consideration… I'm super disappointed that Infinite got pushed. Now I'm not going to be able to play it until the Gods know when as I'm not going to be anywhere near my PS3 next year. Very sad indeed.
Personal Update:
Still reading Sherlock Holmes. Not sure why that is, exactly. It's a great set of stories, but I think I find it so difficult to get invested in them because they're quite disjointed. There's very little carry over in the events and makes it hard to want to keep reading (for me, anyway).
Aside from that, I finished the DMC Collection. Pretty cool compilation, aside from the second entry which was seven shades of crud. Now playing KZ2 and I'll a PSXE review for that 🙂
Other than that, I just realised that Max Payne is next week. I'm excited.
I too have some trouble with the disjointed nature of the stories.
Netflix, torrent, purchase or do whatever you need to do but get ahold of "Sherlock" the BBC series.
It's set in the modern day with Watson as an Afghanistan War Vet who starts a blog on his new roommate Sherlock Holmes. He then becomes an internet phenomenon. The original stories are updated in every possible way including different solutions and endings more attuned to the modern day. There's only 6 so far in the 2 seasons but each is movie length at 90 minutes.
why wont you be by your ps3 next year?
Going travelling. I plan to take close to a full year to just travel around Australia, working as I go. I'll absolutely have to pick up a Vita though :).
That BBC series sounded real interesting, World! Gotta love BBC. I'll check that one out.
Sherlock Holmes (original stories by Conan-Doyle) are great, but were originally written for a newspaper column (at least the first few collections), so wouldn't have worked so well with too much tie-in. Didn't have too much trouble with the disjointedness m'self – it seemed to be clearly the intention of the author – but it's definitely there.
i really cant wait for ac3. after seeing the new gameplay video i am even more excited.
i hope to hear good things about gravity rush and sorcery.
yesterday i finally got my 4th platinum trophy for portal 2. the last trophy i had to get was still alive and it turned out to be a pain in the ass. i really hope the release the user generated levels and level creator for the ps3.
rented homefront a few days ago from the library and i had a blast with it. thought the campaign was really well done. hope to see a second game. now i am renting skyrim again and just killed my second dragon tonight. i enjoy playing skyrim but it just makes me want to go back to the fallout games.
It was a shame that Homefront suffered from a short campaign. There will be a second handled by Crytek so I have high expectations for it.
i look forward to homefront 2 also.
With Bioshock Infinite moved to 2013, AC III is on top of my list for this year and i'm looking forward to see more of Dishonored.
PGU: Finally got my platinum on inFamous and started my evil playthrough on inFamous 2.
waiting for Sorcery, i'll be finally able to fully utilize the Move controller.
im really liking what im seeing of AC3 so far.
its a shinning example of why ubisoft is one of the best companies in the industry!
EA, antivision, most would of been happy releasing another same old sequel like revelations.
but no, ubisoft had to completely reinvent the series, i mean seriously look how much new stuff they added to it!
you wonder why so many people hate antivision?
i was really disappointed that infinite got delayed.
simply because it was one of my most anticipated titles of the year!
i mean bioshock is one of the best new IPs this generation!
and really the only game to have such a memorising environment and story.
heaps of games have had a beautiful environment to roam around in, AC for example the reconstruction of the middle east and italy, turkey, has been amazing!
but nothing holds a candle to rapture, i still get shivers running down my spine every time i replay the original.
than the story, weve had so many great stories this gen, but NONE have had such a shock and twist as bioshock!
i mean most stories and their plot twists are pretty predictable, play 2 hours of the game and you can already tell how the story is going to end.
AC2 for instance, it was pretty obvious ezios family was in allot of trouble and that would not end well.
but bioshock, i mean seriously no one ever saw that coming!
best story ever!!!!!!!!!!!
which is why i am so excited for it, NO game out there delivers the mix of awesome gameplay, awesome story, unpredictable story, and awe inspired environments!
in other words PERFECT!
then to add insult to injury ken says oh yeah by the way we wont be showing up at the big shows this year.
gee thanks, as if chopping my legs of was not bad enough you have to kick me when im down!
as for dishonoured im on the fence with that.
its got a awesome concept and i really believe it could be easily GOTY!
but thats what im worried about.
almost every game this gen has been awesome concept, poorly executed.
cough prototype 2.
only time will tell if it turns out to be one of the very few that reaches its potential, or one of the rest who dont.
i really hope it turns out awesome its got such a brilliant original idea, we need more of them!
im playing through trials evolution now, god such a awesome game!
anyone who says games cant make you feel emotions needs to play this!
every time you pick up some speed and go rolling around the loops, flying through the air, im ducking quincing closing my eyes.
its freaking awesome its like your on a roller coaster yourself!
i wish ubisoft would bring it to IOS it would do so well there!
I'm not gonna bash you for that but what will piss you off even more, from what I managed to read in your post, is that has been reported that Bioshock Infinite delay is probably for the inclusion of multiplayer.
will never know unfortunatley.
it is suspicious however, all ill say is if the next we hear of infinite is that it has MP ken better have a bunker in the middle of the desert somewhere because hes going to have one hell of allot of flaming pitchforks heading his way!
FAR too many games this gen have been delayed, then MP was announced.
ME3 anyone?
ACIII looks like its going to be a great game. i've never played an AC
game before (just not my thing). but the trailer for ACIII has really
peaked my interest.
while waiting for MP3 to arrive (D1P), i've been switching back and forth
between two of my favorite RPGs, Fallout 3 & Fallout: New Vegas.
I'm disappointed Bioshock Infinite was pushed back although it will give me more time to get through my backlog. PGU:I'm going to try and get the platinum in Bioshock then Bioshock 2, after that i have another 8 or 9 games i'd like to platinum which i'll likely never get around to.
Is this place sparse lately because of April or what's the deal?
Not a freakin' thing happened in April. It's why the NPD numbers were so abysmal.