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Ragnorak Odyssey Preview

Scheduled release date:
September 11, 2012
Game Arts
Gung Ho
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
September 11, 2012

It may not be called Monster Hunter but you know, it’s pretty darn similar. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either, as Capcom’s supremely popular franchise has brought countless hours of entertainment to handheld lovers. And now, with Ragnorak Odyssey hitting the PlayStation Vita next month, there’s every reason to hook up with like-minded friends and go out questing for the sake of loot, cash, and of course, the respect of your allies. A lot of flashy attacks and a fair amount of customization and depth helps, too.

Essentially a multiplayer-oriented title, the latest from Game Arts lets you play with others via ad hoc or online play. You can choose from one of six available classes: Swordmaster, Hammersmith, Hunter, Cleric, Assassin, and Mage. As you might expect, your style of play should dictate your choice; if you’re more of a straight-ahead, tear up everything in your path kind of adventurer, you’ll probably go with the Swordmaster or Hammersmith. But if you’re more about stealth, strategy, distance attacking, or learning the arcane arts, you should try experimenting with the other classes. You gotta weigh the pros and cons.

For instance, while the Hunter, who uses a bow, has the highest attack speed and range, he doesn’t do much damage per strike. At the same time, being away from the fray helps him a lot. The Cleric offers a combination of healing and support spells along with some decent melee damage, while the mage is actually capable of dealing melee damage as well alongside the standard ranged magic attacks. However, as is typically the case with any magic-based classes in an RPG, the Cleric and Mage’s hit points and defense ratings are super low, so you’ll have to be extremely careful. But don’t forget the “action” part of this action/RPG.