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Rumor: Drake May Hit The Desert Heat In Uncharted 3

Nathan Drake has been around during his two adventures. Jungles, war-torn towns, dank caves, snowy mountains, etc. Might he add another distinct location in Uncharted 3 ?

Well, according to Kotaku citing an "informed source," it seems Drake will be headed to the desert the next time around. This same source says an official unveiling is "due on or around the Spike TV Video Game Awards" and the sands of Africa may beckon. Of course, everyone is reminded of the good ol' "Indiana Jones" movie series, which had the intrepid archaeologist heading from South America to Nepal to the Egyptian desert; yeah, it's just coincidence, but it's the entertainment thought process that keeps the hero surrounded by exotic locales. Right now, it seems more and more likely that Sony's "mystery PlayStation 3 exclusive reveal" on December 12 will be Naughty Dog's new project. It has been well over a year since Uncharted 2: Among Thieves entranced us all so now's a good time to check out the third entry. Can it possibly live up to the insanely lofty expectations…?

That's what happens when you make one of the greatest games of all time. You set the bar up in the clouds. But Naughty Dog can jump over it, right?

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13 years ago

If naughty dog can't do it, no one can

13 years ago

Naughty dog have never let us down.
They are just getting better

13 years ago

i actually hope with all the faith in my religion that they pull off another stellar achievement.

and ND guys, if you do, im gonna track you down and hug you. 🙂

13 years ago

actually they have let us down.
crash bash was a great game, but was seriously buggy, had poor cheap AI and froze allot.
great idea, but poorly executed.

13 years ago

I may be horribly wrong here, but wasn't Crash Bash developed by Eurocom, not Naughty Dog?

13 years ago

nah, ND did it.
playing it on my PSP now.

13 years ago

What ever they do, its day one purchase for me… :)………. But not first day first show if they go with Mark Wahlberg for the movie adaptation

Last edited by taus90 on 11/30/2010 9:50:33 AM

13 years ago

Mark Wahlberg has confirmed that he will be playing the role of Drake in the movie.,news-9051.html

Yeah, I'm unhappy about it, too….

13 years ago

I still say he'll do a good job. And I'll hold true to my promise of publicly humbling myself before this community if I'm wrong.

13 years ago

Woo hoo! but the same informed source told me that Uncharted 3 is actually taking place on the deserts of Mars* =p

I've been playing the first Uncharted again after a several year break. While it was a solid, great looking, and a well designed game back then, Uncharted 2 was a major leap in every conceivable way. I'm excited to see what Naughty Dog can do with Uncharted 3

*actual event never happened

13 years ago

I was also was playing Uncharted recently. I knew Uncharted 2 looked better but damn man what a difference!

13 years ago

Man i hope it's Uncharted 3… I can't get enough of part 2… Cross your fingers guys

13 years ago

This game will be awesome, but I'm just wondering how ND is going to do the enviroments becasue of the vibrancy and color of the jungle and mountain enviroments.

13 years ago

just wait… the desert may be bland, but when your INEVIATABLY being chased by mummies you'll at least be able to stop and go… mmm nice as you get EATEDDD

13 years ago

I hope its Uncharted 3. I like the first one and absolutely love the second. Can't wait!.

13 years ago

Don't even have to seen one screenshot, video or info about this game… I will pre-order as soon as it's available.

13 years ago

And hopefully critics rate it right like Uncharted 2 was and not like GT5…looks at Gamespot's score… uughh 8.0?

13 years ago

I thought Gamespot would have given GT5 a higher score with a review this late, but I should have expected it when I watched the Now Playing segment of Gamespot.

13 years ago

I don't care where Drake goes…I will follow.

They've always done a great job with their locales and I don't think they will disappoint. I do hope there is a jungle somewhere though….their greenery is just AWESOME.

Can't wait for the return of Drake.

13 years ago

Nathan Drake: Camel Jockey

13 years ago

I'm all for new locations but I still want to see the lush jungle environments. IMO they're quintessential to the franchise.

13 years ago

Within the desert there can be an oasis so hopefully we get our greenery fill with that.

13 years ago

It'll be one hell of a happy day when I slide Uncharted 3 into my PS3 for the first time. I sure the desert will never have looked so good.

13 years ago

oh and ND wont jump up over the bar. theyll just build a a ladder over it.

Last edited by Zorigo on 11/30/2010 11:34:10 AM

13 years ago

U3 is gonna be the best game on PS3…yeah…any bit of news on U3 is great news

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

Yep, UC3 would be pretty sweet. Should be a great game.

13 years ago

I am most certainly looking forward to UC3. Part 1 was ok but part 2 was just great. Made me laugh and made me sweat. I can take more of that any day.

13 years ago

Part 1 was ok?I my opinion Part 1's story was slightly better than part 2's.

13 years ago

Having recently replayed the 1st Uncharted, I can safely say it was a little rough around the edges.

13 years ago

Egyptian ruins can look really nice in a game like UC3. It also makes more sense to make Uncharted 3 in African Egypt, because it has:

Historic backgrounds
Prized possessions
Tall structures
Undead to shoot at the end of the story

I was actually surprised they didn't think of the idea until now.

Last edited by godsman on 11/30/2010 11:59:00 AM

13 years ago

Over the Clouds and walking on the Sun. No matter the environment Naughty Dogs U3 will definitely be Hot!

13 years ago

I really can't wait for Uncharted 3. It's an instant pre-order for me when it's announced. Uncharted 1 was stellar, Uncharted 2 was just a whole order of magnitude better than Uncharted 1. Uncharted 2 did something that only major movies can ordinarily achieve. It literally stopped me in my tracks as I watched some of the set piece scenes unfold. Incredible game making from ND. Uncharted 3 in the deserts of Africa? sounds cool. Should we brush up on our hieroglyphics, I wonder?

13 years ago

I am very excited about this as well the Highlander, but, I am a little concerned about a desert environment…. where will the detail be…

I can imagine a PETRA type location in the desert, which may be very detailed, but just too look out and travel across yellow sand makes me a little worried.

I shouldn't be, knowing Naughty Dog, Uncharted 3 should be another GOTY. I guess we wait and see 🙂



13 years ago

Ah, but Qubex, imagine the fun they can have with desert oasis, or the interior of an ancient egyption monument, or just rushing around a North African city with all the colors and textures there, and roofs to jump from, it should be an awesome location. Not to mention if it's North Africa there it eh potential to play with the Mediterranean coast and the Nile river delta and valley.

If they go deeper into Africa, there's plenty of scope for grasslands, jungle, mountains and everything in between. Africa provides an almost limitless scope for scenes. There are also lots (and I mean lots) of undiscovered ancient sites in the jungles of the Congo that are only now being found through satellite data analysis.

Naughty Dog has the scope to do just about anything.

13 years ago

Stunning the Highlander… you are absolutely right!

Thumbs up for you my friend!



13 years ago

If it's set in Egypt, it'll easily beat out the predecessors imo. Anything to do with Egypt has me spellbound.

13 years ago

In my book, the Uncharted series is the best gaming around. I honestly don't believe that ND could do no wrong..

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

I agree. UC2 is, in my opinion, the best console game ever made.

13 years ago

I don't believe that they COULD do wrong 😉

13 years ago

This will easily be a Day 1 buy for me. As much as some of the controls in the first two games frustrated me at times, the stories, acting and cinematography have been amazingly top-notch and probably the best I've seen in any video game since the Metal Gear Solid series. For that alone, I will definitely continue following the adventures of Nathan Drake. Now I'm just left to hope for a Collector's/Limited Edition that you can't only find on eBay for $3000.

13 years ago

Any news about this will be good. Wonder if Chloe or Elena will be in it. Hope Sully is in it again he's a good character to have in it. Who knows there maybe a 3rd new girl in it 3 bums to look at I mean follow on our quest lol 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Uncharted: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor… I kid. I don't care where he goes next, provided he remains Nate.

And asking if ND can one-up themselves is like asking whether Indonesia is going to be hit by another Tsunami… a-duh.

13 years ago

I have feeling the Uncharted series is going to surpass the Jak series in games. I still would love a Jak game for the PS3.

13 years ago

I was expecting such a news since i read couple of months ago about uncharted 3 developers being in contact with Rubicon company at the middle east for localization of games to be more convenience for Middle East region when its including adding Arabic language setting along with contents that dont harm the believes of Arab nation as what happened with some games lie Darksiders where it was prevented from being release in the area
but one thing they havnt mention that Rubicon company is also the most advanced company in the region for Animation and Computer Graphics which i s a big indication for uncharted to be held there in that region of the world
by the way im living there beside the company in Jordan

13 years ago

Oh, interesting. Perhaps they could be looking for the Hanging Gardens and what not?

13 years ago

actually in the Middle East are there are a lot variation in our landscapes and archeological sites that would really go a long with Uncharted3 ,deserts ,woods , valleys , castles ,the Pyramides ,valley of the kings , Jerusalem , and dont forget Petra beside the Hanging Gardens so that will give this game new areas never been touched by any other game before but still this is all speculations , hopefully will know that soon.

Last edited by ABUrabad on 12/1/2010 5:43:05 AM

13 years ago

I just hope they fix the characters eyes in the game. All the Drakes and Elena's eyes look weird like they are clear instead of having pupils. Aside from that its a Day 1 purchase for me.

13 years ago

Inspired by the post last week about replaying certain games, I started UC2 again on Sunday. It must be the third or fourth playthrough but it seems like the first time all over again. The quality is unmatched this gen.

13 years ago

Unchanted 3 will b de epic fail like Grand Tourism 5 lullllzzzzz!!!!!111!!


13 years ago

Uncharted 3 would look awesome in the desert. Imagine the detail Naughty Dog will put into a sand storm. Its going to be a beautiful game.

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