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I Miss The Vita, And It Isn’t Even Dead Yet

It seems weird to "miss" a system that isn't dead and what's more, a unit that's really quite new.

Still, there's no other way to describe it when you don't touch the thing for months on end.

When the PlayStation Vita first came out, I actually played it a lot. I was surprised at how often I found myself playing it. I was also surprised at the amazing quality of some of the games; Uncharted: Golden Abyss , Wipeout 2048 , Rayman Origins , Touch My Katamari , Gravity Rush , etc. They were all pretty damn great…the only problem is that all of them were available in the first few months of the Vita's availability. After that, all we really got were a bunch of PS3 ports and digital titles, along with a few mildly disappointing Vita exclusives.

Sure, I loved Tearaway and I still say it's the best game on the system. I also still play Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational from time to time, just 'cuz I love me some Hot Shots . But really, what else is there to talk about? Sometimes I glance wistfully at the Vita, sitting there all charged up and ready to go. I reach for it and then I go, "wait, I've got lots of games that need playing and sadly, none of them are on the Vita." Yes, there are Vita versions of some of those games but seriously, when I'm home, why would I not play those games on my living room TV?

The Vita might not be officially dead just yet but to me, it's already gone. That's kinda sad.

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9 years ago

I've really been getting a lot out of the Vita thanks to remote play, especially with all these fall releases, but yeah a triple AAA exclusive game would be nice… really nice.

9 years ago

U should do some reviews if the remote play in a game is good or garbage lol

9 years ago

Now I just use my vita to watch anime and pr0n, getting bored replaying the same game over and over again. Kayden kross look good on my vita…

9 years ago

Dude, you just made my day, haven't thought about watching p0rn on my vita, but it looks like a good idea.

BTW Kayden Kross would look great on any device.

9 years ago

it's more indie game machine now than console man. twisted and evil.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/21/2014 2:33:12 AM

9 years ago

Well, there's Freedom Wars. Its a good game after a good long while. 🙂

9 years ago

Ben I get you totally – I feel the same way.
I am very sad that my PSV lies on the shelf gathering dust now. I only grab it when I'm going for a longer trip and kill time playing some immortal titles like Everybody's Golf or Raymen Legends (so many levels).
I still have FFX HD and GoW HD to finish but to be honest when I'm home I rather like to play new games on 50" TV then on small screen. PS4 is taking all my time.

Remote play is kinda chore to play as it's not so responsive as on PS4. And also everything is so small on the screen because it's not made specially for PSV.

9 years ago

There are so many PSV titles not mentioned like God Eater 2, Monster Hunter Frontier G, Phantasy Star Nova, Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Samurai Warrior 4, Legend of Heroes: Sen no kiseki series, Esca and Biology of Atelier Plus ~Twightlight~, Bordersland 2, Samurai Warrior Chronicles 3, Gundam Breaker 2 and so on and on… There are so many upcoming amazing titles rolling out

PSV is not dead but gaming sites failure to report on these upcoming titles makes it look 'dead'

9 years ago

Nice truth, sir.

9 years ago

True, and Tales of Hearts R just came out last week.

9 years ago

True, but NONE of the ones you mentioned appeal to me. But that's just me and I have to say I bought Vita for good AAA titles that were never delivered (not counting the ones in the beginning).

9 years ago

Almost all the games you mention are primarily niche titles that don't appeal to the masses. I can't see very many gamers who don't like bubbly japanese action/humor or anime playing those.

9 years ago

Many of those are also released on ps3, ps4 and/or x360.

In addition, with the exception of Borderlands 2 those are all what most would call niche titles, mainly for the Japanese market. They are hardly much of an evidence for Vita being alive anywhere else.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/21/2014 4:11:32 PM

9 years ago

I'm enjoying the Vita games that are brought to PS3 since you can't sell on Vita. Akibastrip!

9 years ago

I guess you don't like Japanese games, there continues to be a constant influx of those.

9 years ago

sadly my right stick broke, keeps looking up, at the moment my vita is dead and i miss it

9 years ago

Sounds like Vitron and I are the only ones playing Freedom Wars — that's surprising! An excellent game, very glad I picked it up (just 30 bucks on Amazon).

Or course, your main conceit, that the Vita is pretty much done, is sadly true. It's just a lovely piece of hardware, it feels great in your hands, the OLED screen on the original system makes games look like they were just painted onto a canvas. But it just wasn't meant to be.

9 years ago

I've been defending my vita against friends and colleagues for some time, but lately I'm running out of points in favor of it.

9 years ago

I'm still enjoying mind, but it's always been a secondary gaming device (ie, I've played more on my PS4 in a year than on my Vita on two). Ben – if you're looking for something to check out, give 'Don't Die Mr Robot' a gander – it looks generic as hell but it's made by a bloke I met playing RUSE and his mate, and it's a great little arcade game. Charlie (the bloke I met playing RUSE) is a big Demon's/Dark's Souls fan as well, so it's made by someone with similar sensibilities ;).

It's also a good example of why my Vita still gets some lovin' – it's great for smaller indies that don't make it to PS4, but are still great games :).

9 years ago

The Vita was DOA, it was only kept artificially alive in respirator for a while. It never had a chance, poor thing.

9 years ago

personally i'll keep the vita around for the lego games i don't really do them on anything other than portable and i didn't like lego lotr on the 3DS so it'll be on the vita and beside theres olli olli 2 comin wouldn't want to miss that. but i think i'm the execption to the rule here

happy gaming

9 years ago

I seem to go in cycles with my PSVita. When I wasn't doing too much on my PS3, I was gaming on my Vita.

Now I have a PS4 I am not really gaming on the Vita. Remote Play is good. I don't think I will pick up too many more games with the Vita.

I have Plus now so may just get the free ones every month.

Still a fantastic piece of kit. Uncharted, Killzone, Metal Gear Solid, Tearaway, LBP, Borderlands 2, Assassins Creed, Gravity Rush and FIFA. For a handheld it is hard to beat!

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