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Dynasty Warriors 7 Slashing Onto US Shelves In March

You may remember it wowing new PlayStation 2 owners nearly a decade ago and since that time, Dynasty Warriors has continued to thrive.

…well, okay, it thrives a lot better in Japan. At any rate, Tecmo Koei has confirmed North American release details for the latest entry, Dynasty Warriors 7 . It will not only support both PlayStation Move and 3D, it will boast awesome co-op action and plenty of that hack 'n slash combat fans of the series crave. It will release in the US on March 22 and three days later on the 25th in Europe. You can find more details on the expansive Story Mode at the game's Euro website ; we particularly like the part of most any character being able to wield most any weapon… Boasting over 60 total characters, there should be no shortage of options both on and off the battlefield and in truth, we're really hoping for the most fleshed-out and satisfying DW installment yet. Lastly, it should be mentioned that the international release won't be exclusive to the PS3; it'll be a multiplatform title in NA/Europe.

Yeah, this series has gotten a little stale and we've been begging for some upgrades and innovation. We opt to remain optimistic, though.

Related Game(s): Dynasty Warriors 7

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13 years ago

Wait, I thought it's PS3 exclusive??
Ah well, hardly interested in this unless they actually put more effort in it.
Dynasty Warriors 3-6 was pretty much the same game with tweaks here and there.

But then again, it's still a fun game, just not worth at full price.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 12/27/2010 9:53:35 PM

13 years ago

This series hasn't really been exclusive since part 2 so no big surprise here. Still, I've enjoyed all of them for the most part so I'll get this one as well at some point. Been enjoying the online game for the last two months or so now.

13 years ago

Great online potential but I've lost love for this series. I doubt I'll buy it full price but I will likely pick it up in June/July. It can't be worse than Tron thankfully.

13 years ago

People really buy these games?

13 years ago

I know I used to 😉

13 years ago

lol, I was gonna say "People care about these games?"

13 years ago

LOL! That's because they're terrible. I was kind of excited for Fist of the Northstar until it turned out being a Dynasty Warriors clone.

13 years ago

@Jawknee I to was extremely excited for FOTNS game until I found out it going to be made by Koei after that I already how the game would turn out, & I was right. The character models actually looked cool though that was they only up about that game other then that like the gundams games it too became a DW clone.OH & have you heard about they're other game called Warriors Legend of Troy….Yep it's exactly what it sound like and if you see the screen shots its pretty much a greek version of DW.

@Snaaaake I used to like them also but after DW3 Koei just didn't care anymore & started milking the hell out of the series. They're same damn game with SLIGHTLY better graphics, only difference with this new one and DW6 they changed all the characters weapons and looks that's it the core of the game is the exact same as it was from DW3 which is sad very very sad;(

Last edited by GuyverLT on 12/28/2010 1:34:36 AM

13 years ago

Can you explain to someone has put 30+ hours into Fist of the North Star, how it's anything like Dynasty Warriors? Seriously, they have absolutely nothing in common besides the fact that there are alot of people on screen for you to smash. The story, the characters, the styles. Come on…lets's give games a good try before we dismiss them. Gamers, right?

Last edited by PorkChopGamer on 12/28/2010 1:35:18 AM

13 years ago

No explanation needed. You answered your own question.

I don't have to buy every single game in order to form an opinion. That's what demos and sites like this are for.

13 years ago

You know, God of War 3 could be described the same way. FotNS is nowhere near that level, but you get my meaning. But, that's what renting's for. Anyway, if you haven't played a game for a good deal of time, how can you speak on it intelligently? Wait, I just answered my question…

13 years ago


God of War is actually GOOD! Dynasty Warriors…Not so much.

Once again, I don't have to "play the game a great deal" in order to form an opinion. That is what demos and sites like this are for.

13 years ago

I already said FotSN was nowhere near that level. Basically, you form your opinion by what other people tell you and then spout these things back in an effort to sound 'informed'? Why even make a comment if you don't know first hand? No sense to me, but whatever you need to do to entertain yourself. You're obviously not playing enough games.

13 years ago

Dude! I've played the demos, I've played copies by friends own. I don't have to play every crappy game before forming an opinion. Dynasty Warriors and Fist of the Northstar are mediocre trash. The demos and the review scores says it all. These games have been terrible for years.

I'm going to say it one more time, I..don' Thats what demos and sites like this are for! Reviewers form opinions of games all the time without finishing them. Something like DW or FotN don't require hours and hours of game play to realize they're bad. Are we clear?

13 years ago

So the review average is right about GT5? We both know that's untrue. Again, you have to PLAY the game and invest to see that it's fantastic. This is what I'm saying to you for one last time. I've seen you personally write that anyone who has spent significant time with GT5 knows it awesome. Keyword 'significant'. Not going by reviews. Not listening to other sites. Personal play time. This should be for EVERY game not just for your GT5 debates. Stop being a hypocrite, dude. Really.

13 years ago

Well while FotN is basically the same as DW, after the demo I find it better than DW.
With the boss fight requiring SLIGHTLY more strategy than you usually does in DW.

Been a while since I last had fun with a DW-styled game though it's a demo, but I'm waiting for the price to drop REAL LOW or get it used.

13 years ago

Porkchop, stop acting a fool. GT5 is a completely different experience. Stop comparing AAA games to the crap you enjoy playing and stop trying to pick fights with people on the Internet.

DW and FotN ARE NOT GOW3 and GT5! Not by a long shot.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/28/2010 12:26:18 PM

13 years ago

You really don't honestly believe that people need to play 30+ hours into games like Fist of the North Star or any of the 20+(I'm including all the spin-offs) DW games to know if they're going to enjoy them or not because you can usually tell within the 1st 5 mins whether or not you're going to enjoy it. The story in DW is so played out man The fact that there really are no TRUE sequels in this franchise rather it's the same exact story every game damn game except for DW6 when they changed all the characters weapons and looks that's all they did. I bet you that DW7 is really gonna be DW6.1…..Oh! I almost forgot.. with online-_-

Last edited by GuyverLT on 12/28/2010 2:42:40 PM

13 years ago

Well duh Jawknee. If people weren't buying these games the whole koei warrior franchise and spinoffs would just stop existing or koei would go out of business. These games are there flagship.

13 years ago

It's not about FotNS or DW7. It's the act of talking about a game you've not played. Why you guys can't grasp that oh-so simple concept is beyond me. But that's atypical of this breed thats quick to label themselves 'hardcore' gamer. They believe there so 'in the know' that they know everything. Anyway, play time beats any demo or review. Fact.

13 years ago

Again with the playtime stuff, we've seen so many DW like titles you don't need a whole lot of playtime with these games cause they get boring after a about 3 or 4 hours maybe less.

13 years ago

If they give every character a Musou Mode, then I'll definitely be giving this installment a try. It might be a trivial detail, but I felt a bit let down with the last game not having one for Ma Chao.

13 years ago

I have no words for this… trash.

13 years ago

Then they had the nerve to make a dressed up Dynasty Warrior game using the name & characters ,one of my favorite all time anime Fist Of the North Star. They also got a couple other games all of which look & play the exact same they are one of the most 1-dimensional studios I've ever seen why won't they go out of business already.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 12/27/2010 10:49:58 PM

13 years ago

Hah! Tecmo-Koei just shut me up! I thought this game would not make it to the West but here it is!

This game is very much loved by gamers in Asian countries because it's based in Asia's finest and most import periods. It was like Europe's medieval times.

The games have actually always been good, though if you don't like the genre/sub-genre this game is in then you won't like it. Though everyone also admits that they were milking the heck out of the series at the latter part of ps2's era.

I'm so going to get this, I love the Dynasty period of China. The weapons alone were some of the most memorable weapons ever made in the history of the human race. Seriously looking forward to this now.

Should be interesting how the online part pans out.

Also, will this also have the "fighting 1on1" mode? I hope so!

Why do they bother releasing this on 360? Watch it sell less than 200 copies on that console lol.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/28/2010 12:17:30 AM

13 years ago

Maybe it'll be like Final Fantasy and 7 will be the best one.

Oh wait, that was 8.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, it wasn't.

13 years ago

No? Was it 12? Because I didn't care for the queer looking main character.

13 years ago

It was VII.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

It was VII. The one with the superior cast, story, character advancement system, world design, pacing, balance, etc, etc, etc.

That one. 😉

13 years ago

I thought that was FF VI.

13 years ago

Dynasty Warriors is one of the cherished memories I have of the PS2 days. I loved it. I just might pick it up but with the huge list of games I want, and a couple I need to catch up on, Sadly this might slip off my shelf.

13 years ago

Although I love and enjoy DW Gundam and Fist of the North Star, I just can't get into the main DW series. I tried with 6: Empires and just could get excited about it. Fist of the North Star is just awesome fun, though.

13 years ago

ok look ive owned every dynasty warriors and samurai warriors game out there and i have loved them alot you guys say that the games havent changed but isnt that kinda a good thing i mean really? you guys are starting to hate the final fantasy saying you miss the turn base but here you are asking for change come on maybe koei doesnt change alot cause apperantly ppl like there games like this dont you think i mean god they made it to part 7….and come on guys you cant dismiss a game especially if it has the almighty LUBU

13 years ago

and ben for the love of everything that is sony….i love this website all your reviews are awsome and interesting….so do us a favor and go mobile its would b awsome to have a app for this website keeps me informed of the go

13 years ago

I agree with Jawknee, dynasty warriors and FOTNS are Charles Barkley "TURRABLE"

13 years ago

I was hoping that they reboot the series. well
it has online mode now at least.

13 years ago

it doesn't need a reboot… though I would prefer if they'd make it into a fighting game again instead of a…action-beat 'em up.

Standing up to Soul Calibur! That'd be sick

13 years ago

I had a roommate of mine that was insane over this series in the PS2 days. I tried to get into it but never could. Everytime I tried to play it, I said, "Screw it, give me my Onimusha instead…" Nice to see them re-booting this game, but It's just not my style…although I did have fun with the first Kessen when it came out, so I may give this one another chance…

13 years ago

You could tell this series sucks just by reading the name and the same awful graphics all time.

13 years ago

You could tell this series sucks just by reading the name and the same awful graphics all time.

13 years ago

I wish Tecmo Koei would have Licensed Gundam DW3 rather than DW7

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