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Sony: “VR Tech Is So Easy To Use, It’s Almost Unfair”

3D gaming didn't really take off but virtual reality is a whole different beast. In fact, Sony thinks it's "gaming's ultimate weapon."

This is what PlayStation boss Shuhei Yoshida told Stuff during the Tokyo Game Show. Specifically, Yoshida called their newly branded PlayStation VR device the "ultimate weapon" for both small and large developers.

Is it hard to use? Nah.

"Using VR tech, it's so easy, it's almost unfair. It's like an ultimate weapon. I think it's going to be a hugely powerful weapon for game developers to create new and exciting experiences for consumers."

Yoshida believes that even designers with small budgets can be successful with PlayStation VR and he cites a soccer game called Headmaster . It's in development at a small indie studio and while resources are limited "everybody still really enjoyed it." Historically, Sony has had difficulty creating accessible game hardware for developers but that has changed as of late; i.e., the PlayStation 4.

PlayStation VR is set to launch in the first half of 2016 with "at least 10 titles." We don't have a price yet but just recently, Sony executive Andrew House said to expect a price tag similar to that of a "new gaming platform."

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8 years ago

" Historically, Sony has had difficulty creating accessible game hardware for developers"

Really? From what I remember the PS1, PS2, and PSP were fairly easy to develop for and helped greatly with the PS1's success, the PS2 was only "difficult" in comparison to the Gamecube and was quite a bit easier than the Xbox. Then the likely reason the PSP "failed" is due to the DS launching at almost the same exact time and lacking any heavy hitting series familiar to the West and not its development difficulty. It did pretty damn well in Japan, double the PS3 and about half of the DS(which includes the DS, DSi, and both XL models.) Nintendo is just as good as Apple at making people buy simple upgrades for the same hand-held, God remember all the Gameboys? XD

So not sure if that statement should really be used. Only truly difficult piece of hardware they have had was the PS3 even the Vita is "easy" to develop for, from what I have read it is even easier than the PS1, it is just comparable to developing for a home console and many Devs can't offset that cost on the dying handheld's small install base.

As for the Playstation VR I am really expecting $350-400 for the headware which seems to be what other VR development teams are targeting. I certainly won't be buying it day one, or even the first year, but I hope it does well enough to pull in a lot of games a year or two down the road when I will likely jump in.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

"From what I remember the PS1, PS2, and PSP were fairly easy to develop for and helped greatly with the PS1's success, the PS2 was only "difficult" in comparison to the Gamecube and was quite a bit easier than the Xbox."

No idea where you came up with that idea. PlayStation consoles are notoriously difficult to develop for, as just about every major studio has said numerous times over the years. I remember some designers saying they could maybe access 40 percent of what the PS2 was capable of out of the gate, and some developers said it took their teams three or four years before they even felt comfortable with the machine. Much of the same was repeated with the PS3.

There's a reason why later PS2 games like MGS3 and FFXII looked as if they were on a completely different system when compared with the console's launch titles. One of the biggest goals for Sony's hardware team was to produce a console in the PS4 that devs would actually feel comfortable with. That was arguably the biggest reason Sony coordinated with developers in the creation of the PS4.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/21/2015 3:05:02 PM

slow and smart
slow and smart
8 years ago

350 bucks will not be the problem for me: motion sickness on the other hand will be a major problem for me i GUESS,a few weeks back i had this problem playing "the vanishing of ethan carter" so now i'm more careful to buy vr stuff,i will test it in shop's a lot lol….

8 years ago

Some day all Best Buys will be gone and we won't be able to test.

8 years ago

I will use it, easy or hard!

8 years ago

The ps1 got ahead in large part because it was easier to developer for than the Saturn and the format was cheaper to develope for and had more memory than the Nintendo 64 (the 64 had more power but the cartridges had storage issues). The ps2 and 3 were notorious for being hard to develop for, but in the ps3's defense, it spear headed the blu ray format and utilized a multi core architecture that eventually became popular in every top of the line pc even though most programs never took advantage of the new format (long story). And then Mr Ben told the rest of the story

8 years ago

Sony has current major partnership with Disney for Star Wars Battlefront. Leverage that relationship and develop THE Star Wars LightSaber Deul VR Game The audience has been looking for and PSVR will sell like Hot Wookie Cakes. A Marvel Universe VR Experience would also be quite lucrative. They don't have to be cutting edge AAA either to accomplish this goal. Just keep it simple and entertaining and they will come.

Last edited by FatherSun on 9/22/2015 7:10:07 AM

8 years ago

Never mind how expensive this is going to be, almost as much as the console itself, or how big of a tool you're going to look like anytime somebody sees you using it, this thing looks like it would destroy your eyes.
That's always the first thing I think when I see it. I imagine they must have done some testing, but how is it okay for your eyes to have a screen only an inch away for any period of time?

5 years ago

Some day all Best Buys will be gone and we won&#39t be able to test.

5 years ago

Sony has current major partnership with Disney for Star Wars Battlefront. Leverage that relationship and develop THE Star Wars LightSaber Deul VR Game The audience has been looking for and PSVR will sell like Hot Wookie Cakes. A Marvel Universe VR Experience would also be quite lucrative. They don&#39t have to be cutting edge AAA either to accomplish this goal. Just keep it simple and entertaining and they will come.

Last edited by FatherSun on 9/22/2015 7:10:07 AM

5 years ago

" Historically, Sony has had difficulty creating accessible game hardware for developers"

Really? From what I remember the PS1, PS2, and PSP were fairly easy to develop for and helped greatly with the PS1&#39s success, the PS2 was only "difficult" in comparison to the Gamecube and was quite a bit easier than the Xbox. Then the likely reason the PSP "failed" is due to the DS launching at almost the same exact time and lacking any heavy hitting series familiar to the West and not its development difficulty. It did pretty damn well in Japan, double the PS3 and about half of the DS(which includes the DS, DSi, and both XL models.) Nintendo is just as good as Apple at making people buy simple upgrades for the same hand-held, God remember all the Gameboys? XD

So not sure if that statement should really be used. Only truly difficult piece of hardware they have had was the PS3 even the Vita is "easy" to develop for, from what I have read it is even easier than the PS1, it is just comparable to developing for a home console and many Devs can&#39t offset that cost on the dying handheld&#39s small install base.

As for the Playstation VR I am really expecting $350-400 for the headware which seems to be what other VR development teams are targeting. I certainly won&#39t be buying it day one, or even the first year, but I hope it does well enough to pull in a lot of games a year or two down the road when I will likely jump in.

5 years ago

I will use it, easy or hard!

slow and smart
slow and smart
5 years ago

350 bucks will not be the problem for me: motion sickness on the other hand will be a major problem for me i GUESS,a few weeks back i had this problem playing "the vanishing of ethan carter" so now i&#39m more careful to buy vr stuff,i will test it in shop&#39s a lot lol….

5 years ago

Never mind how expensive this is going to be, almost as much as the console itself, or how big of a tool you&#39re going to look like anytime somebody sees you using it, this thing looks like it would destroy your eyes.
That&#39s always the first thing I think when I see it. I imagine they must have done some testing, but how is it okay for your eyes to have a screen only an inch away for any period of time?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
5 years ago

"From what I remember the PS1, PS2, and PSP were fairly easy to develop for and helped greatly with the PS1&#39s success, the PS2 was only "difficult" in comparison to the Gamecube and was quite a bit easier than the Xbox."

No idea where you came up with that idea. PlayStation consoles are notoriously difficult to develop for, as just about every major studio has said numerous times over the years. I remember some designers saying they could maybe access 40 percent of what the PS2 was capable of out of the gate, and some developers said it took their teams three or four years before they even felt comfortable with the machine. Much of the same was repeated with the PS3.

There&#39s a reason why later PS2 games like MGS3 and FFXII looked as if they were on a completely different system when compared with the console&#39s launch titles. One of the biggest goals for Sony&#39s hardware team was to produce a console in the PS4 that devs would actually feel comfortable with. That was arguably the biggest reason Sony coordinated with developers in the creation of the PS4.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/21/2015 3:05:02 PM

5 years ago

The ps1 got ahead in large part because it was easier to developer for than the Saturn and the format was cheaper to develope for and had more memory than the Nintendo 64 (the 64 had more power but the cartridges had storage issues). The ps2 and 3 were notorious for being hard to develop for, but in the ps3&#39s defense, it spear headed the blu ray format and utilized a multi core architecture that eventually became popular in every top of the line pc even though most programs never took advantage of the new format (long story). And then Mr Ben told the rest of the story

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