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Don’t Make The Mistake Of Saying Beyond Is Another Heavy Rain

While there are similar characteristics and the storytelling method may be mostly the same, Beyond: Two Souls is not another Heavy Rain .

That's not PSXE talking (still can't say anything until the embargo is up on Tuesday); that's Quantic Dream co-CEO Guillaume de Fondaumiere speaking in a new interview posted over at the PlayStation Blog .

The latest PlayStation 3 exclusive from Quantic Dream is described as "a wholly unique creation with no obvious analogue." There is only one character instead of four and the story spans an entire lifetime, which is quite original. Plus, it features a "radically different, more direct play style" when compared to the excellent Heavy Rain . As Fondaumiere says, the design and development of Beyond was actually quite different and in the end, the game "promises to push the limits of interactive storytelling."

Personally, I find that immensely exciting. But not everyone agrees.

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I played HR with the psmove and it was just immersive. It was the way to play it. Unfortunately, I sold my move equipment long ago and I will not be able to enjoy BTS to its full potential. I'm not sure if it has move support, but I don't see why not?

I'm interested in BTS and it shall be mine come Tuesday.

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

My only issue is that the game plays almost the same whether I follow prompts or not. Heavy rain's ending was such a cop out(and there was almost no fallback in any decision you made) I felt cheated and gave GameStop my copy.

After the demo I canceled my pre order and decided to rent it. it really feels like a heavy rain 2

10 years ago

You're doing it wrong.

10 years ago

Erm….. wut?

10 years ago

I'm surprised to hear that Karneli, I have seen all the endings of Heavy Rain and explored all the routes you can take and there are some very different outcomes. I played my 1st playthrough honestly and if a character failed I did not restart. I didn't get the best ending but a really sad one. I kept me interested and want to see how to get the best out come and explore more of the game.

As for Beyond, I'm sorry but when you look at the industry as a whole, the two games will be lumped side by side through the QTE control method. I know story-wise and thematically it is a different game, as it is not a sequel to HR but I would certainly class it in the same genre.

Oh I should add, I played the demo at home recently and it looked a hell of a lot better then when I was at the gaming convention (Eurogamer). I think the monitors their were just turned up to max hence why the shadows and colouring looked awful. So I take back what I said previously. Got mine pre-oreded and I'm looking forward to it.

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

I was sad when i realized i could just watch it (train scene)and do nothing yet the story keeps going. If the rental changes my mind i'm buying it

10 years ago

2 characters, I actually felt like an out of control wild spirit (Aiden) when I was given the option of either scaring the hell out of the woman and everyone in the building or doing as Jodie said and stopping the experiment.

10 years ago

well unfortunately as most of you wud know by now is that i just don't really have the spare cash or it ryte now but maybe nxt year some time

happy gaming =)

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