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Top 5 Games For The Ladies

Now, I'm going to clarify before all the gaming gals jump down my throat and I see a hundred e-mails that say, "hey, I'm a girl and I play stuff like Gears of War !" Yes, well, I'm aware you exist, but I'm referring specifically to the non-gamer girl who simply doesn't understand your hobby, but isn't entirely adverse to learning more about it. The bottom line is that most girls, even today, still think there aren't any video games that will appeal to them. But this generation has seen the onset of more diverse and widely-appealing titles than ever before, so there's hope.

Here are the top 5 games that can get your girlfriend or significant other more involved in the world of virtual interactive entertainment. Heck, she might even enjoy herself.

5. Any music/rhythm game

Honestly, I knew this was going to happen. Women love music just like men do, and when they invented those plastic instruments – so it doesn't really seem like you're playing a "video game" – I figured the females would flock to this, and so they have. It's kinda like Dance Dance Revolution in that way. The big thing these days is to have Guitar Hero and Rock Band parties, and one shouldn't be surprised when half of that party is comprised of women. In fact, I've actually been specifically asked if I have either GH or RB at home…sadly, I don't, but damnit, there are other benefits to going home with me. 'cough' Oh, I'm not that kind of guy.

4. Wii Resort

I've never placed the Wii in the same category as the PS3 or Xbox 360, simply because it just doesn't belong there. And frankly, I can't conceive of having any fun with that system by myself. On the flip side, I have had plenty of fun playing stuff like Wii Resort with other people, and that includes girls; the game features everything from archery to canoeing so you're bound to find something she enjoys. And the ladies really do have a great deal of fun with this thing; maybe it's the whole motion sensing thing combined with the cutesy exterior; I don't know. But I do know that Wii Resort is kinda like catnip.

3. EyePet

It's basically an extension of the Wii technology, only about a bazillion times cooler, in my humble opinion. And if that cute little creature isn't expressly designed to make the females go, "Awwww…!" than I'm Abraham Lincoln. Obviously, it's for the whole family but let's face up to facts: EyePet is something the women might really love to see, just because it's not only adorable and fun, but it's also downright amazing from a technological standpoint. If you're feeling bold, you might want to pick this up for her as a holiday gift; she might balk at first, but once she sees that fluffy friend pop out and respond to her petting, she's gonna smile. Guaranteed.

2. LittleBigPlanet

Oh, it's just perfect. Not only is Sackboy himself a big draw, but the entire presentation, including those wonderfully designed levels, should appeal to the fairer sex. And let's not forget that you can do a lot when playing with another person. It's not complicated, it's almost ceaselessly entertaining, and because there are plenty of customization options, that's another big plus. Even if she has never picked up a controller in her life, she can – provided she has the requisite hand-eye coordination – learn quickly, and she'll get a kick out of first making Sackboy express himself. Playing along is part of the fun and there's enough content where you two could play co-op for quite a while…

1. Flower

This is the one that could make the girl gasp in surprise and then say something like, "wait…this is a game ?" Oh yes, it's a game, and it combines that motion sensing they tend to love so much with one of the prettiest and most relaxing experiences in gaming today. It's not two-player but the point is, if she gets into this, she's that much more willing to try other things in the video game world. Granted, Flower is kinda unique, but it proves two things: 1. gaming really has come a long way and there's a ton of originality if you know where to look, and 2. even "playing" as a stream of flower petals can be one of the more enjoyable virtual experiences one can have.

Disclaimer: Notice that at no point did I say if you get a girl to play any of these games, other perks are guaranteed. That's on you, champ.

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14 years ago

This article is sexist. My lady friends play all the same games I do but prefer RPG's

Last edited by fundando on 10/2/2009 11:12:20 PM

14 years ago

Oh please. This isnt sexist. Most girls dont even game, and those girls would love the games on this list.

Dont play the sexist card. Thats just stupid.

14 years ago

You're joking right? Erm, did you even read the first paragraph? Your 'lady' friends are a tiny fraction of the gaming audience. Not sexist, just honesty.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago


Does ANYONE read ANYTHING besides headlines and bolded print anymore? I'd love to make a rule that nobody is allowed to post comments around here unless they've actually READ what they're commenting on, but I suppose that's impossible. Whatever.

14 years ago

Lol. how about you write everything in BOLD ben 😛

14 years ago

I read the article. I dont't really think it is sexist I just thought it would be funny to point that out since it had a disclaimer. I mean, somebody was bound to say it.
I guess I'm just lucky enough to have a bunch of lady friends that game.

14 years ago

No, Ben caught you.

14 years ago

Agreed, LBP is the perfect party game, and the only game my girlie has actually enjoyed playing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

And if anyone else plays the sexist card, I'll just leap down their throat. It's ALWAYS okay to say all men love car chases and explosions and movies, and all men are insensitive, and that's just "funny."

So don't START with the double-standards and hypocrisy. I won't stand for it.

14 years ago

This is totally sexist, Ben.

14 years ago

someone needs a vacation!

14 years ago

"And if anyone else plays the sexist card, I'll just leap down their throat."
THAT'S what she said!!

But seriously, I just started dating a girl who LOVES littlebigplanet, and I've been thinking about downloading Flower…maybe I'll give it a shot. hmmm…

14 years ago

I can attest to the powers of LBP! Once you show 'em how to change outfits, girls just think it's the CUTEST! 😉 Though I have yet to see one get the controls down pat. The DS3 can be a bit intimidating, what with the 38 buttons on it.

14 years ago

That is hyperbolic sarcasm I detect in your last sentence, right? Or do you know something I don't. . . 😉

14 years ago

LBP for sure!

I play the game with the cutest female gamer alive! she's awesome

14 years ago

yeah, my mom loves LBP too.

14 years ago

Flower was so well worth it. Innovative yet tranquil/pretty.

It also works as a stress reducer at times.

14 years ago

No Katamari? Chicks dig Katamari.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Eh, I thought of that, but I think it's a little TOO quirky.

14 years ago

Ben, quirky!? have you seen the latest previews of chick flick's?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, they're not necessarily quirky. Just stupid.

14 years ago

Flower was great, i can't wait to see what TGC come up with next:) i think they should make another flower but with a different concept besides flowers

14 years ago

u brought up a good point, that the ps3 and 360 are in a different group than the wii…

this leads to a question i have had in the back of my mind for a few years now-

-both ps3 and xbox fanboys have deragatory names for each other, is there a term used to describe a wii fanboy?

14 years ago

sorry i know that was really off topic but it was annoying me

14 years ago


dont get me wrong i love nintendo, right behind sony. just they are more of a toy company lately. i want hardcore video games 😉

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

The Wii is pretty much fanboy safe in the names department.
Because everybody's played one so those casual gamers can't be hardcore fans?

You could called them Nintendo Pi$$ers but that sucks.
Taking all the poos' & wees' from the Wii.

Last edited by Banky A on 10/3/2009 5:23:34 AM

14 years ago

@ frylock25

Nintendo started out as a toy company… Do you really think Mario was meant to be "hardcore" or an interactive toy?

14 years ago

ya…the wiitard (i made it up…seriously)

and flower is beast…dont ask…

14 years ago

AND too my skipping of read…love the disclaimer Ben

"Disclaimer: Notice that at no point did I say if you get a girl to play any of these games, other perks are guaranteed. That's on you, champ."

14 years ago

My wife loves LBP. she's always down to play. She loved the MGS4 packs. She wants me to get the ICO and SotC pack next.

14 years ago

i would say more so platformers.
or eyepet curse those dam cute animals!!!
anything with blood or dismembered limbs is out, im yet to find a girl who likes mortal kombat.
even though my most hated character in that games a girl, GOD DAM YOU SONYA!!!
for some reason i can never beat her, dont ask me why i just cant.

14 years ago

I know a whole bunch of girls who really like mortal kombat, and they're effing good at it too.

14 years ago

Ben you're sexist. You hate women.

14 years ago

You forgot to mention anything playing on the PSP-Go Small buttons for small hands…

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I've got some games for the ladies…. o_O
And stuff like:

– Hide & Go Seek: Cheesy Chinese Music Video Addition

– Spot The Sexist Comment 2

14 years ago

My GF doesn't like flower, for what ever reason!

She likes RPGs (Oblivion, FF XII), LBP, Ratchet and Clank and Prince of Persia.

So sweet looking and fluffy is good, but what really sells her is a good story!

14 years ago

Maybe she doesn't like flower for the same reason as everyone else. BO- RING!

14 years ago


With such a simple concept, it achieved a story, depth, creativity, poetry, atmosphere, emotional engagement that many big budget games could not. Making it one of PS3's best and Jenova Chen a new gaming hero.

"Like everyone else"…so speak for yourself.

Perhaps Wet is more to your liking.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 10/3/2009 2:47:41 PM

14 years ago

@ Lotusflow3r – When was the last time you played it?

I rest my case.

14 years ago

@Alien: When is the last time most of us played Super Mario Bros. 3? Personally, it has been a looooong time. But the fact remains: It is still one of the best games ever. Hell, I haven't even played Uncharted in a while, or GTAIV. Bad argument.

14 years ago

What he said.

anyway, a week ago before i got Demons Souls.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 10/3/2009 5:25:03 PM

14 years ago

lol, You just couldn't wait for the American release could you? I'm finding it hard as well. 3 days!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I play Flower from time to time. However, I find that people who can't sit still and need something to "happen" every two seconds of their life, can't seem to enjoy it.

14 years ago

Yeah, they're much more suited for a good FPS.

14 years ago

What about hannah montana games!!! 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I said ladies, not 8-year-old girls. 😉

14 years ago

o be honest i dont think anyone actually plays thse hames…even 8 yr old girls

14 years ago

I just started trying to get my girl into gaming a little bit with me. Started off with Flower, blew her away, then we moved to fl0w so she could get used to "enemies" but not too many buttons yet. Of course LBP was next, now I think we're gonna go for the Lego games!

14 years ago

You're making great strides in your efforts to include everyone in the greatness of gaming. I can't help but wonder though, why you wouldn't mention the DS. It has single-handedly turned my wife into a gamer. That and friggin' Zuma.

14 years ago

The top three are in the perfect order for my lady.

They're the games that took my lady by storm, especially Flower which made her cry.

She also liked The Last Guardian. She was astounded by the 1st trailer for it.

She's also quite taken by Heavy Rain. The Love trailer did it for her.

So, i have to add, they are human! Each individual will like something different and that applies to females too, yano? so, disclaimer or not, it's stereotypical.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 10/3/2009 2:51:52 PM

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