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2014 Will Mark A “Very Special Time” For Naughty Dog

2014 could be a big year for Naughty Dog. Which means the gamers win , right?

As the developer teased on its website , 2014 will represent a "very special" time for the studio. Maybe that means they'll announce a sequel for The Last Of Us in addition to giving us more info on Uncharted 4 …?

"2014 marks a very special time in Naughty Dog's history and we'll have more information about what that means early next year."

The company has yet to share information on all their upcoming projects, so we expect to hear a lot more about future IPs. The studio does have at least two internal development teams, but we're not sure who's working on what. As for a TLoU sequel, creative director Neil Druckmann was quoted as saying that they'd be happy if they never did one. Why? Because "we told the story we needed to tell," he said. Still, he added that the post-apocalyptic universe is "ripe for more stories."

Well, whatever Naughty Dog has planned, we'll be sure to pay close attention. A more elite developer does not exist.

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10 years ago

Pretty sure this means the announcement of the new Uncharted, The Last of US for PS4, and probably some kind of anniversary/legacy edition of some kind of something. I don't think we will hear about the OTHER game they are working on (possibly the space one) for some time.

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
10 years ago

I'm pretty sure they already announced Uncharted 4. Not an actual release date, but they've acknowledged that it's coming.

10 years ago

well yeah they announce Uncharted SOMEthing, I guess I meant a full unveiling of whatever it is. Uncharted 4, new hero Uncharted, new spinoff Uncharted, whichever.

10 years ago

going multiplat?

10 years ago

Explain why a Sony-owned studio will go multiplat.

10 years ago

Maybe they could buy themselves back? Have their games available on 3 consoles and the upcoming steam thing and PC.. make a lot of money and grow?

"2014 marks a very special time in Naughty Dog's history"

I guess it could be bringing back an old game but I didn't think they were talking about games here. Figure it's more of a company thing.

Last edited by EndZero on 12/14/2013 3:26:41 PM

10 years ago

I would love a brand new IP!

10 years ago

I bet it's a new ip. ND had two new ip's in one generation. We will see something new from them if not in 2 years 3.

10 years ago

Hope it's a new IP too. ND has two development teams now. They might very well be cooking up something new alongside Uncharted 4.

10 years ago

Could it mean they are going independent and greating games for both consoles? Or… going completely digital?

Until then…back to my PS3. 🙂

Keep playing!

10 years ago

ND is owned by Sony. Their games will never be multiplat.

10 years ago

Could it be because it would be their 25th anniversary as Naughty Dog Inc. since changing their name from Jam Software in 1989? Just a thought.

Last edited by TheLastBeast on 12/14/2013 12:27:58 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I think you could be onto something with that idea.

10 years ago

I wondered how far down I would need to scroll to see who states that it will be Naughty Dogs 25th Anniversary.

10 years ago

I'm happy without another The Last of Us. Amazing, and that story was brilliant. With that said, that doesn't mean I would be interested to see what they can do. Obviously they know how to continually advance themselves and their games. I doubt it will be anything related to The Last of Us. Uncharted 4 and a new in and maybe something about the company is what we will hear.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

For me the number 1 gamecompany[uncharted,The last of us],and then on number 2 Bethesda[fallout 3[much bugs but still the best of all games],skyrim,wolfenstein].

Give it to us:Uncharted 4 and the confirmation of The last of us 2

Last edited by slow and smart on 12/14/2013 2:12:27 AM

10 years ago

sigh, another developer hanging the tuna can just out of the poor cats reach.
oh well hopefully for once its actually something worth hyping up!
one thing i hate about this industry, weve turned into a bunch of 8yo girls!
everythings hyped up as the second coming, then people get pissed when everyones so disappointed.
well excuse me for being disappointed when im told i won the lottery, then it turns out yea i did win the lottery, the lottery where the prize is 1M used candy wrappers!

10 years ago

Why r u always so pessimistic?

10 years ago


10 years ago

We'll likely get a new Uncharted. I don't think they'll make The Last of Us 2. The word "Last" has finality to it. Perhaps it will be a new game set in the universe created in The Last of Us.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

*Points at Final Fantasy*
The word "Final" also has a finality to it. 😉

10 years ago

I think we might be closing in on the actual Final Fantasy at this rate 😐

10 years ago

@ Lawless: Yes I get the Final as in Fantasy,but that was unique.
There's also Final Fight, I think that had sequels as well.
However, The Last of Us essentially refers to Ellie, right?

10 years ago

Ellie alone cannot represent "US".

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Yeah, I know. FF was going to be Sakaguchi's last game if it bombed, so it was his own personal "final fantasy". And nah, The Last of Us is a reference to humanity as a whole, particularly our morality, rather than just Ellie.

10 years ago

I have the exact same issue w/ FF…"Don't they know what the heck 'Final' means?" 😉 Then again, I don't know what "Solid" is supposed to mean in MGS. Wacky Japanese, I guess! As long as they aren't puking on each other for sexual pleasure, I won't complain. 🙂

10 years ago

yea i mean when ND does something special gamers jump to see what it is and i think the gamers usually win in this sorta situation but it'll certainly be interesting to see what they are up to

happy gaming =)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Guerilla wrote something very similar last year about this year, IIRC, and it turned out that they were creating the flagship launch title of the PS4 as well as Killzone: Mercenary. Something tells me that 2014 will definitely mark the release of the new Uncharted as well as the announcement of another title (hopefully not TLoU 2). Maybe we'll be getting a Naughty Dog Vita game…

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
10 years ago

I agree that they've told the story of The Last of Us. I would hate to see them re-open the story just for the sake of getting a sequel out of it. Unless it was something completely unrelated to Joel and Ellie's story.

10 years ago

If they were to continue TLOU it would hope they would allow at least a few years to do so. Let the TLOU marinate.

10 years ago

Maybe a new Crash Bandicoot game?

10 years ago

If its made by them, then I'm all for it. Plus I do not think anyone else can do a Crash Bandicoot game like them.

10 years ago

It would have to be a collaboration with ActiVision. They are adamant that they still own the rights to the IP. It would be very interesting if this came to be somehow. But Crash would need to evolve drastically. Same fun gameplay translated to current gen standards but with an epic and hilarious story. If anyone can do that it's Naughty Dog.

Last edited by FatherSun on 12/14/2013 4:41:16 PM

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