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How To Vote For One Of Next Month’s Free Plus Games

You wanted more control over the free titles added to the Instant Game Collection every month, and now you've got it.

Sony has implemented the Vote to Play campaign and it kicks off this week. You can help decide one of September's upcoming free games for PlayStation Plus members.

They've posted up the voting details and as you can see, it all starts at 8:30 a.m. PDT on Thursday, August 13. Provided you're a Plus subscriber, you can cast your vote; you can do so via the Store's Plus section, or through the What's New or Notifications sections on your PS4.

The choices for September are Armello , Zombie Vikings , or Grow Home . All three will be new to the PS4 next month and to check out brief intro trailers for each, click the link above. The voting runs through August 24, when it will end at 8:30 a.m. PDT.

Which game gets your vote?