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Defiance Devs Apologize For Issues, Offer One-Week Boosts

It's always annoying to have a game not function properly upon its release. However, when a developer acknowledges the issue and offers a few goodies in return for the misstep…

Ever since Defiance launched, there have been reports of general server issues including disconnects, crashes, inability to log in, wrong keys, missing pre-order items, etc. It's quite the unfortunate laundry list.

However, as announced at the community website , the team is currently working to resolve those issues. They'll be trying to improve the client, provide gamers with more update patches, and prepare upcoming downloadable content. But in the meantime, in the spirit of maintaining an amiable relationship with the players, they've offered a series of one-week boosts:

— Exclusive Launch-Only In-Game Title: Daredevil
— 1-Week Weapons Skill Boost
— 1-Week Scrip Boost
— 1-Week Loot Boost
— 1-Week XP Boost

Everyone has these in their account now, so take advantage. I still haven't figured out why anyone wants to play games that constantly have problems, just for the sake of playing online. Me, I like my games to work…all the time. But whatever.

Related Game(s): Defiance

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11 years ago

Even with all the issues, my two sons and I have enjoyed it immensely.

If you are on the fence with this title, I recommend you picking it up. The map is huge, and there is plenty of Co-op action to be had.

11 years ago

I am on the fence teetering toward getting this. Here's my ordeal, I have never played a MMO and I can only buy 1 game in the next month. It's between Injustice, Soul Sacrifice, Star Trek and Defiance. This game really appeals to what I am looking for in a game right now. I have been reading up on Defiance user reviews at Metacritic and they really like the game. Great to read that the 2 of you love it as well.

I am also really anticipating the SciFy series too. Have it set to record already. I had to wait until today because Sony is handing out their $10 for every $50 spent and I will be getting $20 back. I am probably going to get Defiance. Glad you 2 are really enjoying it!

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 4/12/2013 2:13:15 PM

11 years ago

Im sold on the game, but Ive uet to even get Bioshock so thats where Im torn.

So Max, is it like an mmo like WoW, or even Borderlands or is it more like competitive like MAG? I understand theres co-op missions but im more interested in the main map portion of it.

11 years ago


I am not an authority in the least. However, I have been reading up on gamers comments. A lot of players say it's as if Borderlands, Mass Effect 3 and Fallout had a baby. That is exactly why I want to get it. I watched some game play of the PS3 version on youtube and it looks great. I understand the huge world, number of playsers on screen at one time in a console game. So the textures are understandable but look fine to me. It is 3rd person, but I guess it's great if you want to play 10 hours straight or 2 hours a few times a week. That is huge for me since I don't get a lot of time to game.

I have also read that you can play coop missions with someone who is going after the same mission as you. So you complete that mission and then you can move on by yourself or stay with that player. There are boss fights in the main missions. I guess it's awesome as a LOT of players come together and you can have some really crazy scenarios going on. I have also read of sniper dreams if you are into that.

I have pretty much made up my mind and will buy it tonight as soon as Sony posts my $20 credit. Rumor says it will be no later than 11pm pst :(. Oh well, I can wait and will download it while I am sleeping.

11 years ago

Yea ill probably get it. Thanks Crusader.

11 years ago

Crusader – Its a great combination of Fallout, Borderlands, Mass Effect, and MAG. Actually we have 3 copies running here as I have 2 sons.

Bigrailer – Check your PSN message,

11 years ago


Oh man, what an awesome household you must have! I am seriously jealous!!! 🙂

11 years ago

this is a great game, even with the bugs they are fixing. it is so fun to fight giant mechs and bugs with hundreds of others. the coop missions rock! The last story boss is hard. i guess i better level my weapon skills up. the pvp is fun and fast. it pulled me away from borderlands 2 . if you liked Warhawk for ps3 then you will die for Defiance.

11 years ago

Unfortunately there's a bit of a money issue in my life right now so I haven't been able to afford new games, I've been trading games to GameStop to get most new releases. I really look forward to playing this one. I never played but I did download the beta, now I've been hearing some pretty good things about this game (minus the issues). Hopefully it comes down in price and I'll be able to get my hands in it soon.

As for the map being 'huge'… is this basically an open-world shooter then?

11 years ago

So I guess skyrim does not get a pass since you know it did not quite work all the time. Amirite? Guys?

This game is plain fun. Have not had any of these problems at all. So I am glad for these little extras that they are giving us :).

11 years ago

Yeah, I have read they are taking care of you players! That is pure class and another reason why I want to support them. I am also excited for the future updates that will add longevity. No doubt there will be a lot of updates that will make the game even better. Excited to play my first mmo. I feel weird that I haven't tried yet. The planets just haven't aligned until now.

11 years ago

The difference to me at least is that Bethesda had 3 other attempts at making that type of game and still made the same exact mistakes with each release. Plus Skyrim isn't tied to a show that is going to influence the game, nor was/is it an MMO. So yeah no free pass for Bethesda.

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

Is this a MMO only game or does it have a single player campaign?

Cause if its MP only = not interested.

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