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Naughty Dog: 80% Of PS4 Owners Haven’t Played Uncharted

Back in June 2014, Sony said that about 1/3 of PlayStation 4 owners had never owned the PS3 .

Later, Sony updated that statistic to about 50 percent and as such, they've looked to remaster back-catalog titles to take advantage of the newcomers. We've already seen plenty of HD upgrades on PS4, including The Last Of Us: Remastered and the recently released Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection .

Now, here's a new statistic from developer Naughty Dog: According to what community strategist Eric Monacelli said in a recent MCV interview , the vast majority of PS4 owners have never touched an Uncharted game:

"We did a lot of research and discovered that about 80 percent of the people that own a PS4 have never played Uncharted, period. That was one of the reasons why we thought remastering it would be a good idea."

Monacelli added that the team's expectations for the Collection are "high" and Sony has tossed some advertising dollars it as well (I just saw a TV commercial, in fact). If you haven't seen it yet, check out some excellent gameplay and this sweet PS4 bundle is awfully enticing, too.

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8 years ago

If that is true there are no reason to talk about the "long time Playstation gamers" in regards to platform differences, as they are in the clear minority.

8 years ago

I wonder how they get this statistics. I myself certainly never participated in any surveys. This suggests that they are logging our info through trophies or login accounts. What if I created a new psn account when I transition from ps3 to 4? A lot of loopholes in their data.

8 years ago

Likely just an estimation, but an estimation of 80% is still a lot.

8 years ago

I just played the remasters and honestly if you already have the games on PS3 you're better off just hanging on to them.

The PS4 version of Drake Fortune in particular looks washed out in color and quite dull compared to it's more vibrant PS3 counterpart original imo. ND looks as though they have tried to push for a more realistic color palette which just doesn't feel right imo. Drake and Elena look like they've aged with the color toned down and their eyes in cutscenes look fogged up and just plain strange. Upping the brightness on the T.V doesn't make things much better either.

Don't get me wrong they're brilliant games and always will be but you're not really missing much if you already own the PS3 versions except for the early UC4 beta. It is well worth owning if you have a PS4 and never played or owned the PS3 versions though.

8 years ago

Guess most UC fans are just waiting for UC4.

8 years ago

Admittedly, I am part of that 80%. Not because I don't want to play the series, I just haven't made it happen yet. I don't have a lot of time for games these days and there always seems to be something else I want to play more than Uncharted.

I don't know if I would buy this collection though. I already own 2 & 3 for PS3, I would just need to find an old copy of 1 (or possibly just find a youtube video for the story and skip 1 all together)

And my backlog continues to grow…

8 years ago

Well, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune would be the one to skip in my opinion if someone HAD to skip out on playing it or just watch gameplay from youtube.

The shooting mechanics weren't as tight as the other two games and I found replaying U:DF a bit tedious…as you could EASILY tell the difference. I also don't want to reveal any spoilers, but towards the end the game takes too much of an unreal turn, which turned me slightly off.

All that said, playing through that first game for the first time was amazing! Easily one of my favorite franchises from last gen. But again, if you don't want to be bothered with finding an old used copy and would be will to watch any of the previous 3 games then #1 would be your safest choice.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 10/8/2015 12:42:23 PM

8 years ago

I am also in that 80%. I had the first one for a while, but never put the disc in the PS3. Perhaps I will get the HD collection at some point and see what all the fuss is about.

8 years ago

This is a crazy stat. I have only one friend who owns a PS4 and who hasn't played the first three Uncharted games—and only two others didn't play the handheld game.

I've played them all, and I've played them all multiple times. I suspect that I'll play them all again in the HD remaster when I have some spare time, which won't be for a year or so given the release of Fallout 4 in a month.

5 years ago

This is a crazy stat. I have only one friend who owns a PS4 and who hasn&#39t played the first three Uncharted gamesâ&#128&#148and only two others didn&#39t play the handheld game.

I&#39ve played them all, and I&#39ve played them all multiple times. I suspect that I&#39ll play them all again in the HD remaster when I have some spare time, which won&#39t be for a year or so given the release of Fallout 4 in a month.

5 years ago

I just played the remasters and honestly if you already have the games on PS3 you&#39re better off just hanging on to them.

The PS4 version of Drake Fortune in particular looks washed out in color and quite dull compared to it&#39s more vibrant PS3 counterpart original imo. ND looks as though they have tried to push for a more realistic color palette which just doesn&#39t feel right imo. Drake and Elena look like they&#39ve aged with the color toned down and their eyes in cutscenes look fogged up and just plain strange. Upping the brightness on the T.V doesn&#39t make things much better either.

Don&#39t get me wrong they&#39re brilliant games and always will be but you&#39re not really missing much if you already own the PS3 versions except for the early UC4 beta. It is well worth owning if you have a PS4 and never played or owned the PS3 versions though.

5 years ago

I am also in that 80%. I had the first one for a while, but never put the disc in the PS3. Perhaps I will get the HD collection at some point and see what all the fuss is about.

5 years ago

Admittedly, I am part of that 80%. Not because I don&#39t want to play the series, I just haven&#39t made it happen yet. I don&#39t have a lot of time for games these days and there always seems to be something else I want to play more than Uncharted.

I don&#39t know if I would buy this collection though. I already own 2 & 3 for PS3, I would just need to find an old copy of 1 (or possibly just find a youtube video for the story and skip 1 all together)

And my backlog continues to grow…

5 years ago

Well, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune would be the one to skip in my opinion if someone HAD to skip out on playing it or just watch gameplay from youtube.

The shooting mechanics weren&#39t as tight as the other two games and I found replaying U:DF a bit tedious…as you could EASILY tell the difference. I also don&#39t want to reveal any spoilers, but towards the end the game takes too much of an unreal turn, which turned me slightly off.

All that said, playing through that first game for the first time was amazing! Easily one of my favorite franchises from last gen. But again, if you don&#39t want to be bothered with finding an old used copy and would be will to watch any of the previous 3 games then #1 would be your safest choice.

Last edited by PS3_Wizard on 10/8/2015 12:42:23 PM

5 years ago

Likely just an estimation, but an estimation of 80% is still a lot.

5 years ago

If that is true there are no reason to talk about the "long time Playstation gamers" in regards to platform differences, as they are in the clear minority.

5 years ago

I wonder how they get this statistics. I myself certainly never participated in any surveys. This suggests that they are logging our info through trophies or login accounts. What if I created a new psn account when I transition from ps3 to 4? A lot of loopholes in their data.

5 years ago

Guess most UC fans are just waiting for UC4.

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