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Touch My Katamari Preview

Scheduled release date:
February 22, 2012
Namco Bandai
Namco Bandai
Number Of Players:

I’ve played and loved every single Katamari game, and that means only one thing: I’ll have to get the provocatively titled Touch My Katamari when it launches alongside the PlayStation Vita on February 22. This new iteration will boast several firsts for the franchise, the most obvious being the touch controls thanks to the Vita’s front and rear touchpads. But another “first” involves the gameplay; players will be able to actually stretch the katamari.

That’s right, you can stretch it vertically or horizontally by using the rear touchpad. When playing, you will come across certain areas that are inaccessible unless you change the shape of your sticky ball; by moving your index fingers closer together or farther apart on the pad, the katamri stretches. This can be helpful when getting into tight spaces, like squeezing in between walls and rolling beneath low-hanging obstacles. Veteran fans will begin to mull over the possibilities…

See, by making it wider, you can pick up more stuff on the ground, but if you’ve got stuff above you, you might want to make it taller. Obviously, it’ll depend on the particular environment, which means this stretching option isn’t just a gimmick. No, it definitely changes the way we play. Fans may remember that in all past installments, the only barriers involved katamari size; i.e., you have to make the katamari 3 meters or larger to enter a certain space. I imagine those same restrictions will return.

In addition to stretching your supernaturally sticky ball, there’s the general control, which is handled by the front touchpad. Basically, it shouldn’t be much different than using the two analog sticks: both thumbs handle movement; use your left thumb to move left and your right to move right. Simple. For those who aren’t familiar, Katamari was always like this. You didn’t control the camera; both analogs were used for direct control— left for left, right for right.

Moving both thumbs up will allow you to travel forward, while pulling in opposite directions will turn the little Prince around (a very useful reversal). Therefore, regardless of the control you choose to utilize, this should be easily recognizable for all long-time followers like myself. Toss in the game-changing ability to stretch the sphere, and you should have a fantastically entertaining Vita launch title. Make sure to touch your Katamari after snagging Sony’s new portable in February.

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12 years ago

Do you want to touch my Katamari?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Don't spam again.

12 years ago

Very well, I'm Iqbal, I'm back on the comments after 3 years and the people are still so polite in all of the article boxes, and no children. It is amazing the thought of not having the katamari only in ball form but in stretchable form, in both the horizontal and vertical direction. Get in some more objects

"Expandable Eggroll" Iqbal out

12 years ago

These are one of those games that doesn't *look* particularly fun, they just are when played. To collect items becomes an obsession, and there's always corners of the map you didn't get to explore before the task is completed, so the replay value is very high.

But I hope – and expect – I can still use the two analogue sticks. Like how you jumped in Katamari Forever by shaking the controller. Nowhere was it mentioned that you also could just use a shoulder button. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/20/2011 1:44:23 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I'll be touching my Katamari. Not played one of these titles before, and I'm firmly coloured interested in the series, so the Vita looks like the shot for me 🙂 Maybe not Day 1, but some day.

12 years ago

defently a buy for me i love Katamari

12 years ago

Yeah me too, I totally love those games!
I got completely obsessed when I first got to know Katamari, on the PSP. It got to a point where I seriously considered getting me a PS2 just to play the older Katamaris. 😀 Who would have guessed it would be this fun to roll a sticky ball around… The concept is just nutty. Not to mention the matching sound effects and music.

If/when I get me a Vita, much of the reason will be to play Katamari again.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/21/2011 8:43:02 AM

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