Right now, we understand the standard format for games, where they have different gameplay modes. You now, single-player campaign, online and offline multiplayer, etc.
But if you weren't aware, a game called Brink seeks to redefine how we see the distinction between such modes; according to PS3Center , developer Splash Damage wants to present a "seamless integration between both modes, with an emphasis on accessibility for gamers of all experience levels." But on top of which, these guys used to be PC-only designers and whenever a PS3 owner hears that, he's just gotta wince. However, Splash Damage has owned up to their lacking of knowledge in the PS3 hardware department and therefore, they've worked to bring experienced people on board to assist. They even nabbed Dean Calver, who handled the lead programming duties on Ninja Theory 's PS3 exclusive, Heavenly Sword , and lead level designer for Killzone 2 , Neil Alphonso. Splash Damage CEO Paul Wedgwood called PS3's technology "alien," which is why guys like Alphonso and Calver are helping out and we just have to applaud that move. Valve has admitted they need some "PS3 help," too…but of course, they haven't actually gone out and looked for it.
Brink is shaping up to be one hell of a promising shooter, and it's scheduled to arrive for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC some time next year. We just really like the idea of developers not only owning up to their shortcomings, but actually working to do something about it.
Related Game(s): Brink
Omg…another shooter..YAY!!!
Any other info on it yet? Setting, Characters etc.?
Yeah, we've got you covered on that. Check main page again. 😉
ffrulezzz, of course not
I saw a trailer a wile back, Looks promising but i thought it was a 360 and pc exclusive so i just let it pass by. I doubt i will buy it but i would like to see how it turns out.
"You now, single-player campaign, online and offline multiplayer, etc."
You "KNOW," lol, just razzin ya Ben (ahem, John) Oops I did it again.
Anyway, I'll keep an eyeball on it, this is what Valve should have been doing all along and I assumed you were alluding to them in that final sentence too 🙂
im excited for this but worried at the same time.
they seem super enthusiastic and confident but im worried there going to bite off more than they can chew.
and well bethesdas titles have not been up to scratch latley.
rouge warrior and wet spring to mind.
for the love of god anyone thinking of buying rouge warrior resist the devil.
it is THE WORST! shooter i have ever played.
Guess that explains why I've never even heard of rogue warrior, Bethesda needs to stick to first person rpgs and adventures, and work harder at fixing the massive glitches they leave in them.
Kudo's to Splash Damage & Brink for asking for help when they need it.
At least these guys are more than willing to take on a new & unfamiliar architecture.
That shows me a lot of spunk on their behalf.
(unlike a certain "pipe fitting attachment" named CEO that complains that the PS3 is tooooo hard to try to do). And I think that sorry f*ck seems to be more interested in having MS comp him every morning at Micky D's for his usual fork-lift sized load of Octo-burgers, each one individually slathered with a 55 gallon drum sized order of secret sauce.
I'm not naming name's here, but…. just maybe if we all chip in and get Richard Simmons to pinch his a** a few times, he'll get motivated to get off his frigging landmark sized twin-peaks "HALF(a)LIFE" butt-crack.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/28/2009 1:05:24 AM
*strokes 2 hairs on chin*
You just have two random hairs huh? Should trim those bad boys.
Ya betcha' I did ages ago
Here here!
Where where?