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New Vita Promos Tickle The Portable Fan’s Buying Bone

If there's one thing the PlayStation Vita is definitely going to need, it's advertising.

And to help promote Sony's new handheld, they've put together a few new commercials that highlight the unit's most attractive features.

For example, straight from the PlayStation Channel come two videos that just might tickle your buying bone. First up is one that talks about cross-platform play; stop playing on either the PS3 or Vita and pick up where you left off on the other platform.

The other is more of an overall presentation; it involves the dual analog sticks, touch control, front and rear multitouch pads, real-time updates, the PSN, cross-game chat, NEAR, the front camera, etc. Check it out:

Enough to convince you? Don't forget that the launch lineup is shaping up quite nicely as well; we definitely want to get our hands on Uncharted: Golden Abyss , Wipeout 2048 , Little Deviants , and Hot Shots Golf . …yeah, love me some HSG.

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12 years ago

Gah, I want one.

12 years ago

is it febuary yet? I already have mine ordered

12 years ago

I think Vita will do well generally; but the current price point may still be a negative aspect to its launch. We will have to see.

Personally though, my money is going on an Asus Transformer Prime tablet with Tegra 3 Quad Core chip as I want a portable that is truly multi-functional and has a proper browser with flash enabled (latest version). For casual gaming this will do me fine for the time being.

The Vita can wait. We will see how it will have matured 2 years from now and at what price point it is. Considering it would probably have gotten a price cut within the next 24 months, and the launch AAA titles will probably be available for half the price… therefore I am willing to wait it out. My Android tablet and phone will be fine for me for now, and so will my PS3 and PC laptop. Pretty much have the best of all worlds for gaming in the next 2 to 3 years.

I am also going to wait to get a PS4 this time around. I want to max out my PS3 and pick up another round of older titles to play through. I still haven't bought or played Heavy Rain and GoWIII. So that tells you I have some excellent games to catch up on the coming months, and possibly, years.



Last edited by Qubex on 12/13/2011 10:12:06 AM

12 years ago

Good luck Qubex. The one truth for me about playing catch-up to a backlog of games, is I never catch up… I still have a backlog of unplayed PS2 games! Maybe one day… when I retire from work?… in about 30 years time?!?! ;-D

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

I am with you Qubex, there is no reason to own vita at launch. I have too many games to finish up for the PSP,PS3,PS2,even PS1.I'm working on new projects and losing money. Gaming is my escape from reality.

12 years ago

I am sorry to hear you are losing money buddy, that is one thing no wants to do intentionally. I guess the only thing I can say regarding money and gaming, is that in this age of "austerity" one just has to be smarter about your purchases.

You can unlock value if you are willing to wait. I had to "learn" and understand the retail models that companies use. Now that I know, I won't give into temptation when I know that a few months down the road I can get the same entertainment for near to 50% less. That saves you money and will offset some of your general losses.

This does not meant I don't support AAA developer. I do, and I carefully pick day 1 purchases during the course of any given year. I pick 3 to 5 day one games, the real big heavy hitters where I know I will get hours and hours of fun. For example I will pick up "The Last Of Us" and "Last Guardian" when they are released, or a new Battlefield 4 game for example. There are a couple others I am interested as well; but obviously not all titles will be day one games.

For example, if one bought Uncharted 3, Skyrim and Battlefield 3 as their only day one purchases let's say, you would have entertainment to last you quite a while with the hundreds of hours of gameplay available. It works out cents per hour in the end. Far more value than Hollywood can give and the cost of going out for just one night. I don't do it now… I just invest in the games I want… because there is real value in them, and they last me… for years!

As I noted above, my PS3 will last me for years more, and together with Ben, PSXExtreme team, and this great community I am pretty much covered I would say for a long time to come.

I will be interested though to discuss PS4 related stuff eventhough I may not own the console from the start. I will eventually own it, but again, I think the price you pay for something is directly associated to the value (and/or potential value) the product gives you in a number of different ways.



Last edited by Qubex on 12/13/2011 9:06:05 PM

12 years ago

This has a real next gen feel to it, I can't wait to see what they're doing with PS4.

12 years ago

The Vita is shaping up to be something I think I'll end up buying sooner rather than later. It has a "new console-next gen" feel to it as others have stated.

Sony needs to market this as more than just gameboy with pretty graphics though. It needs to catch the casual crowd and the "techy" crowd (people that NEED to have all the fancy new gadgets i.e. new iPhones, etc). If it's able to do that and appeal to consumers other than the hardcore gamers it should do real well in the states.

12 years ago

the bad thing though, is that since they took away the "TV out" feature the iPhone 4s right now sits in a better position. With its hdmi out dongle and mirroring functionality with 1080p output

12 years ago

I understand the TV out as a definite plus but this is a portable console. Also, if your playing cross platform games then just play it on your PS3. I'd like the HDMI out but it isn't a deal breaker.

For taking PS3 games on the go, will one have to own a different copy for each system?

WIll buying a hard copy of a game entitle you to download a digital copy?

Will you have to buy two separate digital copies if you chose to go digital?

Maybe the ability to download digital copies to either system will be used as an incentive to purchase digital?

12 years ago

Cross Platform Play!!! Yes, I am sold. This feature alone warrants a Vita purchase for me, the rest is all bonus 😉

12 years ago

I am gonna wait unless I see it in action and get one when I see Uncharted.

I am right in thinking it's only gonna be digital games only though ? If no hard copies of games, if so then this may put me off as well as others that I know.

12 years ago

The hard copies come on proprietary memory sticks (essentially cartridges).

OT: Two things are currently dulling my excitement for PSV: the lack of video out and the lack of permanent internal storage for files that you'd always want to have on your handheld (like internet settings). It was an unnecessary pain to have to keep duplicate files on different PSP memory sticks so that they'd be there regardless of which stick was in the PSP. And the PSV looks to have a lot more peripheral features (like the browser) than the PSP does, so I would bet there will be more files to manage.

However, the PSV apparently has built-in games (with trophies nonetheless), so maybe there is storage for those sorts of files. We'll see when the Hands-On articles start to appear.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/13/2011 4:35:20 PM

12 years ago

I am pretty sure the PSV has internal memory of its own, like 4 gb or something

12 years ago

nope, no internal flash which is why games like uncharted wont even boot if you dont have a memory stick!
tis why its so expensive.
spending 300+ bucks on the unit is not enough, spending 70+ on the game is not enough, you have to spend another 40+ on a overpriced 4GB memory stick!
mind you i just got a 32GB stick for 10 bucks more a while ago!

12 years ago

Wow! Will all PS3 games be playable on the Vita (like Killzone 3 in the video)? If yes…

D1P fo' sho now!

12 years ago

no, kaz said shortly after E3 that only some ps3 games would be playable on it.
wonder if KZ2 is playable on it, i dont see why not since 3 is and its using the same engine so if its not should not be too hard to change that.

12 years ago

hope its a big buying bone, your going to need a mini fortune to afford one!
ah, ive finally figured it out.
$ony did not call it the vita because its Latin for life, its actually a anagram.
vita for virtually impossible to afford!
oh well, i hope they bring a GOW and syphon filter game to this.
for some reason $ony has only released syphon filter on the psp, then decided to port it over to ps2, not ps3.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, a syphon filter game for the vita would be freaking sweet!
they will never bring it back to the home console, so might as well continue its trip on the train so to speak.

12 years ago

Anyone else noticed 'Cross game chat' as if the Vita is getting and the PS3 hasn't yet!

For the Cross play, would you have to own a copy of the game on the PS3, and the Vita?

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