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Ben’s Week In Review: May 9

I know there aren't many mothers in our community but nevertheless, Happy Mother's Day. 🙂

I'm definitely interested in Bungie's new project

Although I'm holding out hope that Halo: Reach will rejuvenate my love of the series ( Halo 3 and ODST were disappointments in my eyes), I'm far more interested in whatever their new project might be. I'm even more intrigued after reading the new career opportunities at Bungie, which leads us all to believe the studio is currently working on something deeper than initially expected . It's now obvious that Activision didn't snap up Bungie so the latter could produce another Call of Duty and as I've already said a prayer for the death of turn-based RPGs, I'll settle for action/RPGs…and Bungie might give us one. Thing is, I've never liked Mass Effect and I'm hoping the former Halo -maker will give me a sci-fi action/RPG I can really enjoy. I would love a game that plays like Dragon Age: Origins , for instance. And I have faith that Bungie can produce a project that wows the crowd and satisfies the hardcore gamer. Perhaps even innovative…?

The only downside is that I'm relatively certain that, whatever the game is, it'll hold a sci-fi theme. I just don't like that setting very much; it's a personal thing. Even so, talented designers taking on big, ambitious games always piques my curiosity.

I would expect either a Killzone 3 or Resistance 3 announcement

So PSM3 is teasing a couple exclusive announcements for next month's edition, and although it depends on how you interpret the wording, it still has people talking. Now, even if you don't hear about Killzone 3 or Resistance 3 from PSM3, my guess is you'll hear something about either or both before or at E3…that's a little vague, I know, but let's just say I have a gut feeling… As for when they might arrive, I'd expect R3 for the end of the year (that may be a big reveal during Sony's press conference next month) and KZ3 for early 2011; perhaps February, about 2 years after KZ2 released. And I know we don't have a lot of FPS fans here but I happen to like these games, and I will absolutely sign on to play both KZ3 and R3. There's a reason I've played every Halo title and why I still say that both KZ2 and R2 are a couple of the best shooters of the generation. Furthermore, you might find a big departure from the norm if there is indeed a third Resistance

As for a third Killzone , I don't think there's any doubt that it will rule. They just need to give us a slightly better story and perhaps better characters; beyond that, there really wasn't anything wrong with KZ2. Just gimme.

Personal gaming update

So I'm still working on Nier and I hope I can finish but May is going to take its toll. I've got to handle reviews for Red Dead Redemption and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands , and I'm also still trying to get my hands on 3D Dot Game Heroes . Then there's Alpha Protocol and Backbreaker on the first of June, so it'll be tough to work through all that. Plus, I really want to get Alan Wake at some point this month; I've heard nothing but great things and I've been looking forward to it for a long time. My interest in Splinter Cell: Conviction has waned, though, as I've learned the single-player campaign is much shorter than it has been in past entries, and Ubisoft sacrificed a lot of stealth (which might require patience, God forbid) for the sake of more accessible action. …there's that twitch-gaming crap again. SC is all about stealth and has always been about stealth; how a McNugget version of what should be a hardcore stealth adventure is a good thing is totally beyond me.

Thankfully, it seems we'll get a bit of a break this summer before yet another insane fall. My goal will be to complete Nier , RDR, Alan Wake and the new PoP. By the way, Arnold should have the ModNation Racers review up very soon.

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14 years ago

2009 was the year of the number "2". (Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2) I think that 2011 will be the year of the number "3". (Motorstorm 3, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, Gears Of War 3) Is there any more 3's that I missed?

Last edited by Danny007 on 5/8/2010 9:51:58 PM

14 years ago

um uncharted 3….although i will wait for them to release it anytime they want.

14 years ago

And 2008 was the year of number "4":

Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Pretty interesting huh?

14 years ago

OMG if Uncharted 3 comes out next year I am going to piss my pants.

14 years ago

thanks danny for the imagery…
now go clean up.

I'll wait for uncharted 3, but if it comes out later than 2012, then they're takin the mick. but up until '12, im gd for wating…

its should be brilliant

14 years ago

I agree with you that Mass Effect was not as good as it was cracked up to be. I hope Bungie does a better job with this sort of game if that's what their doing.

14 years ago

I say give Conviction a rent Ben, as Fisher has changed as a character, so the gameplay reflects that, in my opinion.

But I guess you already knew that ^.^…

14 years ago

Personally can't wait for some more news on last guardian. I would love to hear an official release date.

Looking forward to getting rdr and modnation this month, have been saving for a while in able to get both. Modnation beta was fun but in the full game my wife will be able to play right along side me, which will be uber awesome.

It's going to be a busy summer but I'm still hoping to catch up on all the games I've missed during the summer lull. Thank goodness for a break so I might be able to catch up.

14 years ago

So I had a lot of free time this week and I managed to beat Ratchet and Clank: ToD and Infamous. Both were great, and infamous reminded me of and old PS1 Spiderman game. The truth is, that I found R&C more entertaining, and I plan on doing a second playtrough soon, while inFamous on the other hand, I liked it, but not that much.

As of today I started Disgaea 3, and I'm really liking it. The graphics are a shame, but the game itself is really good, and I really like Mao. =)

14 years ago

Really looking forward to the Apha Protocol review
Also, I fell for it at first when I saw in PSM3 mag about the exclusive but I think it may be down to the wording coz they did it this month too – on the cover of this months mag they listed '5 ps3 eclusives' but then had games like Crysis 2 listed simply because they had an exclusive play/interview etc.

14 years ago

well most of this week was spent doing gaming offline as i waited for the money to pay the internet bill. ironic when the poll this week was about how often you get on and i couldnt get on at all this week. 🙁 otherwise i auto sign-in.

matter of fact i have a lot of bad news. my roommates drive burned out on his ps3. now he cant play or watch anything not on the hard drive. hes probably going to send it to sony.

then my cousin had his playstation name stolen from him. they totally took over his account. charged a bunch of games to the network through his debt account and then changed the username and password. he is workin with sony, chase and the police to straighten it out.

i restarted brutal legend on brutal mode. that game is still cool. i was in the middle of some mag when my internet got shut off. i had just finished the round i was in and got kicked from the server. only to realize it was cuz i no longer had internet. my fault.

Last edited by frylock25 on 5/8/2010 11:53:34 PM

14 years ago

Modnation Racers!

That game should be fun for this month and into Summer time. Nothing better than a racing game during the Summer time. It's like Snowboarding and Winter, they just go perfectly together. Oh wait, you could probably make winter tracks in Modnation Racers too! (Gonna love this game…)

Amazing how Sony has taken the lead. The ps3 is the console with the hot games. It's almost overwhelming. In a good way

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Happy Mother's Day Ben. You raised me well.

14 years ago

I always see Ben more as the big bro I never had, one with the same interests, except for the brunette obsession thing though, I like brunette, blonde, red head, as long as they look good overall.

Anyways, why not, happy mothers day to you too Ben, and all my fellow PSXE'ers.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Hey, it's not an obsession; beauty is beauty. I just happen to prefer brunette, that's all. 😉

14 years ago

Man games are destroying my wallet. Raging Blast 2 & LBP2 were just announced. Not to mention I have both Red dead & Modnation on preorder. AND I need my Wii fixed in time for SMG2

14 years ago

My personal gaming update: I've passed the 100 hour mark on Dragons Age, and still got a LOT more stuff to do. I'm also at the last two maps of Katamari Forever, and has loved every single minute of it. Will start on playthrough 2 immediately after I finish it.

Upcoming: Red Dead, of course. But I will also pick up Skate3 next week. Look forward to some new coop challenges! 🙂 Any of you wanna meet me and my buddy ingame for some friendly skating, gimme your psn-ID and I'll invite you!

14 years ago

Bless your heart, Ben. You, indeed, are a gentleman.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Ssh…don't tell anyone.

14 years ago

I rented Naruto ultimate ninja storm and its a really fun game. Just wished they could have made the computers harder. I've never lost once in insane difficulty.

14 years ago

I really hope Reach will be good too, but after ODST I just dont think Halo will ever be as good as it once was. I loved the first 2 and had a good time with 3.

I like sci-fi stuff, and a cool sci-fi RPG would be right up my ally.

As for R3 and KZ3, BRING IT ON!!

14 years ago

I seriously doubt Bungie is doing anything remotely related to an RPG. It's just not their style. I do hope that whatever it is, it's a good game.

14 years ago

Agree, and plus they have Activision to answer to now. I can't see Activision thinking it a good idea for them to make an RPG.

Bungie didn't sign a deal with them and say, Hey, guess what, we are going to take a departure from what we do well.
Activision: How do you mean?
Bungie: Wait for it, wait for it…RPG!
Activision: Deal is off.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

What "style?" I don't think Bungie has done anywhere near enough projects to peg them to a certain style. Just because all we know them for is Halo doesn't mean they have to make FPSs…

14 years ago

Ben, I think Bungie has developed a "style". How many of the same type of game would they need to come out with before they have a style?

Sure, they haven't done enough different style of games so that we would all know what they are NOT good at, but I think we all know the style of game that they excel in. And so does Activision. They don't want to wait a few years for their new "style" of game to come out to only find out it was a bad investment in money and resources. They want a fast return on investment, and that means they may be stuck with doing the style of game they do best.

That being said, Bobby Kotick has stated that Bungies new project is “unlike anything audiences have ever seen before”. We will see what that means.

14 years ago

I am looking forward to announcements concerning Killzone 3 and Last Guardian. Uncharted 3 would also be a great addition. E3 should reveal all… there will be a very strong line up I would think…

Look for parity between 360 and PS3 sometime next year…

With the threat of parity on the horizon, could it be possible M$ is readying a new gen console that will launch a year ahead of the PS4… who knows… interesting times no doubt.



14 years ago

When Microsoft announces their next console they'll be officially nailing 360's coffin

In fact, the ps3 will just keep rolling all over it.

Production of high quality games on the 360 will really go down. Bungie on 360 is no more

It really will be the end for the 360.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 5/9/2010 2:40:24 AM

Perry Katy
Perry Katy
14 years ago

Little Big Planet 2!!!!!!!!!

14 years ago

we already know KZ3 will be announced at E3, that was revealed a while ago.
as for resistance 3 that will be revealed at E3 also, but im not so sure on the late 2010 release.
they dont want this conflicting with socom 4s sales.
id say R3 early 2011 and KZ3 mid 2011 would be a much safer bet.

im really looking forward to alan wake, i have not been this excited for a game since DMC4!
the only bad things i have heard in the reviews is its not as scary as it could be, its a little linear, and the game gets a little repetitive, peaks far to early.
but, hey if thats the worst part of it than its been a good 6 years spent thats for sure!
only thing im wondering is why remedy would take such a risk.
if alan wake flops than thats it there out of the game!
there a small studio, they dont have much cash, they have not released a game for a while, so they invest 6 years into a game that may or may not deliver.
just sounds like skating on thin ice over shark infested waters to me.

im shocked, astounded, disappointed, but yet some how not surprised at the reviews lost planet 2 has been getting.
i really thought this would be the first capcom game this gen to actually be decent, i really thought it would be one of the best games of the year.
but than i always had the thought in the back of my mind that hey its capcom, they have not released 1 decent game this gen.
so im really disappointed with that, capcom have dead rising 2 to win me back otherwise they can kiss my cash goodbye!

funny eh?
i was really worried about this happening to red dead redemption, but not lost planet 2.
so lost planet 2 copped it, so does that mean red dead will be safe?
i hope so i guess only time will tell, but if R*s reputation this gen is anything to go by than its not looking good!

PoP is dead to me, ever since they took a hardcore dark gritty evil styled game and turned it into a freaking kids game they lost me.
i absolutely hate ubisoft now, they have completley destroyed one of my favorite series.
ubisoft are the new activision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not to mention the way they treat their PC gamers, like their BS DRM was not enough, now every PC title of theirs is releasing a month after the console version.
yeah, great way to support your fans ubisoft!
and they wonder why people pirate their games!?

mod nation racers i cant freaking wait for!
i just finished getting my plat in sonic and sega all stars racing so im itching for another kart racer.
than we have split second and blur a week after mod comes out!

wait, did i just say that?
3 car combat games releasing in the space of 7 days!
thats more than we have had for this whole freaking generation for peeks sake!
so does that mean we will finally be getting a onslaught of horror and platforming games?

14 years ago

Dude, Alan Wake has to be linear. What, do you want sidequests???

14 years ago

being linear has absolutely nothing to do with side quests.

14 years ago

what do u mean by summer break of not buying new video games, i don't get a break i be buying pga tour 11 (JUN), ncaa football 11(JUL) and madden 11 (AUG) i be broke by fall

14 years ago

Bought God of War collection the other day. I don't know if you guys have heard of this series but it's definitely worth checking out…

Seriously though, it's my introduction to the series and indeed the genre, and though I've only completed GoW1 I've seen enough to know that I'll be keeping the whole trilogy for all-time. I just hope I can fight Kratos out of my PS3 in time for ModNation Racers.

ps it's quite bizarre having gameplay which looks better than the cut-scenes (GoW1).

The Stig
The Stig
14 years ago

I was the same (GoW virgin) until I bought the trilogy boxset. I cant believe I never played them back in the PS2 days, maybe a good thing though since the HD remasterings look amazing, and I can see now why so many people where hyped for part 3 with the way the second one ended.

Just started part 3 today and I think only one word can describe it………EPIC, the opening half hour is immense. Like you said, its definitely one that will never be traded in.

14 years ago

That Bungie thing is mildly interesting I guess – if it's some sort of action / RPG game. I really wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone say that they don't care for Halo, but Bungie is so fantastic LOL. Halo is the epitome of twitch gaming, and I've always found the graphics, atmosphere and overall presentation to be extremely bland and video-gamey. But whatever. It's always possible they might surprise us.

Killzone or Resistance sequels would be nice. They really are the pinnacle of shooters, and I enjoy shooters as much as the next guy. Well, maybe not that much lol, but I do like a good one.

Really too bad about Splinter Cell. I wasn't interested in it in the first place, but it's particularly sad when it's a big franchise and you know they had plenty of money to create an excellent single player campaign, but instead they made the conscious decision to say screw it. Online twitch gaming is where the profits are, and that's apparently the only thing that matters. Sometimes I worry the whole shooter genre will go right down the tubes, but happily there still seem to be quite a few developers who are making great single player campaigns.

I've been playing Red Faction Guerrilla all week. A lot of fun, extremely fast paced and exciting, and the destructive environments are awesome. Unfortunately I really suck at it! I get killed about 10 times (or more) for every one mission I complete. But it's addictive. Maybe I'm just not using enough strategy or something.

14 years ago

Modnation Racers really good! Really reminds me of Mario Kart but on steroids!

14 years ago

Modnation Racers is on the top of my list. I can't wait to get into it. I loved the beta that I got to try, and that was only a fraction of the whole game.

I am very excited over what I've heard about LBP2. The Create part sounds amazing. I really hope that they leave a good single player element, though, or my girlfriend won't want to get much into it.

14 years ago

There are 2 females on here one I know is a mother not sure on the other person so Happy Mothers Day Robochic. 🙂

KZ3 or Resistance3 would be most welcome. I would like Uncharted 3 for say 2011 at the end of the year though give them time to polish it, fix any errors etc.

RDR I am looking forward to and Mod Nation Racers. As for the others I'll try to squeeze them in when I can. Alan Wake is looking very very interesting too.

As an afterthought I have just got back into FF13 and this is my 1st time into the series and all I can say is I am enjoying it a lot. I know some stuff has been taken out but I really want to try the previous FF stuff now. I let it slide for a bit for GTA Episodes and online kinda got in the way too. Damn You MW2 Stim Pack! lol

Last edited by tlpn99 on 5/9/2010 9:23:23 AM

14 years ago

3D Dot Game Heroes is my most wanted this month and one of my most wanted period. Absolutely cannot wait for May 14th to get my hands on the follow up to Demons Souls.
It will be one emotional journey…

Best news for me, LBP2, of course!!

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 5/9/2010 11:16:04 AM

14 years ago

I thought From Software was only the publisher not the developer

14 years ago

Yeah. i thought so too but, the official site has a QnA section and one question was whether this game is developed by the same developers who did Demons Souls and they answered yes.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 5/9/2010 4:01:43 PM

14 years ago

Happy Mother's day to fellow PSXer's mother! I can't wait for E3 and I can't wait for Red Dead Redemption.

14 years ago

I still need to play Killzone 2 -_-, yeah, I'm trailing behind on a lot of games, friggin haven't even played Heavy Rain, still don't have the cash, ok, I have the cash, but if I get it now, I won't have any cash anymore, again…

Personal (gaming) update, all I've been doing is watching criminal minds, I'm now at mid-season 2, for gaming, I've stopped playing Prince of Persia, I'm kinda bored with it, so all I'm playing is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days, gotta finish it before Birth by Sleep releases in Europe. Oh yeah, And I've started playing a bit of Chrono Trigger on DS, it was on my friend's M3 card, so I though why not, and it's quite entertaining.

14 years ago

Comeon Ben still waiting on that Sonic and Sega Allstars racing review – i think it deserves a spot as it targets a different demographic but honestly is damn fun!

14 years ago
Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I know, and sorry I didn't get to to it sooner. I didn't put it on the main page because it was so late but there is a review now.

And it is indeed fun. 🙂

14 years ago

Shame on you, Ben, for being thankful that Summer will mark a "bit of a break" in new game releases. We should always hope for more awesome new titles than our busy lives can handle. 🙂

14 years ago

killzone 3 would be WAAAY better than 2 if they just kill off every character, and make a cast similar to bad company (1, not 2. 2 was too serious) or uncharted 2.
side note: sev is ok. basically kill rico and natko, guerilla.

14 years ago

LOVE the Killzone 2 cast

Rico's my 2nd fave character. Natko's just badass and smart. One of the best side kick characters I've seen in a FPS

14 years ago

2nd side note. thumb up if ur getting red dead redemption

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