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No Death Stranding at E3 2017

If you were looking forward to seeing some more of Death Stranding at E3 this year, you’re going to be a bit disappointed in this news item. Earlier today Hideo Kojima posted a tweet saying there wasn’t going to be any Death Stranding at the show. Apparently they busy working on the game.

Well, that puts one of our E3 predictions in the fail category. I am a bit surprised but I’m also okay with it. We’ve seen a couple trailers, including the reveal trailer , for the game that explain a whole lot of nothing. And Kojima has talked about how it’s only been recently that they figured out the engine they are using for the game (fyi, it’s the Decima engine which was used to create Horizon). So the game itself is a long ways off anyway. It’s nice to see them really getting into it.

Of course Kojima managed to add more mystery by including a picture with his tweet.

Does anyone know what this game is actually about? We’ve seen dead sea animals, a naked Norman Reedus and a disappearing baby. Then we saw Guillermo del Toro carrying around yet another baby, tanks with living parts on them, and a creepy looking Mads Mikkelsen. I mean, I’m intrigued but what the hell is going on here?

On a plus side, Kojima will be around to chit chat with Geoff Keighley on the 16th. Maybe we’ll get some more information then. Or not.