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PlayStation Vita Sales Hit 321,000 In First Two Days

The PlayStation Vita didn't launch without a few problems , and some gamers are still miffed about the high price of both the memory cards and the unit itself.

But that doesn't mean the early Japanese sales numbers are lagging. According to retail tracking firm Enterbrain and as reported by GameSpot , 321,000 Vitas left store shelves during the new portable's first two days on sale.

Perhaps it's surprising to note that the Nintendo 3DS only sold 50,000 more units (371,000) in its first two days on the market. In comparison, 166,000 PSPs were sold "in the single day that counted as that console's launch week, due to differences in launch timings." There are two models currently available in Japan; the Wi-Fi-only device, priced at 24,980 yen (it'll be $250 here), and the 3G-enabled unit, priced at 29,980 yen ($300 here). No word yet on the numbers split between these two hardware versions; that'll be interesting to see.

But it appears to be a mighty successful launch, so Sony should be pleased. Maybe having the largest launch lineup in PlayStation history helped.

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12 years ago

As long as those issues with the software (I hope it isn't a hardware issue) are dealt with before it reaches Europe, this machine will be a D1P for me.
Still not sure if I should go for the 3g or the wifi-only version…
Also, since they haven't announced an Uncharted bundle here yet, I haven't pre-ordered it.
SO get that bundle announced Europe! (or maybe it's just The Netherlands lagging behind)

12 years ago

I wish they have a Wi-Fi bundle instead of the 3G. It's just features that I'll never use.

12 years ago

Congratulations Sony! Well done, it's always good to see a successful launch.

12 years ago

Apart from the really early teething issues, which should not be a problem for anyone in the medium/long term, this sounds like a successful launch. The product itself looks like a winner, I just hope that it succeeds in all the ways that the PSP did, but goes further and succeeds in terms of software sales outside of Japan too.

The launch line up looks great though, so I imagine that the initial period after launch will be good for them.

12 years ago

Wonder why you got thumbed down O_O Nothing wrong with your comment lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/20/2011 1:23:21 PM

12 years ago

I have stalkers…
Well, I don't know if I do, but it's the only thing that makes sense…

12 years ago

I dont understand people's standards in thumbing down people. I guess they just disagree. All you need to do is flip Highlander's comments 180 degrees and you'll see what's in these people's minds.

12 years ago

Obviously some people disagree with one of the following:

1. This sounds like a successful launch.
2. The product itself looks like a winner.
3. I just hope that it succeeds in all the ways that the PSP did.
4. The launch line up looks great though.

Highlander… You are skating on thin ice with such controversial comments!!!


12 years ago

Agree… medium to long term I still feel Vita will cut its own… but you must admit, many people will wait on the sidelines and for that eventual price drop.

I only expect a price drop 24 months from now… probably end of the second year of its life. I am prepared to wait… the games will be cheap as well 🙂



12 years ago

Sony was going to ship 500,000 Vita's out for Japan's launch, but just last week they upped that count by another 200,000 to make it 700,000.

The way it sounds so far, I think they had better quickly up that count once again.

12 years ago

We all know the 3DS struggled early on forcing Nintendo to slash its price in attempt to restore confidence in the brand so I would not be holding up only 50,000 less than the 3DS as a shining example of success. There have been many weeks where the original PSP managed to outsell the 3DS in Japan thanks to that Monster Hunter game. Frankly, I am little surprised the Vita did not have a better launch than 3DS. The 3DS had what is widely considered to be a pretty medicore launch over all. It was hurt by its price point and a lack of games. I guess the memory card prices could be an explanation. I do think that will hurt the early adoption rate of the Vita. I know I'm not going to pay those prices for a memory card. Sorry. Gamers and the industry seemed to react pretty positively towards the Vita's price point in general when it was announced…the memory card prices were a different story, though.

If I were Sony I would get Capcom to crank out one of those Monster Hunter games asap. That would help drive a lot of sales. It worked for the PSP so it can work for the Vita as well. Does anybody know if a Monster Hunter game is coming to the Vita? Becuase if one is just look for huge spike in Vita sales when it does happen.

12 years ago

3DS launch day wasn't that bad. It was the after launch, when people realised nothing was coming, that was dismal and forced them to put a price drop on the units (nearly 4 months after launch)

* I know I'm not going to pay those prices for a memory card. *

I bet you did plenty in the past if you bought any kind of PS2 memory card or any SD card more than 1-2 years ago. Hell I paid 200$ for my first 2gb PSP 1000 memory card LOL Anyway look at it that way: Instead of saving 1 week for a 40$ 16gb, Save for 3 weeks! 😀

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/20/2011 1:29:43 PM

12 years ago

Neo_Aeon666 is right. The 3DS actually had a stellar launch. Making Nintendo do the PR thing by saying that it was their fastest selling handheld in history or whatever. It was the following weeks and months that were a problem for the unit. No games and its high price only hurt its chances with anyone who wasn't a Nintendo gamer or early adopter.

The only reason the 3DS took off recently, is because it finally got AAA games. Something it seriously lacked during the weeks after the launch of the system.

This is what the Vita needs above all. Games. AAA games. And so far, Vita's launch titles 1up the ones the 3DS had by FAR. No comparison.

Therefore, I'm optimistic about the Vita's chances in getting through its first financial year with flying colors (but not in the RED!)

12 years ago

I have read numerous articles that have described the 3DS launch as poor.

Here is one regarding the Vita and 3DS that I found at Industry Gamers. It describes the Vita's launch as mixed, and the the 3DS launch as poor.

"Sony has a lot riding on the PS Vita launch given they project a 1 billion dollar loss for the fiscal year ending in March, which will be their third straight year of losses. The company wants to show it can successfully launch a new handheld console. After Nintendo's problems with a poor 3DS launch, Sony wants to show they can do it properly."

So there. I would not describe the 3DS launch as "stellar". Fastest selling blah blah. It missed the sales targets that the industry forcasted for it which is exactly why the 3DS launch is usually described as poor. Hell, even Nintendo themselves have admitted the 3DS launch was "poor" and that they would make sure they did not make the same mistakes with the Wii U.

12 years ago

You can still have a poor launch, but have record breaking sell numbers in history. Nintendo has said their launch was poor, but is that in regards to high standards or being humble? Everyone else said their launch was poor yet they out beat the competition. Are sony and nintendo handhelds even competition? Well to a degree. Either way it doesn't matter to me. All I know is that limited edition KH 3ds shall be in my hand! Then the vita phone will follow.

12 years ago

Just so you know the 3DS also had software problems on launch and had to be patched within the first weeks. Games crashing, console closing by itself… Sound problems (1 speaker outta 2 working correctly) bleh. Guess we could say no one is immune to the first batch problems. I just pointed that out since you were comparing them on sales while only giving out the flaws Vita encountered.

Ben I don't know why but you seem to not like the Vita. Your Vita articles always or nearly always have a Neutral towards negative trend to them. You do not seem excited at all about it yet it is one hell of a nice piece of hardware with plenty of dev support. Or are you hiding your excitement because alot of members complained about the memory price? Personnally I do not care about that. We had to buy expensive memory devices for all Sony consoles until the PS3 and no one gave a crap (8mb memory cards for 30$ lol) Anyway I'd like to know your view on the system. Those tiny microscopic flaws won't ever outshine the brilliance of all it's other features and POWAAAA lol I could convert to being a PS Priest!

12 years ago

They also had to issue a hardware patch for the second thumb circle thingy. Well, OK, not a patch, but a cheapo accessory to give the second stick that should have been there all along. I mean, even Sony learned their lesson on that one.

12 years ago


As far as I know Ben does not have a Vita yet so I would give him a break in regards any percieved negativity on your part. I really don't see that. Neutral and objective is right where it should be when one has yet to even touch the device. As for those memory card prices…let's just say I think they are a tad expensive when compared to comparable flash memory prices available today. It's tough to defend those prices when they are 4X the cost of what is out there today in terms of flash memory. What one paid for a memory stick for a PSP many years ago is a little different than what is now available in terms of flash memory pricing imo. Again, it is very tough to justify the Vita's memory card prices. That's why there was some back lash over those memory card prices.

I have a 32gb SD memory card that is occupying the SD memory card slot in my BW compatable PS3. I use it to store movies on and back up save files. I got Thor, Captain America, X-men First Class, and Super 8 on it which is pretty cool. Those are some fun movies. I paid around 29.99 for that card a little over 1 year ago. That's the same price Sony is charging for a 4gb card.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/20/2011 2:50:26 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Not sure what you're talking about. I'm only relaying the news and I don't know if you noticed, but there have been a ton of negative headlines concerning the Vita.

I've actually kept things relatively light.

12 years ago

They still sell 8MB memory cards for nearly $30. It kind of puts complaints about the new sticks in perspective.

12 years ago

Hey Neo,

Any update on the Xbox Next target boxes?

12 years ago

Okay, I just saw an article on CVG that stated Vita sales are double that of the PSP in the the first 2 days. When it is put like that then yes it has been a great launch. Twice the sales of the PSP is great. Sony should feel pretty good about that. The real question is whether or not the Vita will have any legs in regions other than Japan. You have to remember the PSP was pretty successful in Japan, and even managed to sell quite a few PSP games. Hardware sales and especially game sales were an issue out side of Japan for the PSP.

12 years ago

I agree. Japan has been very supportive of the PSP line of handhelds for the most part. The real test will happen when it starts selling abroad and in the West.

Now, I would like for Sony to insist in their adverts that the Vita is a dedicated gaming handheld. I have hopes that they will advertise it that way since they came out and spoke about how the PSP confused consumers. And how the Vita is primarily for gaming.

They should go after gamers first. Casuals later.

Even Nintendo got the freakin' message. That's why they gave their base Mario's and Zelda's and the works on the 3DS this year. And commented that next year they'll go after casuals.

Vita can do better.

12 years ago

Great news. Hopefully the Vita can maintain this pace despite the few hiccups out of the gate. I can't wait to get my hands on a Vita when they're released in North America.

12 years ago

frustrating about the reliability issues, but that seems to be everything these days!
you cant buy a single thing on launch and have it work.
in fact, i dont think i have this gen.
my Z5500 speakers had a blown fuse, my $ony D series TV had overheating issues day 1, my toshiba X500 overheating and dented screen, my PSP GO when i first got it refused to hold a charge.
dont these companies have QA departments any more?

IGN had some stats up differing the WIFI and 3G, cant remember what they were i think it was 70% WIFI and 30% 3G which is not exactly surprising.
just the expense and speed, well at least here of 3G, just is not worth it.
its too slow, and carriers charge far too much for it.
also, limited to 20MB apps whats the point of having a 1GB+ download limit when the largest app you can download with it is 20MB?
one thing i HATE about the apps store!
yea you can use it for web browsing, but A you would have to do a hell of allot of web browsing to use up 1GB, and B why would you use the vita for web browsing when you have a phone that can do it?
and dont forget the vita cant web surf while in game like a phone can.
so yea its just not worth the extra cost, the 100 bucks more on the unit, then whatever they charge per month.
not to mention the 3G is so slow!
dunno about anywhere else but every time im out and try to load a web page, even something fast like google on full reception takes 5 minutes!
every time i try connect to the apps store on my iphone through 3G i get time out and connection errors, i dont think ive ever been on the apps store using 3G!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x