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PlayStation Home Closing Down For Good

I think we all saw this coming.

We haven't heard anything about Sony's virtual world, PlayStation Home, in quite some time. And unfortunately, this was indeed prelude to bad tidings: As Sony has revealed , Home will be shut down next year in the US, Canada and Europe.

Sony says this closure is due to a "shifting landscape," so there will be no new content for Home after November 12. Users have until December 3 to download any content they want, and the complete shutdown happens on March 31, 2015. Those who stick with the service until that time will receive some free, currently unspecified content (obviously not for Home). The news comes not long after Sony Computer Entertainment Japan announced a shutdown of Home's Asian services.

Home ran for six years and it was quite the ambitious project. It came a long way during that span of time but recently, I think we've all started to notice its dwindling popularity.

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9 years ago

It was a good idea to build a virtual city for PS fans in this social age but in the end it's all about the games.

RIP Home.

9 years ago

Home was like the number one reason I wanted/got a PS3… and then I never used it.

9 years ago

Well, the damn thing stayed in beta the entire time, so there are the hopes for PlayStation Now. Weird that this is based entirely on microtransactions, so Sony is giving the big FU to the people who paid and still use it regularly. Also shutting down a ton of servers for games this year. I know, Sony loves gamers because they publish The Last of Us. Yeah.

9 years ago

I feel bad for the people who spent 100s of dollars on it. I will never understand how people can spend so much money on these games that are in perpetual beta with no guarantee of anything. Look at all those Facebook cash grab games that come and go as an example.

Not saying Playstation Home was a cash grab I definitely think Sony tried to do something special here just still sucks.

9 years ago

I have no sympathy, I mean what moron would spend such money on digital clothing…. I just se no benefit in it and hopefully in March they will learn to not be so foolish with their money.

9 years ago

NOW they realize this, wow… just a good 5? years too late.

PS Home must be one of the dumbest waste of resources Sony has ever done…

9 years ago

It always seemed to me like it was some pedophile cruising ground. It just always had some kind of creep factor so I stayed away. Plus all the dumb clothing, dancing, and decorating.

9 years ago

I stayed away from it to, ^like this person said.

9 years ago

is the money i invested into it themes rooms outfits ect ect going to be refunded

what am i saying of course not doesnt seem right

oh well what can you do

9 years ago

Never spent a dime on it, but downloaded freebies… I thought it was an interesting hub for gaming, but it didn't draw me in enough to make me into someone who logged into every day; in all its time, I probably logged into 20 times or so over the few years of its existence. I also never saw value in buying virtual clothes, furniture, et al for an avatar – you weren't buying something tangible, or at the very least, something extra for a video game (DLC) that you were going to keep and use in game. The virtual Pottermore was a cool addition, so it's unfortunate that it will go away with everything else Home, if I'm reading this correctly.

9 years ago

I feel like Sony might better retool it as a platform for Morpheus… If THAT ever actually releases.

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