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Retro Query: Which Deceased Console Would You Resurrect?

With everyone talking about the powerful new game consoles, I thought this would be an interesting question.

Which video game system, now lost to history, would you resurrect if you had the requisite power and influence? Which system deserves to be in the limelight again, just 'cuz it had all sorts of great potential? Which one didn't get a fair shake in your estimation?

Obviously, no old game machine could stand up to the current consoles. This is not a realistic query, as you might've already surmised. But it's always interesting to hear veteran gamers talk about specific systems they really loved; such systems weren't always popular. For instance, I know someone who thinks the Atari Jaguar deserved a lot more recognition than it got, and he wished it had received a lot more support from gamers, developers, publishers, etc. Then there's the contingent who liked the Sega Saturn more than the first PlayStation.

There are actually a surprising number of game consoles lying in their graves. If you look it up, you'll undoubtedly stumble across one or two you've never heard of. Well, if you're an industry historian, maybe not, but you get what I mean. Remember the Panasonic 3DO? Or going further back, the Colecovision and Intellivision? Hey, how's about that Wonder Swan? Game Gear? Magnavox Odyssey?

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10 years ago

I would bring back the Nintendo 64, but to ensure the succsess of the console y would change the control. I would make it wireless and add two more holders.

10 years ago

I know everyone says dreamcast, but N64 was where it was at!!

10 years ago


Clearly after loving the Ryu Ga Gotoku(Yakuza) Series on Playstation SEGA needs a comeback

Last edited by Kiryu on 1/16/2014 11:28:27 PM

10 years ago

Haha, I love this topic.
I'm gonna say PSP Go… Just kidding, I would like some nice looking new PS2 games for cheap.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


10 years ago

I loved my Colecovision, but I'd like to see the Saturn come back. Dragon Force, NHL All Star Hockey, and Guardian Heroes, ate so much of my time up back then.

10 years ago

None. Hahaha I'm too spoiled now. I tried to play Twilght Princess on the GameCube a month or so ago and my goodness it looks terrible by today's stands. Hell it looked bad compared to the Wii version.

I suppose if I had to pick one it would be the SNES. I do miss playing UN Squadron. Such a great side scrolling fighter plane game. I asked Crapcom why they never released it on the Wii's virtual console and their response was that they no longer held the license for it from the anime company who owns the series. Which seems plausible.

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/17/2014 12:09:24 AM

10 years ago

The Sega Dreamcast.

Was out before the PS2 and Xbox and had graphics as good as them both. The games were also pretty awesome. Shenmue! Powerstone! Blue Stinger! and the Sonic Adventure games!

10 years ago

3DO all the way. I still have it but I would love to have some new games for it. The two reasons I think it didn't go over well were 1. Most of the games were live action using semi big actors and they cost quite a bit to make and 2. The system and the games catered to the single player experience. Very few games incorporated the use of a 2nd controller. I remember the day after I bought mine, the president of the company called me to ask how I liked the system and why I decided to purchase it. He also sent me a couple of games for free. Now that is service and loyalty to the consumer. The 3DO is also where I got my first look at Need For Speed and to this day, I think it is still one of the best NFS games ever made.

10 years ago

None. I like playing on occasion some old games, but rather would move forward. When I can afford it.

That said, I would like to re-experience the feelings I had when I first starting playing games and being WOWed with each brand new and different experience. And looking back, knowing in comparison to today, those games are boring and slow, they were new and fresh… and exciting.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Sega Saturn. I did not get this system. I only had time for the PS1. If I had the money I would go back and buy every rpg that I wanted to play for the Saturn. IF sega was cool, which they aren't, they would bring back those rpgs.

Already got the sega genesis compilations. 🙂

10 years ago

The Pong console.

10 years ago

A Dreamcast #2.

And 2nd, another Panasonic 3DO FZ10 #2(with an updated Icebreaker game with another 600 levels, FTW)

10 years ago

You must have a bunch of dead consoles Saint.

10 years ago

Nope World,
Every one of my retro consoles are working just as fine today, as the day they actually launched(knock on wood).

10 years ago

Yeah dude I meant dead as in no longer supported, I'm glad they still work. I wish I hadn't sold mine off over the years but gaming was expensive as a youth.

10 years ago

Bring back either Genesis or SNES I need some complexed "FUN" 2D beat em ups back in my life

10 years ago

none, id be far too difficult to go from playing amazing PC games back to NES, or whatever.
hell even going from PC to ps4 is painful enough!

but if i could turn back time, and bend it to my will, id have to be the ps1.
by far the best console generation because of 2 things.
1 it brought in the era of 3D, it brought in the era of the massive adventure game, it brought in the era of FMV, it brought in the era of CDs, there were so many technological advances it blew everyones socks off!
2 not only did it bring mind blowing technology, but also the games apart from taking advantage of this new technology, were FUN!
i can play crash bandicoot for hours no problem, i cant say that about any ps2, ps3, hell ps4 game!
games back then managed to meld both technological advancements, AND be FUN!
sadly these days we have to pick one or the other, and its very rarely the latter.
these days games are more about limitations, big pretty fireballs, and frustration!
ie total opposite of FUN!

10 years ago

I played with real computers and not toys back then :p

But if there was one platform I'd love to see resurrected (or rather, still alive), it's the Amiga.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago


10 years ago

None of them. In the early '80s I went to the arcades. I never had any interest in those early consoles. I got a few arcade collections for my PS2 and played my old favorites again. That's enough nostalgia for me.

10 years ago

I would love to bring the Dreamcast back. I think it looked better than the PS2 and I loved all the games I played on it.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
10 years ago

The Dreamcast, for sure

There are still new games being made for it, too. Not bad for a console which "died" a good number of years ago.

10 years ago

Sega Dreamcast

10 years ago

id say the Sega Neptune oops that was cancelled and never finished
i mean the Sega dreamcast because it had alot of great games just Sega pre maturely Launched it

i personally feel like Sega doesn't get the praise they deserve games like phantasy star 1 2 3 4 phantasy star online Panzer Dragoon
more recent their shining series phantasy star online 2 Sonic all stars racing transformed

10 years ago

This is tough for me..Sega Saturn was underrated to me. That console was great for racing and fighting games. Dreamcast had so much potential especially with built in broadband. As a kid i always wanted a 3DO and a Jaguar. They had great looking games and both had a lot of fighters i wanted to play. Can't say one..all four of those would qualifyfor me

10 years ago

Oh the Dreamcast without a doubt. It had some really great titles going for it, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Jet Set Radio, Dead or Alive 2, Soul Calibur and more. It's a shame the console tanked, I would have loved to have seen more from it. It still had more to offer than the original Xbox which beyond Halo and Fable is extremely lacking.

10 years ago

Here's a tidbit for you. Halo was originally being developed as a Dreamcast game. The early build is out on the internet now.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/17/2014 10:58:46 AM

10 years ago

I did actually hear of that, wasn't Devil May Cry also meant to be a Dreamcast title? with all the Capcom support it got I wouldn't be surprised.

10 years ago

I dunno but that woulda been cool. I would have loved for Castlevania Resurrection to have been finished. Such a shame. I got my hands on a bunch of pictures and in-game digital models and the soundtrack and concept art from a Dreamcast site, it looked like it was gonna be a great 3D Castlevania.

10 years ago

Dreamcast of course. It died so fast we never got to see what it was capable of, that thing was very powerful. Shenmue was stunning for its time and ran easily. Most games were going at 60fps. That thing could even run PS1 games better than the PS1 with significant upgrades through its hardware.

Sega is floundering in the software sector, they should find a new niche with a DC2.

10 years ago

To this day, I still don't understand its quick death.

10 years ago

I would put it down to a few things, the GD Rom only holding 1 gigbyte was a smaller problem. Lack of third party support was a bigger problem. PS2 was the biggest problem.

10 years ago

Without question, the Sega Saturn. To this day I count it as having the best overall library (you MUST include the Japanese games to fully value it) of any console to date…with the exception of the PS1 partially due to sheer volume. I've yet to find anything coming even close to Guardian Heroes, Dragon Force, and Firepro 6MS and never expect to.

10 years ago

I regret missing Panzer Dragoon Saga, I eventually sold my Saturn to afford the PS1.

10 years ago

I ADORE my Saturn, as well as my Panzer Dragoon Saga!
Never gonna give that one up! 🙂

10 years ago

what killed Sega wasn't the lack of games it wasn't the lack of support
Sega made a really really stupid Marketing Move
hey everybody were revealing that were working on the dreamcast
the Next day its in stores

leaving no preperation time for people to save $$ to buy it

also the other problem is the system could litterally blow up if it overheated

it wasn't their competition it was their stupid Mistakes don't get me wrong i praise Sega For making a great console i just wish they would of tested and thought it through better

10 years ago

SNES….on the topic of old games, I've been looking to put a classic Ms.Pacman/Galaga arcade machine in my man cave at home. Just trying to justify the $2000 cost. 🙂 😉

Last edited by rjmacready on 1/17/2014 8:09:00 PM

10 years ago

playing video games from early 90's its 1 console i can say that was solid but didnt reach potential….. Dreamcast. grew up on Nintendo then Playstation for Sega it was visits at my folks house. Dreamcast only Sega system i almost had but they stopped production….. between Sega & Xbox think Dreamcast offered better exclusive varieties.

the most underated system to me was Gamegear… that thing was the truth only handheld ever that could distract me on the go. everybody had gameboys starting from original to small then color & etc none of them koo to me, even when everybody was hooked on Pokemon. for some reason Gamegear delivered from games to visuals. never owned 1 but my kin did & every visit i snatched it up.

10 years ago

Well if I had my retro dreams fulfilled I would have to agree with about half of the posters here, and go with the Dreamcast. But I would rather see it released in its original form which was the 3DO M2. 3DO had been working on their follow up, but fell apart before they could get their groundbreaking system out. They sold it off to SEGA, and they turned it into the Dreamcast. I went from the 2600 to the 3DO. That was one big jump. I will never forget spending hours at Best Buy playing Road Rash. Real rock music by Soundgarden, and 3d buildings going by at what seemed like light speed. That was the biggest wow I ever had in my gaming life.

10 years ago

I loved them all and can't pick just one… but in looking around the internet to jog my memory about the old consoles, I realized the original playstation had outsold the N64 quite handily. I had no idea!

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