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Source: Uncharted 4 Gameplay “On Par” With TLoU Cut-Scenes

We all expect Uncharted 4 to look pretty damn amazing on the PlayStation 4.

But just how amazing…? Well, according to industry insider Ahsan Rasheed (aka ""thuway"), we can expect gameplay that's on par with the cut-scenes in Naughty Dog's latest award-winner, The Last Of Us .

Maybe he's talking about some sort of boat chase scene. But either way, it's an interesting quote. It's important to note, however, that the streamlined nature of TLoU resulted in gameplay that looked a lot like the cut-scenes. Still, if the gameplay in Uncharted 4 is on par with the non-interactive portions of TLoU, it's a big step up.

Then Rasheed made a comment concerning the power of the next-gen systems:

"It’s safe to say the PS4 has approximately a 100 percent performance overhead over the Xbox One. 100 percent."

That's a little difficult to interpret but it's bound to rub Microsoft fans the wrong way. Then again, they're probably not having the best of months, what with all the reports of multiplatform games under-performing on the Xbox One.

Related Game(s): Uncharted 4 , The Last Of Us

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10 years ago

That's like, not enough of a next gen boost for me. That's pretty weak actually.

10 years ago

I agree. Its pretty, but not mind blowing.

Last edited by Feryx on 2/19/2014 10:40:13 PM

10 years ago

yeah there really wasn't much difference between the cuts and gameplay in TLoU to begin with.

10 years ago

Well, he's more or less wrong about Titanfall coming to PS4. This guy been on a rampage lately. I'm just going to take everything he says with a grain of salt no matter how much his tweets favor PS4.

10 years ago

There's no way this is accurate. I'm expecting to be blown away by what ND shows us. And they never let us down, right?

10 years ago


Actually that's incorrect. When he spoke about Titanfall he was referring to the IP as a whole. Not the first game. He later clarified that.

We all know that TF1 is exclusive to Microsoft platforms. TF2 will definitely come to PS4. He just informed us that Sony are trying very hard to make sure that does happen.

10 years ago

The Titanfall comment was a bit out of context, I think. He knows about Titanfall's sured exclusivity for Xbone this year, but there is always that possibility after one year or so.

10 years ago

As you can see, he mentioned UC4 twice, so it may mean it's impressive stuff.

On top of that, there are mentions of Last Guardian, SSM new IP, Guerilla new IP, and updated DriveClub footage as things to look forward to for the PS4.

Just to note, I'm not believing all these random tweets, but I'm not blowing them off either.

The GT7 tidbits is awesome stuff btw.

10 years ago

KZ:SF is already visually more impressive by some margin (technically, not talking art direction, although some of the art direction is still pretty good) than TLoU cut-scenes, so this comment is pretty odd.

10 years ago

God dang, this gets me excited for E3 2014! Less than 4 months…

10 years ago

I'm afraid people have already seen that type of gameplay visuals in The Order:1886 so Uncharted 4 will be no surprise graphics wise. You need to wow us more this time by gameplay and story Naughty Dog.

Boat's??? Pirate Treasure Confirmed.

10 years ago

Have we even been watching the same videos? You're actually going to question ND's abilities while blindly believing this game is the next big thing?!

10 years ago

Have you been watching the same videos?

Have some problem with the order:1886 graphics?

10 years ago

Sheesh LV, lay off. The visuals in The Order were nothing short of impressive. Kiryu is pretty much saying that we shouldn't expect less of ND is The Order is something to go by. I expect ND knows greatly what they are doing. Why would anyone even question that?

10 years ago

I've been drinking, I don't think I was too out of line.

10 years ago

The game is about finding lost treasure or whatever, so pirate treasure isn't that far off.

10 years ago

Ahh now i get it, when you're drunk you don't see the picture quite clearly

10 years ago

No, when I drink I may not read as clearly as I normally do. You know, the effects that everyone deals with when drinking…

10 years ago

Same guy has been commenting about GT7 stuff. There has to be some kind of incentive for him to be babbling about all these inside stuff. He's an accomplished med student I believe, so I doubt he would be wasting time tweeting out fake stuff, not that it's impossible or anything.

10 years ago


Or the knowledge.

Knowledge is power after all.

When I find out secrets I always want to be the one to tell people. It's a rush.

10 years ago

welli think they know that we all know that ND knows we expect nothings less than amazing from them cos they are more than capable of it going by what they cud do with the ps3 with unchartered 3 and TLOU.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

you would hope so!
it is, well, supposedly, 10 times more powerful than the ps3, so if ND cant manage at least that theres something seriously wrong!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Not a 100% difference between the XBO and PS4. That's just blatant false advertising. And the cutscene graphics of TLoU weren't such a massive improvement over the in-game graphics that on par with them is indicative of new-gen.

Sounds rather unimpressive, IMO.

10 years ago

@ LimitedVertigo & WorldEndsWithMe

you know what you 2 if you guys are such PC elite players why the hell you guys are on playstation website. & yes i knew world u have a job here but lately you been acting like a PC fanboy.

10 years ago

If it makes you feel any better, they both own playstations and World is not an Actor.

If this doesn't make you feel better, you could always accuse World of being a Doctor and ask for a script of Prozac.

10 years ago

I'm so glad you mentioned World in your rambling. He doesn't even own a gaming PC you stupid f8ck. How the hell are you going to accuse him of being a PC gamer?!

Yes, I'm a PC gamer. I'm also a console gamer. And my console of choice has been the PlayStation since 1996. Evidently I'm not allowed to play both?

You're such a loser. You downvote all of my comments but don't have the balls to respond to any of them. Then you write this pathetic rant that's baseless and uncalled for. If anyone is a fanboy it's you. A majority of your comments are the typical flame-war BS that can be found on other gaming sites. You take more pleasure from bashing MS than actually playing the games. You're a loser.

10 years ago


Although saying you've been a Playstation gamer since 1996 gives you an unfair advantage. That's way back when infamous was conceived.

10 years ago

So disappointed with ND… NOT!
Is this guy for real??? How stupid a comment can one make? On pair with TLoU cutscene LOL
If that is all ND can deliver on the PS4 I think the XBone is 10X more powerful than the PS4, which of course it isn't.
He should change his name to Pooway.

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