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Rockstar New England Cranking On New “Famous IP” Project

What would be considered a "famous IP?" Red Dead , perhaps? It's not "new," though.

The Rockstar New England team is currently working on the "next version of a famous new IP," as evidenced by a current senior graphic engineer's LinkedIn profile. The project was spotted by Superannuation and then later cited by Kotaku .

According to the developer's profile page, Rockstar New England was one of several studios that helped Rockstar North with Grand Theft Auto V , which shipped to widespread critical acclaim last month. It's also worth noting that the Rockstar New England Careers page now sports no fewer than nine open positions , so it seems they're definitely cranking away on something. With GTAV out the door, perhaps the next logical "famous IP" installment would indeed be another Red Dead but there's no way to know for sure…

Ooh, I know, a Bully sequel! How's about that?

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Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

That Kotaku report makes no mention of a "new" IP, only the next iteration of a famous one. Rockstar are always so cagey with what they're releasing next, you can't even get an idea from their jobs listings. The studio hasn't done anything on its own merit since becoming R*NE, but they did port Bully to the Wii and 360, so there could be something in that. It's not really a "famous" IP, though.

I want another Midnight Club. It's been too long!

10 years ago

I enjoy the first bully I dont kno y rockstar didn't release bully scholarship edition 4 ps3 fingers cross 4 red dead redemption 2

10 years ago

Manhunt… b*tches.

10 years ago

yea, good luck with that.
the amount of controversy 2 caused, and hell even GTAV, and beyond was censored.
for what!?
if beyond is too much for these pansies to handle, then manhunts got no chance.
would be nice though.

10 years ago

I hope the PS4 controller will finally make rockstar games feel less clumsy in the shooting department. Some reason they always use the L2/R2 buttons.

10 years ago

I hate that.

10 years ago

I hope they add the option to soil yourselves in this game.

10 years ago

i doubt its RD related, totally different studio.
wish it was through, playing through beyond just made me want a new RD even more!
maybe a bully sequel, or what else has R* released?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


10 years ago

Yeah that's supposed to be re-revealed soon.

10 years ago

I really hope its not Max Payne 4. Let the guy have his peace in the sun, away from the snow.

10 years ago

well that cud tur out to be some thing interesting "famous new IP" it cud be anything =)

happy gaming =)

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