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Ben’s Week In Review: March 11

Man, I like that Vita. I actually play it when I don't have to work. …weird.

Quantic Dream could be prepping something amazing…

Did anyone else get goosebumps when they said Heavy Rain didn't really push the PS3 at all ? Granted, such a title didn't need to render constant flashy action in silky smooth 60 frames per second or anything like that, but just in terms of sheer detail and design…that was one impressive game, yes? And they're not even close to maxing out the PS3? I mean, that's what it sounds like. And then you tell me that tech demo is basically one year old and running in real-time on Sony's machine…wow. When you combine all these facts together, I can't be the only one thinking about Quantic's next project with great anticipation.

We've often said the PS3 probably has a long ways to go. Sony has stated several times that they feel the system is just hitting its stride, and most developers say they'd be happy with it for at least several more years. And if they can still make graphical and technological leaps with that architecture, why not? I don't know about anyone else but I'd prefer longer console cycles, and if designers can do stuff like Kara…yeah, we don't need new hardware right now.

The ire of a hardcore fan is unparalleled

Final Fantasy followers have had that bitter taste in their mouths for most of the generation. And now, BioWare is feeling a little of that nasty fan backlash with the hullabaloo surrounding Mass Effect 3 . The team actually seems a little shell-shocked and have tried to smooth things over by saying we should be patient; i.e., "wait and see what we have in store for you." But that tactic isn't really smoothing things over, as fans continue to go nuts over the DLC and endings issues, both of which are generating heated discussions all over the Internet. In some ways, I can easily understand; in others, I think some of this might be a tad overblown.

It's true that I'm not the biggest ME fan so maybe I really can't have an opinion, but correct me if I'm wrong: ME3 is a damn good game . An elite game, in fact. It may not be my style, but I know greatness in this industry when I see it. Obviously, most critics saw it the same way. And EA's numbers should be quite good . With FF, we're talking about sub-par titles in terms of overall quality; with ME3, I don't think we can say that. Can we?

Personal gaming update

As some of you know, I finished Final Fantasy XIII-2 and was none too pleased with the ending, or the way the Paradox Endings are structured. Plus, if we have to purchase DLC just to flesh out more of the storyline…bad, bad idea, Square Enix. Anyway, I also went through Journey again just because it's so damn beautiful, and I like to play Hot Shots Golf and Wipeout 2048 on the Vita. I also have MLB 12: The Show , Street Fighter X Tekken , and Tales of Graces F for review. Haven't really gotten far enough in any of them just yet.

Thankfully, it appears we'll be looking at a little break, which I could really use. This whole Vita launch combined with a ton of new games releasing in February has been taxing.

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12 years ago

Part of me wants that tech demo to be the game they are working on and the other part doesn't given that the "ghosts in the machines" idea has been played out to death. What ever it is I hope the gameplay is deeper than Heavy Rain. I loved Heavy Rain but it felt like simulator more than an actual game.

And….what ME3 hullabaloo? Did they not finish the game like FFXIII-2? If that's the case, this is getting out of hand. Soon devs will milk people by selling bits and pieces of games rather than full games.

PGU: Started a second playthrough of Snake Eater 3DS. Trying to find all the Yoshi statues. Been playing Peace Walker again too. Don't really care that the Vita collection won't have Peace Walker with it. That game didn't translate to HD as well as MGS2 and 3. Not sure why Komani halfassed it. The God of War Origins collection transferee great. Peace Walker…not so much.

12 years ago

I don't think Heavy Rain was supposed to be a "game" per se. I agree that the ghost in the machine bit has been done to death but if anybody could bring something new to the archetype it would be Quantic Dream.

People are mad that ME3 has lame endings and none of them are very different no matter your choices in-game.

12 years ago

Yeah, gotta agree with World that HR is not a game. It's probably why I haven't finished it yet. It's presence is unique and I have tons of respect for their efforts to create something unprecedented in design, but it really doesn't draw at me as a game. In fact, as a game, I think it pretty much sucks. Familiar gamer comments like it's just a big QTE and it has sluggish controls while just trying to get through a door tend to come to mind. But because it's thought components are that in it's narrative, deduction comes via emotional intelligence and involvement in the role interactivity.
Anyway, I think it's about as far away from a gamer's game as possible. But something else entirely in it's own rate. With similarities being it's interface and tech platform.
Interestingly, the two goty titles PSXextreme awarded that year could both be considered as "non-games" or anti-game in design.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

This all depends on if you want to call these products "video games" or "interactive entertainment products."

I mean, just because you don't have to press buttons fast in Heavy Rain doesn't make it less of an "interactive entertainment experience." And in truth, it's not really new; Indigo Prophecy already did it the generation before. Heavy Rain just did it on another level.

Interactive storytelling, to me, is the wave of the future. Not new varieties of ways to press buttons.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 3/10/2012 11:03:24 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, Ben, I essentially agree. I hope there can be a future for this discrete form of entertainment, strictly in the sense that it can seperate itself as an entertainment form self identified as video based interactive story telling, where games exist on their own plane independantly not easily confused. How and when that happens, I have no idea.

Right now I see most interactive entertainment on the PS3 as games, with CoD sitting at the top of the gaming heap. It's entirely governed by standard game conventions, competitive by nature and seems to me the backbone of so much of this online enabled game generation. It has me wondering how succesful Quantic Dream or possibly Naughty Dog can be to cultivate their own audience of single player, story driven entertainment with far reaching success while living under the shadow of what appears to be the largest cash cow of this gaming generation: competive online play.

12 years ago

Interactive storytelling has been there since Dragons Lair back in 1983, and had a small renaissance in the 90s when DVD became the new distribution medium (ergo lots more storage space). It's just never really had a definite breakthrough in gaming, and for a reason (imho).

The wave of the future, how I see it, is when you don't have an interactive slideshow, but with a living world with platforms powerful enough to do more than just push graphics. *That's* when your affection for interactive movies Ben, and my affection for player freedom can happily unite. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/11/2012 5:39:38 AM

12 years ago

I think I take argument with the Dragon's Lair example, Beamboom. And not that I don't think it can't be described as interactive story telling, I suppose it could, but it can still be clearly boilded down into a game without any story. Every action in the game is in direct reaction to an intended obstacle with an unavoidable consequence. There is never an oppurtunity to deviate from that as no matter what you do is always a more animated version of Simon Says. Heavy Rain isn't this way. When gmaer's level arguments against HR's significance it's when they narrow the scope of their argument and isolate out the QTE segments (Simon Says stuff). This is actually a gross generalization. HR can not be boiled down to a simpler form of itself without breaking its composition and the experience that goes with it altogether. It can't stand alone as a game without it's story, and if a person tried to do so, it would be a very bleak and very boring game. Hence why I think HR makes for a terrible game, but a great something else.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

No Beamboom, you really don't like linearity and storytelling, so all you want is a big world where you can do literally everything you want. 😉

And that's not what storytelling is. I mean, if you think Heavy Rain was in any way a "slideshow," then I don't know what to say. Heh.

12 years ago

Maybe. 🙂 But I didn't mean "interactive slideshow" for Heavy Rain in particular, just a general snide remark.
Quite frankly there's not much more than static, glued set-pieces we wander around in with out avatars in other games either. There's *massive* room for improvement across all genres and styles.

I like storytelling though! I just firmly believe that can happen within non-linear boundaries. And *that* is the discussion I expect us to have in, say, 5-10 years from now, and I am prepared for that to be one giant "What Did I Say" for me. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/12/2012 2:28:40 AM

12 years ago

No breaks Ben, still need reviews on I Am Alive and Neptunia Mk2.

All I can say about the ME3 thing is power to the people. After what happened to FF I stand behind any ruckus or uproar over game ruination. It must be nipped in the bud as soon as possible or things just get worse. The DLC they are planning should probably be free if they want to fix a tiny amount of the ire generated.

Finished FEAR 3 and hope to finish Uncharted 3 soon. Then it's onward to the disappointing end to XIII-2 and the rest of the backlog.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Crap…forgot about I Am Alive. I also forgot I've got the voucher code from Sony for MotorStorm RC. 'sigh'

Now that I think about it, I should've gotten Neptunia…NIS is always responsive and quick with their games. I need to email them.

12 years ago

hah, sorry to heap a bunch on you. I bet with Vita you're doubling your work

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Sort of. But at least there will be a lapse of Vita games for a little while. I just needed to try to get through a dozen in like two weeks, in addition to all the PS3 games.

…that isn't normal. 😉

12 years ago

I hear there's complete nerd rage over on the bioware forums. They don't speak for everyone but the overall tone isn't a happy one. You have to listen to the fans.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yeah, that's what I was referring to. People are going ape-sh** over this.

12 years ago

nerd rage is a wonderful source of entertainment sometimes. You think "I can't believe people are saying this sh*t"

12 years ago

I want to play ME3 a lot but my plate is so full of great games already. I need the time, dang it!
Anyway, I did stop to rent and play SF vs Tekken. I had a lot more fun with that than I imagined I would. It's your typically over-the-top tag fighter with insane combo mix-ups and probably a whole host of full life bar exploits gamers will no doubt find over time, but it's good cream filled fun nonetheless.

Anyway, been very busy with school, as usual.
Just got done with another 3D scene for those who care to see.

12 years ago

pretty slick my friend, now let's see something in a 1950's diner.

12 years ago

Pretty good duder. It looks like the cafeteria at my doctors office.

12 years ago

Thanks, next quarter is all about character modeling and animation. We get to model our nude-selves. I'll be sure to post a link here for that as well =)

12 years ago

Cool beans, nice work!

12 years ago

I really can't wait for Graces f this week, only 3 more days! *¬*

12 years ago

me too

12 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks that QD will instantly rule over Hollywood if they were to make a movie?
And honestly, I think they should make movies as well.

12 years ago

Nah, Heavy Rain is good but it is no where near the goodness that is There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men, The Proposition, etc. the voice acting in Heavy Rain, while good, wasn't the greatest.

12 years ago

To be honest, Heavy Rain gave me a better experience than all of those films… Each of them I found a little disappointing. Though I do watch a lot of foreign cinema that might be why.

12 years ago

I agree with you Jawknee to a point. I don't think that QD would automatically rule Hollywood if the made a movie (although it would probably be a pretty damn good film they would make), but There Will Be Blood and The Proposition are terrible examples of movies that could be considered better than Heavy Rain (I hated both of them). And No Country for Old Men isn't that great either. But otherwise, I agree with you.

12 years ago

I can understand ones dislike for There Will Be Blood though one cannot deny Daniel Day Lewis' phenomenal performance, but how could you hate The Proposition? It's one of the best westerns ever made. Probably the best Guy Pearce film.

I don't think QD would make a bad film, but Heavy Rain is not even close to being on par with the films I listed.

12 years ago

Heavy Rain is still one of my favorite games of this generation, I need to replay it again soon. I have tried to show Project Kara to everyone I know, so they can see how amazing it is. I can't wait for what's next.

Absolutely still loving my Vita, I play Wipeout on every break at work. And i usually play 30 minutes to an hour of Uncharted before bedtime. A co-worker says he is going to sell his Vita and all his games. His reason, he has a short attention span. So i outright told him that he is no longer on my friends list, and that that was a stupid idea.

As for Mass Effect 3, ill get to it eventually. We will see what's next.

12 years ago

PGU: Going to finished up Call of Duty black ops so I can send it back Monday, got Mass Effect 3 haven't started it yet because I want to make sure everyone makes it out alive in the final mission in Mass Effect 2.

I have a quick question: I have Ninja Gaiden III and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City waiting in my Q which one should you guys think I should get? I love hacking up suckers and demons in Ninja Gaiden Sigma I and II but I'm a big Resident Evil fan as well.

Last edited by JDC80 on 3/11/2012 12:36:23 AM

12 years ago

not at all, its just the usual typical PR talk.
im looking forward to their next title, but only because there one of the few developers out there that is willing to do something different!
tech wise they have never been that amazing, heavy rain being as simple as it was ran as smooth as a belt sander!
got really annoying failing sections because the game froze because of the unstable frame rate!

i have not finished ME3 yet, quite the opposite im only about 12 hours in.
so i cant really say anything about the endings, but the DLC i can see why people are complaining.
companies are getting FAR too greedy these days!
what happened to the good old days where 100 bucks was enough?
no, now they want another 20 per DLC pack, another 50-100+ for limited editions, 40 bucks for a simple T shirt!
just greediness, and its destroying the industry!

im a little disappointed in ME3.
its a good game, the gameplays massively improved over 2.
but that said the mission structure feels a bit of a mess!
priority missions are mixed in with side missions its really hard to tell whats what.
some side missions are only available for a certain amount of time, but does the game list that?
so how am i suppose to know which ones i better do first before they "expire"?
the interaction with the universe is allot thinner too.
in ME2 you could practically talk to anyone and help them with their problems.
now the game feels so restrictive, so linear!
it does not feel like im playing the game any more, it feels like im sitting back watching a movie!
something thats compounding that problem is you dont make as many choices as you do in ME2.
ME2 your bombarded with choices every single mission from the get go!
ME3 though has far fewer, and whenever you do get to make a decision its one that feels insignificant like its not going to change much.

it actually feels allot like resistance 2 in allot of ways.
resistance 1 had a awesome story and characters, but gameplay was a bit thin.
so R2 came out and did the opposite, had awesome gameplay but the story and characters were a bit thin.
they took the series weak points and turned them into strong points, took the series strong points and turned them into weak points.
ME3 is exactly the same.
ME2s combat was a bit thin, so they have drastically improved it.
ME2s story and characters were freaking amazing so thats gone down the gutter!
they made the mistake of focusing far too much on improving the gameplay.
no one plays ME for the gameplay, the story is EVERYTHING in ME!
actually, you could say its allot like FFXIII-2.
again massive improvement in gameplay but the story, the thing the series is most famous for, is a bit thin!
and the whole ending and DLC debacle.
having to pay for DLC to fill in the endings, hmmmmmmm why does that sound familiar?

its like having a Ferrari thats the most beautiful car ever made, the most luxurious car ever made, the best car ever made, but it has a 0-60 time of 12 seconds and has a top speed of 130.
whats the point?
the whole point of a Ferrari is mind blowing speed, just like the whole point of ME is its story!

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago


Almost finished with Goldeneye reloaded,

By the way, for anybody who is considering to buy Goldeneye reloaded for the online multiplayer, don't bother, the online community in that game is seriously dead.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 3/11/2012 1:45:31 AM

12 years ago

PGU: I finally started ME2 and that has got me hooked. I had to go through the opening half-hour about a half-dozen times before I got a FemShep that looked right, but it was entertaining every time.

My only complaint so far is that the combat is a little chaotic for my tastes. Every time I switch weapons, by the time I have the new weapon ready, the situation has changed so that the new weapon is no longer the one I need (e.g., I switch to the sniper rifle only to be bull-rushed by one of the dog-things/varren?). It's not too hard, per se, just less smooth and controlled than the way I usually play single-player games. I'd like to have better control of my squad mates, too, but maybe I'll adapt to the flow of the game.

Everything else, I love, especially the interactions with the other characters.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/11/2012 1:44:18 AM

12 years ago

Is the ending for ME3 really that bad? There's a petition for bioware to change it. I think i'm going to take my time since everyone is saying its about the journey not the destination.

12 years ago

I think in these kind of games it's *always* the journey, not the destination.

12 years ago

They're actually pretty satisfying endings IMO. And all this "journey matters, not the destination" stuff is always crap. The only reason people say that is because they overhype the ending, then say "Oh, it wasn't as good as the journey." Not true at all; in fact, its usually better, as it is in this case. Not discounting that the journey is good too, but the ending is always hated because people expect far too much.

12 years ago

Great to hear the endings are good too 🙂

Regarding if it's crap or not: Of course one want *both* a good journey *and* a good ending. That's not really a question. But I stand by my claim that the journey is the *real* experience in most any game.

In ME2, when I entered that last phase for the ending, in many ways I felt the game were already over at that point. And any ending, no matter how good, always leaves that cold, empty feeling of something good being over, done, ended.

For me, ME2 were ALL about the loyality-stories. Yes, that was the entire game for me. The ending were just the grand finale, like the fireworks ending a great party. But it was no the ending I played for – it was the journey. It really was.

12 years ago

I think the backlash is due to people not liking change, precisely why there is backlash. You'll find alot of backlash is coming from what were the best of Mass Effect fans.

Infact if you wish to dig deeper, Bioware's scenario at the moment is quite similiar to the departing of Sakaguchi leading Sqaure Enix to invole themselves into much more questionable antics. Nobuo also left due to some weird fortunetelling HQ location moving bushizzle ordered by Wada, leave Nobuo no choice but to make his own small firm (hence why you don't see alot his work in modern FF games – buy the Last Story!).


And now let's relate the scenarios:

– Drew Karpyshyn is key writer for many Bioware classics such as KotOR, being the creator of Mass Effect, kinda like Sakaguchi being the father of Final Fantasy, only on a much smaller scale I suppose.

– Jack Wall as original composer.

– ME2 comes out. The feel has changed significantly. The battle system is out of touch, more catered to CoD style burst battles – Magics (or whatever sci-fi abilities), the level-up format from ME1 are heavily diluted and the ability to find new armour, weapons are taken away for a nardy upgrade system.
– Full on planet exploration from ME1 is replaced with an excuse for a tedious mini game called planet probing.
– Elevators are replaced by loading screens (I know this one may be a nitpick, but damn, the Citadel in ME2 was an underwhelming dump compared to ME1's Presidium and lower Citadel exploration). Basically ME2 felt very segregated.
– Main villain (Sovereign) of ME1 gave chills down my spine. ME2 had a trash talking derp (Harbinger) for a villain who not only I could care less about, but was also just plain annoying and actually degraded my view of Reapers.
– Plot of ME2 kind of dwindles from ME1. The way I was seeing it, Mass Effect had this brilliantly crafted story; pure genius, an untold before concept. I feared the Reapers because their existence was beyond our comprehension. ME2 comes out, and suddenly the plot turns cliche if not flawed; Harbinger does all this 'Prothean corpse Collector transformation' & 'Human Reaper' BS (tbf though, the 'Human Reaper' idea looks quite interesting, after all the Reapers are each a nation, and Harbinger probably thought it would be best for them to take human form in their next generation since a human defeated Saren n' all). Now I know ME2 was driven towards character depth really and it's pacing, hence why I reckon it was a great idea to bond with the party then send them all into a suicide mission, but the matter of the fact is alot of sh*t has changed.

…turns out Drew Karpyshyn only co-wrote Mass Effect 2…


I know you may think I'm going somewhere with this, which I am, but it's too important to just whiff away:

– Dragon Age II makes DA:O fans cry. This isn't related, but it's kind of showing the existence of Bioware's small and faulty instabilities. Reminding anyone of a certain company? Tbf, it may have just been a genuine mistake from experimentation and false prediction – not to worry.

– Before Mass Effect 3, all novels were written by Drew Karpyshyn. I liked them. Besides the annoying superheroes-in-space comics written by Mac Walters (which contradicts many elements in Drew's Massy Fecty universe, a few too outrageous to ignore) the latest novel wasn't written by Drew. This means many, many plotholes. The book recieved backlash.

Whatever, right? It's just a book. No, this was the kind of delusional attitude we had towards every tard-ass Final Fantasy game after Sakaguchi made his leave.

– Jack Wall leaves. Why? I dunno why…drink a beer. I have to say though I like what Clint Mansell has done so kudos to him for filling the shoes well.

– Turns out Drew Karpyshyn was sent to concentrate on SW:ToR, leaving his baby in the hands of other guardians. This starts to make me worry. Just a tad. Maybe more. Then two or three weeks before the ME3 release we get this:

So Drew leaves. SONOFA… Notice how he cites that Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 as proof that "BioWare can get along just fine without me." Lol.

– ME3 comes out. Hurray. It has lots of action. YEEAAAH. Then of course here's the backlash we hear of. Check out this forum thread:

Noticed it was also locked by Bioware staff with smug excuse to lock it down. Ah well.

To be honest, I'm hoping to death that this game bloooows me away regardless. I really hope…

12 years ago

I thought QD's Kara tech demo was very good, and I enjoyed Heavy Rain for giving me an alternative approach to "gaming", but I'm expecting a slightly more game-like experience on their new project. (I couldn't play a Heavy Rain like game week in and week out).

With a growing backlog of quality games, I won't be picking up ME3 anytime soon. I'll also be avoiding the nerd-rage forums as I don't want to spoil my experience when I eventually play it.

PGU: Attacking my backlog, started Resistance 3 and couldn't put it down last night. Had to stop when I entered New York City. I must be close to the end. It's a highly under-rated game. The story, characters, atmosphere and gameplay combine to create an absorbing experience. To all those players who say they prefer their SP campaigns over multiplay, you deserve to support this talented developer with a sale!

12 years ago

I think I'll wait for ME3 to hit the bargain bin before I pick it up. I've got a big backlog of games I bought on sale for Christmas, and I'm into racing games right now, and Bioware has done a number of things to turn me off as far as ME3 is concerned. I have no idea what people are angry about with the third installment, but I imagine it's probably justified. I thought the story and characters in ME2 were on an "elite" level, but other aspects of the game definitely were not. The framerate was occasionally bothersome, the combat mechanics were anything but polished (the cover system was actually half-broken), the cutscenes seemed chopped off before they'd finished, and the graphics in some of the DLC parts were downright bad.

I'm still playing Ferrari Challenge. A good game overall – considering I paid $12 for it – but there's a dead spot in the middle of the steering that's getting on my nerves. It makes it impossible to enter or exit corners in a truly accurate fashion. It's not oversteer (though there's plenty of that), it's this annoying yaw in the rear end that stems from a big dead spot in the middle of the steering. Like I say, you can't transition smoothly while entering or exiting a turn, which really takes the fun and sense of accomplishment out of it. And then of course there's the imbecilic AI that's programmed to behave in the exact opposite manner that a real-life driver would behave. Oh well, I haven't quit yet.

12 years ago

Personal Gaming Update…

So it's finally here. And you will all be convinced I am a nut-case now, but just to have the game, just to *hold* it gives me a weird kind of calmness inside. It's all good now.

And I simply could not care one tiny bit what anyone else might have to say about it: I still haven't read one single review, I don't read comments about it, I don't watch video clips about it, no nothing.

I feel no need to defend it, no need to discuss it, not even any need to praise it.
It's there, I'm there and my Femshep is absolutely FABULOUS, and right now in this point in time that is ALL that matters.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/11/2012 9:50:16 AM

12 years ago

Well at least you can honestly say that you'll be going into ME3 with an open mind.

After all these years(OK, OK, only a few) I've never been one to go all out for getting trophies.
Plus factor in that I just don't have the time for them either, because of a huge 2,000+ backlog of games still sitting there on my shelves awaiting some playtime luvin'.

But I've "FINALLY" got myself 100% of all the trophy's in a game & guess what????

I've just gotten rooked out of getting my very 1st Plat, because out of all the trophies, there's isn't any Plat at all in it. WTF????

Now, I know that "inFamous:Festival Of Blood" isn't considered a full fledged game in itself, but hell, if it has it's very own eff'in trophy list, then it should also have had included that Plat too.
*sigh*…..I guess I will never ever get to see a elusive Plat sitting atop of my trophy list.

I feel so used…..& abused
(walks away grumbling dejectedly)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/11/2012 12:53:20 PM

12 years ago

Open mind… Or predetermined. And I don't care which. 🙂

12 years ago

I don't have words to describe how wonderful Journey is!

12 years ago

Yes you do, you just used 10 of them already, LOL

12 years ago

I didn't get goosebumps when I heard them say Heavy Rain barely pushed the PS3 at all. I said, "Damn straight it didn't." Heavy Rain did have great graphics, but it was easily outmatched by several games that had come before it (Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, etc). So I'm glad they realized that.

And this Kara demo was impressive, but not as much as everyone's saying it was. It looks like Heavy Rain 1.5, which is good, but still not overly amazingly good.

Tbh, I'm just interested in what they're making next. With QD, its not so much the tech as it is the story that concerns me. I know that no matter how good the game is technically, I'm gonna enjoy it because its actually gonna have a story, unlike 90% of gaming. Even if it may have a few plot holes, like Heavy Rain (not major ones, but ones that bugged me nonetheless).

As for the ME3 issue, I still think people were expecting too much from the most linear "open-world"/most non-choice-driven "choice-driven" game series of all time. Its got great endings, the story ties up nicely, its just got very little freedom. That and the DLC BS are the only reasons people are complaining.

PGU: Beat ME3 (obviously) and am just kind of waiting for Journey to come out now. After that, I'll be waiting for BioShock Infinite and AC3. That's pretty much it this year except for the new Hitman and possibly the new TR and Max Payne if they're any good. And I remember when people said this gaming year would be better than last year. How is 5 excellent games at most coming out this year better than 12 excellent games that came out last year? A simple answer: it isn't. But this will still be a good year for gaming, just nowhere near as good as last year.

Last edited by Lairfan on 3/11/2012 8:53:10 PM

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